
October 28th, 2009 | 602 Entries

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602 Entries for “shoes”

  1. omg shoes. shoes are what you walk on, and they protect your feet. people get obsessed with them and spend a lot of money on them, but that is crazy. there are shoes that serve a purpose, and there are also shoes that are simply for decoration. good stuff.

    by t3r on 10.29.2009
  2. tennis

    by on 10.29.2009
  3. Altes Leder, das an einer Sohle h

    by js on 10.29.2009
  4. They weren’t the kind of shoes you’d expect a girl like her to go for. Right now, when she looked down, she was wearing a pair of basketball boots that were at least three years old. They probably weren’t even real. Imitation basketball boots.

    by Sarah on 10.29.2009
  5. I love shoes. I love when they make my legs look nice. I love when they make me look cute. I love comfortable shoes when i walk around campus. I love heels when I go out for events and parties. Shoes can make or break an outfit. I love Toms shoes. I want more Toms.

    by Gabriela Gonzalez on 10.29.2009
  6. Love shoes, just bought a pair of new white shoes, but cant seem to get a pair of pants to go with it. but i hate shopping for shoes. its so expensive. my girlfriend have soooo many of it, but she keep saying she doesnt have any to wear. i cant understand! her size is normal, they are easy to find.. but why?

    by on 10.29.2009
  7. i like shoes shoes are good. i wear them on my feet. i wear them in the snow. i wear them in winter, summer spring. shoes are simpley marvolious for everything! XD please excuse spelling errors :P

    by me! on 10.29.2009
  8. i like shoes shoes are good. i wear them on my feet. i wear them in the snow. i wear them in winter, summer spring. shoes are simpley marvolious for everything! XD please excuse spelling errors :P

    by me! on 10.29.2009
  9. shoes are essential pieces to well brought together outfit. They show profesionalism, fashion, personality and coordination. Shoes must always be kept in excellent condition and though they are to use to walk on the ground and protect our feet it is important to keep them clean.

    by on 10.29.2009
  10. Are my shoes too big for you?

    by Ares on 10.29.2009
  11. I don’t know… shoes is a bit of a misnomer for me. I’m not really that big on shoes, as I don’t own that many pairs. I don’t tend to care about what I look like unless it’s really terrible, so I don’t think shoes are all that important. We should all just go barefoot.

    by AnnaMay on 10.29.2009
  12. i always wondered what it would be like to walk in her shoes, see the things she saw, feel the things she felt. but i know i might explode from sheer fear if i did. the things that noone else could ever know. the things that noone else would never want to know. i think i’m happy walking in my own shoes but i’ll always wonder about hers.

    by shireen on 10.29.2009
  13. I wear them frequently. Gone the time when I would spend my days barefoot. I am older now. I have a job. I have responsibilities. Somehow shoes come with responsibilities. Or responsibilities come with shoes. I am not sure. But I think it would be nice to go barefoot more often.

    by Sabine on 10.29.2009
  14. i have to wear shoes in te house so my feet dont get the bed dirty. is that okay?! i just really dont like wearing shoes. i feel awful. i feel sick. i feel bad for myself having typhoid. poo. poo. i dont want typhoid.

    by on 10.29.2009
  15. I hear my feet patter over the floor, my shoes soft against the soles of my feet. I haven’t been to a ballet studio since we’ve moved, but my jazz shoes are just so comfortable – and comforting- that I just have to keep wearing them.

    by Jianne on 10.29.2009
  16. there are many kinds of shoes – formal, sports, leather, black, blue. these are used to protect the soles of ones feet. the roman shoes were very stylish with some strap kind of stuff clinging on to the ankles of the person wearing. those actually were sandals and not shoes.

    by nj on 10.29.2009
  17. i think that i may be amazed by the shoes that I have

    by on 10.29.2009
  18. i love shoes

    by malini on 10.29.2009
  19. I have a pair of shoes that are very comfortable but are worn at the heels. Not only that, but the vibram (TM) soles are worn smooth so that when it rains I slip and slide like an elephant on an icerink… But they are the most comfortable shoes I own.

    by MikeB on 10.29.2009
  20. some would say that the loafers he wore were slightly exaggerated being made of bread

    by on 10.29.2009
  21. one

    by aung on 10.29.2009
  22. I’m wearing two, a pair. They fit like gloves and my feet barely notice them. A far cry from the hard court shoes I used to wear, with no cushioning or stretch. Like placing your feet in plastic cells. So much pain for such a pointless aesthetic choice. They probably didn’t even look that good.

    by Sophie Boyce on 10.29.2009
  23. shoes can make your feet comfortable, or they can make your feet feel like they’re about to lose circulation. like personal relationships. shoes can fit perfectly, or they could be the worst things you’ve ever experienced. i like my shoes comfortable, but then again, i don’t usually throw away the uncomfortable ones either.

    by matt salisbury on 10.29.2009
  24. Red shoes make me feel sexy. Especially when they’re stilettos. But since I have fat feet, I can only wear them at the store. I can’t wear them regularly so I just try them on. Borrowed sexiness. That’s kinda sad. Red shoes give me borrowed sexiness.

    Maybe I should buy red sneakers instead.

    by Toni on 10.29.2009
  25. shoes are what covers your feet, a mask for our walking, kicking, running and playful dangling. Shoes are expressive, worn, tattered and agile. Shoes are more than what we wear; they’re who we are.

    by viva on 10.29.2009
  26. she walked into the room. confident and self assured. the heels, high, sexy. the black leather soft against her calves. the shoes, well, boots really, spoke about her to those already assembled. heads turned. she stopped…. waited….watched…

    by jade on 10.29.2009
  27. shoes are pretty great, they protect your feet and that’s nice. I mean nobody wants to step in glass, but it’s kinda fucked up that we would have to worry about glass being on the ground because people are douches that would even leave glass there.

    by - Brooke on 10.29.2009
  28. i like shoes. actually, no. i don’t like shoes. i really hate shopping for shoes. i can never find shoes that i like. fuck shoes.

    by brandy on 10.29.2009
  29. I love them, I wear them, my favorites have high heels and sparkles. They can be sexy or sweet, dressed up or dressed down. My favorite.

    by Wyndi on 10.28.2009
  30. on your feet. sandals are nice in the summer and boots for in the winter. shoelaces tie them up nicely, and velcrow is best though.

    by Ali on 10.28.2009
  31. I really like shoes even though I can never find any in my size. Not any good ones anyway. I wear a size 5 in women’s and for some reason, most stores sell sizes 6 and up. It’s really not fair. I wish I wore a size 6. Bleh. Oh well…

    by JessiRetro on 10.28.2009
  32. sometimes i walk outside without shoes, sometimes my shoes get wet. I hate wet shoes. The feeling when they slop and smush around. The way the water squeezes out of them. It is all bad. How after your shoes smell. Your socks are wet.

    by Spencer on 10.28.2009
  33. shoes

    by Spencer on 10.28.2009
  34. there are pairs of shoes there. there is no need to know whose shoes there are. Birds lay down on their eggs on it.

    by Roham198 on 10.28.2009
  35. i wear them… they are black with white laces. they are sneaux… not very comfortable. but i like them well enough. Shoes have gotten more expensive in these past days. but quality has suffered greatly. I don’t think that im going to buy shoes over 60$

    by Blake H "Zoolander" on 10.28.2009
  36. laces

    by Barry on 10.28.2009
  37. He was standing in two pools of cool stagnant water. The slope of the street seemed to slide under his feet. His umbrella inverted itself in the wind. “I hate New England rain,” he muttered.

    by on 10.28.2009
  38. red pretty high top love little girl skipping with rubber smearing on hot tar pavement theres no place like home steezy sneakers kick her ass and the boy sprints off into the distance

    by bridgett Eisler on 10.28.2009
  39. I don’t like the stereotype that all girls like shoes, though I think at some times it’s true. For example, we love boots. But because they look good. Guys should never wear sandals. With socks. Please. Please please please and shorts. NO

    by Sammi on 10.28.2009
  40. little toes made small inside the warm hard point, leading the day with clicks and scrapes and scruffs until the last step

    by Smelly on 10.28.2009