
September 7th, 2023 | 12 Entries

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12 Entries for “solitude”

  1. I like lying in the shade, watching the butterflies do their work of pollinating the flowers. The air moves lying around the yard, around my hair. I like this solitude, where everything around me just does what’s supposed to do, and doesn’t create any problems for me to have to solve for others.

    by Chanpheng on 09.07.2023
  2. the winter wind was cold, biting. the snowflakes swirled, first soft, then frantic, like her heart, her mind. panic, then calm. panic, then calm. the silence was deafening, when not broken by the wind. she was alone, alone, alone.

  3. a zombie apocalypus ai takes over the world too f

    by lincoln on 09.07.2023
  4. all by myself it is nice and calm. i live for solitude. nothin better than that dont you think. i hope you do

    by Debbie on 09.07.2023
  5. ı know this word. it minds me a lot of think . ı am alone always. actually ı dont have any friends. because ı push them away

    by sinem on 09.07.2023
  6. We all feel alone sometimes, the thing is we need to stop thinking that solitude is a bad thing. Look at the brighter side we get to have some alone time, and feel unique and special. Everyone is different.

    by Roco on 09.07.2023
  7. highways stretch endlessly, markers of time and memory in the vast expanse, amidst the humming tires, one finds a serenity, a place where thoughts crystallize and clarity emerges.

  8. Solitude is something that can be resourceful. Solitude can help you get yourself together mentally, emotionally, and physically. This one thing can be peaceful yet it can also be irritating and make you go insane. Sometime solitude is not a good thing because it can drive you insane

    by Mykyla Hickey on 09.07.2023
  9. In a world bustling with voices, there’s an art to finding silence. Not just the absence of sound, but a deep, encompassing quiet where one can truly hear the rhythm of their soul.

  10. the mountains stood tall, indifferent to man’s presence. he sat, embraced by their vastness, discovering himself in the quiet, surrounded by nature’s stark, honest beauty.

    by mellowtonin on 09.07.2023
  11. Amidst the ceaseless clamor, there was a hushed corner, a pocket of stillness where thoughts danced freely. Within this realm, the mind found space to wander, unfettered by worldly chaos.

    by Jaz on 09.07.2023
  12. Life’s just a series of rooms, isn’t it? Some filled with noise, others echoingly empty. It’s in those silent chambers that the universe whispers its most profound secrets.

    by arlo on 09.07.2023