
July 27th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “support”

  1. “’Sup, Port?”
    “Hey, Marko! Same ol’, same’ol, ya know?”
    “Sure nuff, Porto!” Say, you got that Doc Destructo look on yer mug…”
    “Ah yeah, I’m fixin’ to toss a match on the barn. No moula to restore it.”
    “I gotcha. It’s been in the fam for so long.”
    “Uh huh, Fire Department’s on the way.”
    “Righteous. I’ma get us some dogs and buns….”

    by missalister on 07.28.2023
  2. I could really use the support in almost every aspect of life. The unforgiving weight loss, the ever increasing debts, the juggling of everything and everyone. Support in knowing I am not alone, I do not have to master all things. However support always comes with betrayal, judgement and expectation. Sometimes it is easier to just bite my lip, and take on the demons myself.

    by CatCat on 07.27.2023
  3. The support that he felt he needed was not the support I wanted to give. I wanted to help him to get training, more education and help with some of the health care needs, all of which would help him with his getting new jobs in the future. But he just wanted money, new clothes and alterations to his car so he could impress other people about how rich he appeared.

    by Chanpheng on 07.27.2023