
October 25th, 2011 | 387 Entries

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387 Entries for “shepherd”

  1. A person in charge of sheep. Or maybe Jesus.

    by Kailey on 10.25.2011
  2. The shepherd raised his gaze to the horizon, leaning slightly on his staff. His flock were dotted about the land below him. He was stood at the crest of the valley side, guarding.

    by Jordan on 10.25.2011
  3. I walked towards the dream. I thought he was going to kill me but when I began to breath slowly, I notice his hand gracing the wind as if he were an eagle soaring through the autumn light’s warmth, in that moment I knew I was home and all else fell away into a world encased by delusion and forgetfulness.

  4. The shepherd slowly walked through the field, watching his sheep graze and eat the long glass. He soon noticed a small town nestled into the horizon. New hope sprung into his heart as he recognized it as his own town. He had been wandering all alone for the past 3 weeks, and finally, he would get to return home.

    by Heather on 10.25.2011
  5. There once was a shepherd who lived in California. The problem was that he got too hot wearing his normal clothes. To solve this problem, he decided to purchase some brand new summer time clothes from the downtown shop. It was a nice shop, you know, brown walls, cologne everywhere, and smell, well lets not talk about that. There was a lot of different clothing items there. Because of this, he needed money, so he needed a job, he then began a hot dog stand for more money to pay for everything.

    by Liz Stange on 10.25.2011
  6. i pray to the good shepherd
    to guide me and to lead me to the calm waters and the sweet green grass.
    he hears my pleas
    and reaches out to me
    but we are separated my a plate of glass.

    he sees my tears
    but he can’t wipe them away.

    i guess i’ll just keep trying to pray.

  7. fairy. or fairey. makes me think of obey. makes me think of andre the giant. makes me think of brick walls and spray paint, and skateboards. i have a pen in my mouth.

    by Yeah Right on 10.25.2011
  8. How many of you are gonna say, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”? Because that’s the first thing that I thought of. Funny how I’m not even really religious, but that one saying has stuck with me since…well, forever. Probably because it was written on a mug at my grandparent’s house when I was younger. What does that quote even mean? Someone wanna reply with an answer? I’d really love to know different interpretations.

  9. I am a shepherd. My sheep return to me every night. But during the day, I leave them free to wander to wherever they want to go. They always come back; they’re learned this is their home. And I would never leave them, because I love the just the same. They’re here for me and I’m here for them; even though I decide every aspect of their lives, they are the ones defining my life. I love my sheep.

    by asdf on 10.25.2011
  10. The shepherd collects the sheep, says grace and thanks for everything he’s done. Living a wonderful life of bliss and ignorance. Never questioning, only doing.
    The shepherd lives under the sun, yet the light has never shown on him.
    What is better?
    To live the simple but ignorant life of the shepherd?
    Or the aware but doubtful and at time miserable life for the questions they ask?

    I cannot decide.
    Lost, the shepherd does not save me.

    by :) on 10.25.2011
  11. i walk amongst spheres of white fluffers with my discipline dowell. it is simply a task junior-dog and i have taken on, as my father, and is, and theirs, and theirs, had taken (on) throughout the centuries. after all, this was china. this was the way it was done. and this was cotton and wool. (is there a difference, really?). oh yes – the sheep vs. plant difference. i should know that. i do know that. that’s great that i know that. we learn that in shepherd 101. that’s why we know that. and therefore, it is known. by us, and me, and the sheep, but not those plants. those fluffy marhsmallowey plants from whence clothing doth be made. since i can’t wear wool, and don’t eat lamb, this job is feeling irrelevent. i should text someone about that worry. farmers love to text, take it from me, the texting shepherd. when is sixty seconds ending? eternally never? is that the trick here? hmm.. anyway. oh, hi sheep! it’s me, shepherd dude. ok bye.

    by Franz Hitte on 10.25.2011
  12. this reminds me of grey’s anatomy. dr. shepherd. not sure if it’s spelled the same. he’s my dream guy. he’s intelligent, he knows how to treat a girl when he wants to be with her. he doesn’t play mind games. he dreams of a future and forces you to see the good in yourself even if you don’t want to see it. i want a man like him.

    by Alex on 10.25.2011
  13. He shepherds feelings, keeps them in line, makes sure they stay within the limits he sets for them. He makes sure they’re all tended to equally, and that they are all reasonably comfortable. Some say he’s cold or unfeeling, but he’s just good at control, something most of us aren’t.

  14. The shepherd stands watch over his sheep. His love and affection for his animals, personify them to become more than just animals, but tangible creatures. The shepherd stands watch over us all.

  15. La luz entraba solamente por aquél agujero en el techo. Podía ver como motas de suciedad volaban por el aire y cruzaban por el haz de luz para finalmente danzar junto a él. Estaba cansado y exhausto. Traté de imaginarme a que venía este recuerdo pero no lo podía recordar.

  16. by the time he’d submerged himself fully in the cold water, his fingertips were already beginning to numb and tingle. it was okay, though, because he liked it. it made him feel clean and full of straw and sunlight and warm sunny mountain slopes. it made him feel like he was right in his existence. it wasn’t like there was blood on his hands or anything, he told himself.

  17. Just. Like a Shepard. Leading sheep. People follow even though I’m not sure where I’m even going. So why follow the girl who’s so insecure about everything? Good question. And if only I knew the awnser to it. So really. Get your head out of your ass and do something by yourself for once. All due respect, but maybe not, That Girl.

    by Confused on 10.25.2011
  18. he was an investigator by night and a shepherd by day, no one doubting his logic or his opinions and this lead to a personal revolution within himself. Everyone gathered to here the good news and the good words that flowed out of his mouth and into their presence.

    by on 10.25.2011
  19. The Lord is my shepherd. I still am in the process of accepting him. Yes I believe in him, but not in all of his teachings. So he’s my shepherd, and I’m the sheep captain. Makes sense?Doubt it.

  20. Rounding the corner and breathing heavy with every step, the vision in front of her made her gasp. A more unusual shepherd, she’d never seen before! Hand knitted socks falling about her ankles. that’s right, this shepherd was a female

  21. The guider, the leader, the one who must not lead us astray. The shepherd is at once the focal point, the crutch, the glue holding together the society of sheep. We are the sheep, our shepherd lives above, whether metaphorically or literally, depending on what you believe.

    by Gordon Sinsoul on 10.25.2011
  22. Great outdoor job.
    Large company.
    Some travel.
    Ability to work unsupervised required.
    Must be familiar with Lycos.
    Will have personal staff support.

  23. The Shepherd’s Dog. Iron and Wine’s 3rd album? It’s good even though I don’t have it. Definitely need to buy it. They are probably my favorite sleepy folk band there is. So calming and easy to listen to. That’s all.

    by stephen on 10.25.2011
  24. Um. Shepherd. OK. Let’s seeeeee….shepherd. Flock? Fields of gold!! Who’s the Black Sheep?

  25. Aaron was a little bit wobbly. His age had crept up on him. He crept around with his happiness guiding him through the day. And then everything changed. As he was doing his due diligance on the street he lost his mind for a minute. And that’s when he realized he had a gun.

  26. After the third day with my flock I saw a horse with no rider. On it’s saddle I found a shiny black whip and a Colt .45 revolver. I decided to let him run.

  27. A shepherd leads sheep(maybe other cattle I’m not sure) into a fire or some sort of blazing inferno without fear or question. The sheep will follow a shepherd wherever because his name kinda sounds like sheep.

    by Michael on 10.25.2011
  28. Shepherd

    Pa rum pa pum pum…

    Little drummer boy. I’m not sure why I love that song so much.

    I also think of the boy who cried wolf.

    Mostly, though, I think of the whole nativity thing.

    Shepherds… flocks…

    I guess they won’t be needed much when robots take over those jobs.

    by Noisy Quiet on 10.25.2011
  29. a good shepherd. that’s what i wanted to be. of course it wasn’t easy. still struggling. it would be great to become one. so i’m trying to live well, leading myself.

    by kaorita on 10.25.2011
  30. Shepherd, makes me think of the little children bible, which makes me feel excluded. People treat you different when you say you’re the jew girl. I think I rock it though.

    by Siera Rayne on 10.25.2011
  31. One day there was a sheered that lived on a hil. He was always wondering if he would ever find the one for him. Everyday his grandmas question “When will you find yourself a little mami?”

    by Chris on 10.25.2011
  32. He is like a shepherd. He guides you through your ups and downs. He is always there for you. He is your best friend. He is your shepherd to lead you through life. His only worries involves helping you. He is your best friend.

  33. protector of the weak and ignorant, man of household, bearded dude, with cane. pretty sick robe, maybe farms. maybe jewish

  34. The shepherd awoke from his dreary afternoon sleep and went out to the field to herd some sheep. As he went out there, he found a fat man eating an apple and said “hello” to the man. The man was the devil and he had eaten all of the shepherd’s sheep. The apple was his dessert.

    by Justin Minor on 10.25.2011
  35. i am completely uninterested as i have already written for this word.

    by jessie on 10.25.2011
  36. I am a shepherd, i raise sheep for a living. My sheep dog runs them into their pin for me, if they do not listen i run and yell “YEAH YEAH!” They usually go in after that, i love my sheep. Sheep help me sleep. I count sheep at night, they jump over fences. Sheep are amazing, sheep make me cheap. Selling their wool has provided me with money causing me to be greedy and needy.

    by shawna waterfield on 10.25.2011
  37. There was once a shepherd. He was the richest of all the shepherds. This was so because this man, well he had sheep that could breathe fire. These sheep were worth a fortune to many. Firebreathing sheep have been a new trend in the year 2045. Sheep like these were extremely rare and unheard of. This man, he had these shee

    by Hannah on 10.25.2011
  38. i am a shephard and i dont even know what that is, but i heard its good. my name is also michelle, and i have 600 turtle babies that are all beautiful and i love them. i am a rabbit, and my childrens dad is a moose, and that is how our babies are turtles.

    by Michelle on 10.25.2011
  39. The young shepherd boy smiled at the fluffy clouds in his pasture. They were chowing down on the grass lazily. He thought of them as his friends sometimes. Suddenly, something distracted him from the sheep. A grey cloud among the white ones–and it had sharp teeth and a hunger for their blood.

    by Brianna on 10.25.2011
  40. They are just the cutest little puppies. I’ve never seen such a lovely tan, brown, black. They are so beautiful sitting and rolling on the grass of our barn. Surely there is use for a shepherd out here.