
April 5th, 2011 | 654 Entries

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654 Entries for “strength”

  1. I see strength everywhere. Not just in the bodies of the people i pass by but in their eyes. Every once and awhile i’ll pass by a face that just has the mark of having been through some serious shit and have come out of it in one piece more or less. I always have the urge to ask them their life story because i’m sure it would fascinating and what better way to spend a few minutes or even hours listening about a fascinating story. Sadly I lack the strength that i clearly see in the faces of those few and cannot bring myself to ask a total stranger about their lives. Hopefully one day I will be able to. Maybe on that day someone will see the strength in my eyes and ask me about my life story. Or maybe this whole thought process will occur in their minds just like it has in mine today and it will inspire them to go out and find the strength that is already inside them.

  2. Strength it waking up after the worst day of your life and facing the world with a sweet sunny smile.
    Strength is believing you can do anything your heart desires.

    Katrina Burgoyne
  3. what is real strength? unlike power, the word doesn’t necessarily mean physical one. strength is vital to all living creatures.

  4. i feel strength running through my fibers, the relapse of industry falling on my shoulders, borne in anger, brewed in silence. silent strength and the will to fight. the metal of giants fused within my bones.

    Walter D'Anselmi
  5. I don’t have the strength anymore. No, I can’t stand people.Always taking advantage of me.Thinking I cannot hear them. I hear them though.So loud and clear.There’s two types of people I deal with everyday now. Druggies and suicidal friends.I’m tired of the bullshit. I’m tired of the pain. Of the selfishness. Of the disappointment. And now, I might see my little brother’s life go up in flames.All because he is subjected to this kind of culture.This world where people have gone to shit.I’m going to watch him grow up into someone I won’t like.I barely have the strength to deal with him now.And now he might throw away his life.Right down the drain.And I don’t think I have the strength anymore.

  6. some think strength is the physical ability to move something, lift something, break something… They don’t see past the outer layer. strength, on a different plane, is more. it’s being able to hold up under mental, and emotional stress. And on a molecular level, it’s a beautiful work of art as the body works together, cells, blood, muscle, bone. strength is many things, and to have it is a wonderful quality that not everyone has both sides of.

  7. I wish I had the strength to talk to you. Sometimes I feel like I never will and it kills me to know it may be my fault. I want you but I do not think you notice. I am scared that you never will.

  8. My mother is the strongest person I know..she taught me and my sister to use our strength to our fullest capacity….

  9. He is like a lion. Everyone looks up to him, whether they know him by the same name or one completely different. He is not simply physically strong. That is actually his least feature. No, this being is internally stron.g He is emotionally strong, mentally strong. He is stable. He is like coming home after a long and harried day — he is your rest after the craziness of life.

  10. I feel strong when im climbing, I love how I feel when I pass the crux or get to the top and grab the bar with my fist. I love when I get to the bottom beaming because of the amazing thing I have completed. I love feeling strong and I love to climb.

  11. It’s what you need to pull through everything when shit hits the fan. Even when your down, it’s what gets you back up and running. It’s the fuel to my fire and without it I don’t know how I could live my life the way I do now. It’s what gets me up everyday in the morning to face the bullshit. Strength, it’s what everyone needs in their life.

    Pablo Tavares.
  12. Strength. I wish I had it.

  13. i wish i was stronger in a lot of ways but i think that ive become a lot stronger in the past few years than i ever have been before. out of tragedy comes strength. i feel like the more pain i go through the more strength i will gain. funny.

  14. strength is ones physical ability to lift things up. or it could emotionally mean to deal with bad situations in a mature manner.

  15. I have the strength to be who I am,
    do you have to strength to be who you want to be?
    I know that I do because I work hard everyday
    I’ll continue to do that because thats the way i was taught.
    I love where my life is going and I thank god for that.
    He has given me the strength to push through the tough things,
    and move ahead.

  16. my strength is found through my dancing. it is found through obscurity and insanity and silent moments of resolve. I never said I made sense, that is the beauty of it all. strength is simply the absence of weakness? i object. strength is what happens upon a person who cannot breathe, and yet bargains with their lungs for one more breath.

  17. Strength isn’t all about how much weight you can lift, or how many girls you can attract. It’s about your ability to maintain your life. The strength to get through the hardest, most scariest times. Strength is will.

    Anthony Licata
  18. Strength.

    What is true strength. Often, when I hear people condemning someone for their weaknesses, the accusers are the people I consider “weak.” I think strength is doing what’s right, always. As close to always as possible anyway. Weakness is being silent, doing nothing, and pretending you don’t see.

    Noisy Quiet
  19. Strength is the power to overcome a goal. To let go of the trigger pointing at your own head, to keep working and striving for that manager position, to keep studying for that geometry final, and to smile, no matter how much you think you shouldn’t.

  20. internal
    in love and hate
    passion and indifference
    within the heart and the fist
    there is always…

    Khay M
  21. strength can move mountains, as cliche as it sounds. people gain strength off of one another. ants are strong. people are strong. anyone or anything that wants to be strong, can be.

  22. “i have no strength what so ever.” Kyle said to Kalya when she asked him to pick up the box.
    “O you big wuss, pick it up.” he bent down and couldn’t pick it up. “Wow you really are a big wuss.”
    “Shut up. i’d like to see you pick it up.” She picked it up with ease. Now she had strength.

  23. Strength is something impossible for some. Strength seems like a mythical being, only showing its face in others. I think about being strong, and that makes me feel even weaker. One could say that strength is an ability to see one’s own weaknesses. But that doesn’t make me feel strong at all.

  24. It’s powerful, important. It creates adventures, stories, and heroes. Without strength, we (humans) would be nothing.

  25. ummmm
    body builders are really torng turtles have strong shells most animals have strong teeth

  26. Muscle, we pull and let go to bring forth this know for the role to make a toll to follow the mold these stories now told will fold into action a new way to carry self from negative to passion–rational to irrational distraction, we mappin’, now trespassing, overcoming, singing, whistling–while we work, it was all worth it for it to hurt

  27. I find strength when I wake up early, sip coffee, go for a run and put on a fresh outfit. I have more strength then I know, and I am not as strong as I may think. Strength comes from others energy, and my own character

  28. Strength comes in many forms. One being physical. going to the gym, working out. Another being emotional. After going through hardships, one gathers a lot of strength from surviving. and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

  29. Is something I do not have. Its something that exists only in the courageous. Strength is what I wish to someday be defined by. To have the bravery to stand up for myself and others. Somehow I will find a way to introduce strength into my life.

    Gabi Haldeman
  30. Strength is something I have always had in bushels, in bundles. Strength is something I have kept hidden. In the darkest times. In the darkest most lonely times, I had strength. So I will remain. Strong. No matter what happens. Strength will always be in me. In my heart, my muscles, my bones. Strength.

  31. Strength is a feeling that many do not have. Those who have strength are very fortunate. Those who do not will find life to be more difficult. But some may think they don’t have it, and actually do; those who do will soon discover it and will be glad. Strength isn’t a feeling many don’t have — but strength is a feeling many don’t know.

  32. Strength is learning how to pick yourself up when you fall,
    getting yourself up again instead of crying over spilled milk.
    Strength is standing up for yourself when the odds are against you,
    don’t ever let anyone get you down, they aren’t worth your tears.

    Strength is never saying never, no matter what the situation may be,
    do what you want to do, and don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise.
    Strength is being able to cry in times of pain and sorrow,
    crying doesnt indicate you’re weak, since birth, its been a sign you’re alive.

  33. force in your arms mentally physically it all depends we all have some bit it asks even more strentgh to find our own inner strength ! i you we need it in our eevery day life.

  34. He was pumping iron like nobody’s business, although his fists quickly became everybody’s business. You could see the blue veins coursing down his arms like you would see rivers flowing across the countryside out of an airplane window. He was sometimes respected, other times feared, although usually I can’t tell the difference.

  35. holding yoyur self caring others not falling back just going not bitching cause u can have it how u want it just going with it how it is and accepting it not controlling self holding it down analyzing living

  36. I think that strength is the most important thing to have in life. The strength to continue, the strength to live, the strength to keep moving past those things that are trying to bring you down, and knowing that there will always be a tomorrow, that when things are bad they can only get better, and that when they are worse there is no lower that they can go. It’s so strong to have strength.

  37. Please god give me strength tomorrow as i try to save Fargo with sandbags. we’ll all need a heaping dose to keep up with the National Gard folks (bless their hearts). It’s gonna be tough. But i’m hoping the flood isn’t as bad as they expect. anyways, we’ve seen worse.

  38. in the morning, the birds sing softly as they move about the garden. the sun settles across the lawn. a cool breeze lifts its way up the street. I can feel my strength returning.

  39. He needed the strength to carry on…after what he had just seen. It didn’t seem possible for anyone to pick themselves up, dust off, and continue, proceed with life as if nothing was wrong, as if everything was fine.
    And for a while, it worked.
    Things went on just as they always had before…
    but then…something changed.
    Something snapped.
    And his strength finally failed him.

  40. his strength was his weakness, without it he felt nothing, but with it he felt everything