
January 9th, 2010 | 250 Entries

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250 Entries for “system”

  1. The system is screwed. This isn’t what we need. No one needs a system to live. Stupid technology taking over everyone’s lives. live free.

    by Gary on 01.10.2010
  2. yesterday, today, tomorrow.
    We are travllers, and can do somethings

    by wanghai4g on 01.10.2010
  3. There is a system for everything. I have a system to how I eat a bagel. i eat around and around until there is a thin little sun left filled with cream cheese. I have a system for eating ferrero roches. They are delicious. First I eat the chcoloate coating off of the waifer. Then I crack open the

    by system on 01.10.2010
  4. i don’t like the system, it leaves no leeway for creativity, systems are learned they are not organically grown. i love life without system. different if you talk about robots they need the system and so does the computer – boring

    by romana on 01.10.2010
  5. systems are dumb. i think of sound systems. allalalala. i really hate my boyfriends at this moment in time. i have to use the bathroom. everything is controlled by systems. alalalala. omg omg omg omg omg omg. yeah.

    by Rachel on 01.10.2010
  6. equations

    by rachel on 01.10.2010
  7. i hate being apart of the system but at the same time i have no choice. the system is what keeps us all in line – anarchy is not a good situation because then we’d tear each other apart. systems are good for us – they keep us in line, but they only make sense if we keep them up to date. i heard a great quote recently – learnsomething, then unlearn and then relearn.

    by Ari on 01.10.2010
  8. It’s in me. The worst thing I could possibly imagine. It’s happened.

    by f on 01.10.2010
  9. there is nothing in the system that you don;t already possess. IN fact, the system is you. And you are the system. All the power and majesty of your mind is available to manipulate the environment. Or maybe we truly are in the Matrix.

    by ben on 01.10.2010
  10. the corrupt planet we live on. Stuck in the cycle of life. Nothing but destruction, evil and hate. This is our system.

    by on 01.10.2010
  11. System of a Down,
    One of my favourite bands ever.
    I have been listening to them since I was really young and I love them up to this day.

    I wish they would get back together sometime soon so that they can tour Australia again, I would LOVE to see them live.

    They would be amazing. :D


    by Ruth on 01.10.2010
  12. my computer system is not working as good as ide like it to work.

    by vitmainr on 01.10.2010
  13. The system has always been weird. I didn’t understand it then, and I don’t understand it now. Why the hell do we have to be put in different families?? I’m the only one who can really understand her and the one who can keep her calm. The system really sucks and I’m going to tell them that.

    by noppu on 01.10.2010
  14. I neither like nor hate the module bidding system of my school because I never have a desire for a hard-to-win module.

    by KAP on 01.10.2010
  15. program

    by amanda on 01.10.2010
  16. I was caught in the system. There was no escaping it, no avoiding it. No matter how I longed to be free, I realized I would always be a slave to the everyday. It was my burden to carry, and there was no resisting. I felt suffocated by the idea, helpless in a sea of apathy.

    by Alex on 01.10.2010
  17. “don’t get caught” I swear i hear that more times than I should. what is the system? it defers many a dream from my side of the ethnical playing field (allegedly). I enjoy walking outside.

    by Allen on 01.10.2010
  18. A collection of separate parts brought together to preform a singe task or many related tasks

    by Pete on 01.10.2010
  19. There is a system in place on how to gather your lunch from the cafeteria. First, you must put your stuff do

    by on 01.10.2010
  20. I used tu use a system to systematizize myself, not anymore. I changed system.

    by Knudi on 01.10.2010
  21. time to go

    by on 01.10.2010
  22. im kindof jungry…yet i never seem to find any food. what will happen when theres nothing. there is nothing. i just want to dance.

    by mike on 01.10.2010
  23. Ein Computersystem….Microsoft 7 ist das neueste Computersystem. Meine Freunde erz

    by kk on 01.10.2010
  24. there are a lot of systems in place in today’s society. Systems are present in schools, sports, academic clubs, government, business, friendships, relationships, and much more. It’s interesting how systems work and how people operate within the system.

    by J Stacks on 01.10.2010
  25. freak

    by borge on 01.10.2010
  26. fingers flying over keyboards. techy beeps and glowing screens. i sit back and watch them go– they have their system, they have their ways of doing what they do, and i’m just the wallet. pictures and illustrations fly over the monitors and i stop trying to understand what’s going on; i just bask in the cold glow and drum my fingers against my arm.

    by satah on 01.10.2010
  27. structure with infrared laser security. official badges. sunglasses that protected the eyes that saw everything look perfect from such great heights.

    by pie on 01.10.2010
  28. system

    by on 01.10.2010
  29. System. Of control? Of knowledge?

    I once read an article in a dull, dull, science magazine about electronic systems of meterological prediction. It seems odd that in the modern world we still like to pretend that there are ways to predict the future, to know what tomorrow will bring.

    But it’s a belief in fate, for we have no way to know what will come. The threads must be cut!

    by on 01.10.2010
  30. the system is there to make sure we all conform which sounds scary but actually is probably for the best. Without it there would be anarchy and madness so we must just make sure that we have the right system in place.

    by A Weir on 01.10.2010
  31. The system I used to keep myself working more efficient and with faster results is macros application. Whether you need it or not, macros will save you time and repetitive typing over time.

    by Tiffany on 01.10.2010
  32. We all have our systems. Bur do they really work? Should we change them? Should we leave it behind? Maybe

    by mia on 01.10.2010
  33. the one which is unchangeable,unconquerable and is ran by many individuals.
    it is very intact combination of many things.system can be complicated combination of individual elements of society.

    by abhi on 01.10.2010
  34. a series of contraptions that acheive a desired end

    by David S on 01.10.2010
  35. computer, body, balance, network, people, connection, earth, animals, good and bad luck,

    by Annemarie on 01.10.2010
  36. they work when you work them..

    by Kathy Dempsey on 01.10.2010
  37. system is a set of related things connected together to achive a goal , like the information system

    by Anna on 01.10.2010
  38. of control a means to keep people underwraps in order for those with power to retain a form of control which is merely exasabated by there over sense of self worth in cinnection with money

    by nextmuffin on 01.10.2010
  39. a system of things. of what? a system of vital organs allowing our bodies to function. because these bodies are really miracles. we are the most complex system that has ever existed. we can make planes and computers and cars, but we are the most amazing systems of all.

    by delia on 01.10.2010
  40. it well bring you down. but yet it’s what we’ve created for ourselves to keep things intact. i need a system for everyting i do, I would lose my mind if there weren’t systems.

    by henry on 01.10.2010