
July 11th, 2010 | 262 Entries

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262 Entries for “secure”

  1. I am not secure withing myself. I am constantly afraid that I am going down the wrong path or going to screw up somehow. I am at least secure in my sexuality though.

    by Veronica on 07.11.2010
  2. Be secure. Be secure.

    But how can I? It’s inevitable, this fear I hold inside me…and it keeps growing and growing. Maybe there’s more than fear, but I know that it just won’t leave me.

    I’m really scared…and security is not an option for me.

  3. We dress a certain way. We say certain things. We spend time with particular people. We go to familiar places. We want to be secure.

  4. to be secure is to be safe free to be able to know what will happen next to a certain extent. Security is knowing the future, what will and will not be being able to do what you need to and want to do without being told it is right or wrong having everything want in reach without having to stretch for it. It’s holding on to hope being secure is just knowing.

    by shayna on 07.11.2010
  5. I”m never secure. There’s always something haunting me, hanging around, reminding me how fragile everything is. How every relationship is just a series of sexual endeavors that could shatter at any moment. How every food will be eaten and shit out.

    by rylee on 07.11.2010
  6. Security comes with a peace of mind. It’s like the comforting grasp of your mom’s hand the first time you step into your kindergarten classroom or the safe feeling of a seat at catching your fall when you’re flying high in the air on a swing.

    by Tiffanie on 07.11.2010
  7. Nothing would be resolved until everyone was once more secure beneath the thick cover of night.

  8. tha bank was secure but everyone broke in it was strange i had no idea what was happening i wanted toleave they were trying to take everything …i had tho one thing in my pocket the most valubale of thme all.

    by halpal on 07.11.2010
  9. Water, everywhere. Warm, but not hot to the touch. It blankets me from the cold air. I submerge myself for as long as I can hold my breath. When I emerge, the air seems crisp for a moment, and not bitter.

  10. الأمان هو الشعور الذي يسعى إليه الجميع لكن للأسف دون جدوى لأنهم لم يعرفو كيف يصلوا إليه ، مع وجود الطريقة

    by malek on 07.11.2010
  11. fastened with elastic. the kind of restraints that make you insane. inching forward again and again, only to be slung back to the wall in vain.

  12. I just did this word as a test whe I stumbled upon it from you guessed it, stumbleupon! But i saiod this reminded me of that one movie where the princess has that chastity belt. I dont know the name of it though.

  13. home is what makes me feel secure, but even sometimes here i dont feel secure in myself. i need to find myself and find my world and find my life. right now the only thing secure in my life is my security blanket from childhood, and thats even falling apart.

    by Stephanie on 07.11.2010
  14. After he secured the chest onto the back of the truck, Caleb stepped back and gestured for the driver to go. As he watched the vehicle quickly motor away from him, Caleb took a moment to think about the several close calls he had dealt with on the three week search for the chest,

  15. Secure in my persons, property, and sovereign rights as endowed by the Great Creator, I declare the following establishments to be a threat to my security:

  16. saftey. someone’s arms, love, half-way house. locks, chains. unbreakable. trusty. safe. happy. Feeling like there is nothing in the world that can harm you because you are invincible.

    by Kati on 07.11.2010
  17. Security. It’s what we all want, need, crave. We always think about it, even when we don’t want to. You might not realize it at first. But it’s okay.
    Sometimes we find that special person who makes us feel secure. We feed on that.

    by Celeny on 07.11.2010
  18. “If the rope had been secure I wouldn’t have fallen, we would still have the map, and there would have been no need for you to rescue me!” Her words stung as if she had smacked with the flat of her palm. Of course no woman like he could appreciate being rescued, it was like a bruise to her pride. And for that one little moment as she continued on swearing at me in heavy Spanish I pictured her free falling from the cliff into the curdling waters of the river at the bottom of the gorge.

  19. We shall secure our trust with each other by going through with this journey.

  20. I’ve never known what it has felt like to be securely wrapped in someone’s arms. Many romance novels have spoken about the delights and the warmth of the sensation, but I cannot fathom having to rely upon someone else for comfort.

    by Tammy on 07.11.2010
  21. security was something I longed for. i have always desired security. unfortunately it does not appear to be in my cards. I am alone, lost and afraid.

  22. I am not in a very secure position right now. Not work wise or otherwise and I crave for it everyday. here’s hoping 2010 is kinder to me as well as turning 26 where I keep my promises to myself and secure my life the way I would like to!

    by Smriti George on 07.11.2010
  23. The Roller Coaster attendant went to each cart making sure each belt was fastened and the overhead straps were securely fastened. But he walked right past mine. I thought perhaps he’d just been able to see that mine was set but as the coaster began to make it’s slow climb, I realize how loose it is. And suddenly, my overhead lifts, as though the ride has come to a halt. I scream, begging them to stop because my straps have come free. But we’re too high up. The other passengers start screaming with me, and they all look horrified. The man next to me tells me to lock my legs around his, fast, and to hold onto his overheads with all my might. We all feel like we’re in hell, but as we peek at the tip of the drop point, I look outward at the spirals and spins and my guts began to wrench in complete horror…and nobody could possibly know hell the way I did.

  24. A warm blanket surrounding your body on a cold winter day.

    That friend who’ll stay on the telephone for hours as you cry about your latest heartache.

    The mother who will let snot run down her shirt as you cry for hours.

    by Kelsey on 07.11.2010
  25. I felt secure. In this place i used to call home. but that was long ago. 100 years? mayber more.Ive lost all track of time and all track of where i am.sure i know the names of towns but does that really matter?? I dont think so.
    This is the beginning and possibly the end of my story. As all life is a circle, so will mine. Immortal or not, punished of forsaken, this is my story.

    by Brad on 07.11.2010
  26. secure is when I feel safe.. obvs. But it can be in many different ways. A hug, in my bedroom at home, with my friends. But insecurity with yourself is the worst :(

    by Vicky on 07.11.2010
  27. IT is one of the first things to go as your life in high school ends. Security. I will now have to do everything on my own and that blanket of confort that you never knew a home contained slowly wilts from your conciousness. I thought that I could do anything I ever wanted but that feeling dissapates as I look at the loan requirements and the rest of my miserable adult life.

    by Jenny Lee on 07.11.2010
  28. Being held in his arms was the only place she felt truly secure. Warm and safe, he kissed her forehead and whispered, “I’ll never let you go..”

    by on 07.11.2010
  29. feelings of being supported, surrounded, most of all safe with someone or something you trust more than anything else in the world, being completely and entirely comfortable in your surroundings.

  30. I never thought I could feel like this. In his arms, everything was safe. Secure. How was it possible that one man could take away all my troubles, my past and my strife. If this was heaven, then let me stay.

    by Tori on 07.11.2010
  31. He shut the door, locking it’s many bolts in the process. He moved the knob; it had to be secure. “It’s for your own good! You know you mean the world to me.” he shouted through the door, trying to break through her screams. He had to do this, he thought, as he slid to the floor hugging his knees to his chest.

  32. i fell secure when i am at home. it feels really strange to be somewhere different and i usually get really really sad about it. i enjoy my own space and need a lot of time alone because i like to breathe. but when i go away i always think of home.

    by ana on 07.11.2010
  33. i heard the sirens behind me as i ran.
    i don’t know where i was trying to go, or what i was trying to do, but i know i failed.
    i finally found a safe place to hide. in fact, i tripped over it.
    the cardboard box was just big enough to hide me from the pursuers as they blazed past, sirens screaming, lights flashing.
    i was safe.
    i was secure.

    by lya. on 07.11.2010
  34. IS there anything that is for sure secure?? I don’t think so. We are all meant to be in flux, changing

    by cathy on 07.11.2010
  35. she is safe in your arms. warm, and comforted by the blanket around you both. hiding in a couch cushion tent, you and she are tucked away, hidden from the world around you. no sorrow, no disease, no hurtful words. just you, her, and the soft stuffing spilling out of corduroy wrappings.

    by Cottia on 07.11.2010
  36. Sicherheit lässt sich nicht kaufen. Und selbst wenn du sie kaufst, kann es sein, dass ein unbezahlter Ziegelstein dir auf den Kopf fällt. Oder dass eine Schlange versucht, an deiner Wade zu saugen. Kostenlos.

    by EliEli on 07.11.2010
  37. Safe and secure. But what does “Safe and Secure” even mean? Is there any such thing as security, really? Or is security an illusion. If you feel secure, there is probably something you just don’t know yet.

    by JenJen on 07.11.2010
  38. I thought I was secure. I thought I had a grip. Then he showed up and I lost it. He really knew how to get under my skin.

  39. To be sucure within yourself is a good feeling to have, it means that you like yourself.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 07.11.2010
  40. I’m not a very secure person. I need stability and comfort in my life, and I really, REALLY hate change. I’m the sort of person that holds on until her knuckles turn white whenever she’s on a roller coaster–probably holding the bar in front of me down to stay secure so I don’t fly out of my seat.

    by Haley L. on 07.11.2010