
June 4th, 2010 | 270 Entries

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270 Entries for “spine”

  1. Spineless. Coward. Piece of shit. This is how we refer to those with the capacity to survive. Those who have the desire to survive are “cowardly”. What’s wrong with that?

    by laura on 06.04.2010
  2. The rock teetered, and for a split second she had hope; perhaps it wouldn’t fall at all? Then it slammed against her spine with all the force of an 18-wheeler and she screamed as something gave way.

    by Jasmine on 06.04.2010
  3. the connection for the entire body. The only thing that is and was, and all that matters. S.P.I.N.E

    by Fitali on 06.04.2010
  4. do you have a spine becaeue i have one but have soll yours before.you have spines because i have one.

    by kayla on 06.04.2010
  5. a spine is something on your back and it helps you walk.

    by evana on 06.04.2010
  6. spine is a ding dat is in uor back stand up it is in portin for uor bude in to set o uo wud in for diat is tick for uo in us it is nit uor bo

    by unterteyker on 06.04.2010
  7. the spine is beautiful. i used to cringe when i looked at the form it has, but now i see its beauty. its so unique, simple yet complex at the same time. its a beautiful thing we’re given.

    by Lizzie on 06.04.2010
  8. spine is a ding dat is in uor back stand up it is in portin for uor bude in to set o uo wud in for diat is tick foruo

    by unterteyker on 06.04.2010
  9. will my mom spine alway hurt so i help her

    by zariah on 06.04.2010
  10. I use my spine to pick my backpack up and

    by Nicholas on 06.04.2010
  11. spine is a ding dat is in uor back stand up it is in portin for uor bude in to set o uo wud in fo

    by unterteyker on 06.04.2010
  12. ihave a spine in my back

    by jr on 06.04.2010
  13. do you have a spine becaeue i have one but have soll yours before.

    by kayla on 06.04.2010
  14. spin is the bone in your back eacause they keep there back

    by quan on 06.04.2010
  15. spine is a ding dat is in uor back stand up it is in portin for uor b

    by unterteyker on 06.04.2010
  16. Some people have them, some people don’t. Life can be pretty crazy without one, but if you have one, you tend to get things done, albeit, sometimes irritating people without them.

    by Mark on 06.04.2010
  17. spine is bones in your back that help you move your legs and arms and you can run and walk and spines are really helpful for you to

    by nayeli on 06.04.2010
  18. everybody has a spine in there body.

    by joseph on 06.04.2010
  19. ISPIN

    by unterteyker on 06.04.2010
  20. her spine broke. that sound of the neck snapping or the spine breaking, or crumbling like the twin towers, a person caving in on themselves, falling into their feet

    by toot on 06.04.2010
  21. My spine cracked upwards like the rattle of a snake. It was morning, I was awake, and now I was in pain. Ow.

  22. I have a spine. I use it everday for things such as walking, my central nervous system, and everything else. when I M IN A TIGHT SITUATION, I KNOW THAT MY SPINE WILL SOMETIMES ACTININ PLACE OF MY BRAIN AND PROTECT ME FROM DANGER, IE SUCH AS TOUCHING A HOT STOVE, THE SPINE PULLS MY HAND AWAY BEFORE THE MESSAGE GETS TO THEBRAIN because it would take too long.

    by V. Hongo on 06.04.2010
  23. spine… we all have one, don’t we? a backbone, or what some would call bravery…. I find that sense foolish. Without a spine we would all be a pile of mush… lol… mush… that wouldn’t be a fun life, now would it?


    by Moonseeker on 06.04.2010
  24. Spineless. That’s what you are. Low and cold. The sight of your figure sends curled pictures to my mind; you’re hunched over, picking up the last piece of scrap that was left on the ground of the picnic by the lake. After all, it’s what you deserve. And what I deserve is nothing of importance to you. You’ve made it clear that my necessities, my desires and wants, they are nothing but pointless words on a page. Thoughts floating in the night air with no owner to claim them and turn them to reality. But it’s what you’ve done to yourself. You’ve created your own monster. And when I see you, that is all i’ll forever see.

  25. I have a spine. You have a spine. We all have spines that hold us up. Hold us up hiiiigh, but sometimes our spines let the gravity of the earth pull us down lowwwww. I don’t know whether that is good or not. But we still allow it to happen. Because we are only humans. Made of spines. and bones.

    by Erika on 06.04.2010
  26. youre a coward. you run around behind my back and espect me to be “ok” with everything. my feelings, my trust, my ilfe doesnt matter to you. you have no backbone. goodbye

    by rachel on 06.04.2010
  27. it hurts…I move, it hurts, i sit it hurts. Why didn’t they find the break sooner. 6 yrs of nagging that something was wrong. How did it happen?

    by P Appleby on 06.04.2010
  28. The boy in his arms was so tiny; tiny fingers, tiny toes, tiny eyes, tiny ears… and a tiny spine held it all together. This boy was his, they’d created him. Together.

    by Aphea on 06.04.2010
  29. The spin….its my back. It hold everything together. Mine is messed up though and I wish it didn’t hurt to sit up. What else can I really say about the spine? the spine is important as heart and brain!

    by Rachelle on 06.04.2010
  30. her spine ached with the impact, the hard concrete resting against her nearly fractured skull, as she struggled to stand; to fight, to run. She needed to get out of there. And quick.

    by Aphea on 06.04.2010
  31. I have a spine, but i wonder what it would be like to not have one. I could be like jello mush, seeping in and out of places. Crowded areas would be easy because i could slide like goo everywhere, but i wouldnt finish anything. That would be a problem; I think i will keep my spine.

    by shelbi on 06.04.2010
  32. Cracked into so many pieces and held together by the thinest of strands, this singularity is the beginning and end. From stem, to tail.

    by Danny on 06.04.2010
  33. my doctor told me that my spine was curved.
    curved how?
    was it bending front
    or backwards
    or maybe, maybe i was an alien waiting to sprout wings or some wierd backbone or something.
    So I walked out, no I ran, screaming.

    by Tiffany K on 06.04.2010
  34. The back of my spine is hurting, oh the pain, I wish I could get up and not whine. But my back is hurting and I can not walk. If only I had not fallen, oh the pain! If only that banna wasn’t there! AH!

    by Taylor on 06.04.2010
  35. “You don’t have enough of a spine to do that,” she said to him, malice in her eyes. Maybe Jane was right. Jerry looked at her with dismay, his thoughts scattered by the extreme cruelty from a former lover.

  36. The spine of the book felt good beneath my fingers; the fitted leather rippled under my caress. If only I could feel the same way about another human being that I feel about books, then my life would be complete. Life is hardest when you have no one to love.

    by Faith Rae Cooper on 06.04.2010
  37. I could feel the chills running all the way down my spine. the scream had echoed through the woods and slowly died out. i could feel the man hunting us as we all ran seperate ways. i was wondering who he had gotten to , and who that horrible scream came from.

  38. It broke my spine like the stem of a flour like a giant’s foot crushing a tiny bone like an earthquake hitting hard hitting unavoidable. Hitting me, hurting me. Agony.

  39. Crack! My spine!!! My spine!!! It hurt so bad, the spine of my favorite book, cracked. My heart was broken into pieces

    by Tarrah on 06.04.2010
  40. Every night when I get in bed I have to lay a certain way. I twist my back and am rewarded as the cracking sound fills the bedroom. It’s not just one spot on my spine, its a few, and the sweet release makes me smile before closing my eyes and drifting off.