
March 17th, 2024 | 8 Entries

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8 Entries for “spire”

  1. The chedi around the Wat’s grounds reminded him of the spires on cathedrals. He couldn’t quite absorb how something so far apart as Buddhist and Christianity, would have so many themes and images which were similar.

    by Chanpheng on 03.18.2024
  2. To slay, ever spiralling with layers of crimson darkening as they dry and crust on your implements. Endless hordes at your disposal, all eager to meet your rapture and fulfill a purpose they will never know.

  3. The church spire was burned and blackened. The lightning struck it and many of the town thought that it was a warning to behave themselves. Sheriff Jones just smiled. He knew his little trick would stop those problems with the youngsters.

  4. The spire pricks the sky, one needle spiking the blue, we keep the ways to heaven thin, narrow enough to try to push its way through, is it honest or just another Tower of Babel after we’ve given up on understanding each other?

  5. I once saw a spire, raising high up into the sky. M the only thought in my head, was how to claim that spire, was how to conquer that spire, was how to beat that spire. So I set off, one step at a time, slowly moving up the massive mountain.

    by Nate on 03.18.2024
  6. Alone sits a spire of great stature. It stands tall among the clouds, more solid than obsedian. Far above the rest, it lies alone, countless decades, endless suffering

  7. This is just a stupid word to start off with. I was expecting an idea word or a word to conceptualize over. A NOUN? and a rather obscure one at that. What is a spire?

    by Matt on 03.17.2024
  8. The tall, copper spire with a crucifix on top told Eiise she was in the right place—St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, where Terry had told her last night to meet at 7 o’clock sharp. Problem was, as she entered the sanctuary, no one was inside, not even a clergyman; had Terry gotten caught up and couldn’t make it? Or worse…had he bailed on their deal?