
May 23rd, 2024 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “silence”

  1. Silence sits heavy in the morning, when your footsteps are all you hear, when you wince at the screech of the chair and the clink of the spoon and the whine of the microwave as you wait anxiously to stop it before the beep, before you can sit down with your cup of tea as you let the steam hit your face and you wait for the world to wake up.

  2. After the travel on the highway, the silence in the cave was welcome. It was so silent that it was almost deafening. She breathed and that was the only sound she heard. Except the sound of a pebble falling far away; then she felt frightened. Someone or something was in the cave too

    by Chanpheng on 05.23.2024