
March 4th, 2015 | 121 Entries

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121 Entries for “sealed”

  1. sealed means that you make something really tight and it is really hard to open it again like when you make something home made and you need it to stay good and you seal it

    by shane on 03.05.2015
  2. Sealed with a kiss! Sealed into a time capsule- sent out into space. music, art, science, history. wonder if food and cooking was included? what is sealed into my mind and heart that I would want the future to be able to review?

    by Kizzie Jones on 03.05.2015
  3. There wasn’t anything he could do now. He was stuck, trapped here on this world, and she was lost to the wind, a whisper left with nothing to say.
    He looked up, squinting into the dim sunlight. He could sense a lack of cheer that distinctly coated the atmosphere; his fate was sealed.

  4. After they got done with there embarrassing situation Mr Matthew sealed the box, were in the old dog bone was and handed it over the counter, and gave it to the man on the other side. James still was not happy about it but he did’int dare say a word because he did’int want to go thou that again!

    by Nathanael Cone WI on 03.05.2015
  5. “Get it open!” she screamed, the panic in her voice filling the room, and me right along with it.

    “I’m trying, I can’t!” I shouted back. “It’s sealed!”

    A small, broken sob escaped her. The dead were closing in around us, fast.

    “Please,” she begged. “Please, I can’t just let them die.”

    by Dali on 03.05.2015
  6. Sealed, I feel like I have this word already but okay let’s go again. I say that this word is how I feel at the moment. I don’t think it’s the worst place to be in your 20’s but it does make me feel insecure. Sealed is a feeling you will leave in your 20’s and never go back to again. It’s an odd thing to

  7. Sealed. Made to be as the sea. Not seaed, because it sounds too much like seed and that’s not what’s happening here. It’s not a becoming into potential, into a tree-that-is-yet-to-be. No. Sealed is to be made infinite, unfathomable in the most literal sense, but bound and knowable, if willing to delve deep enough.

  8. Traped cut off. You never see the light of day. Feels like conviment!! You never feel free or a caged anmal.

    by K.I.T.T on 03.05.2015
  9. As she sealed the envelope she closed her eyes and wondered if she wrote down everything that was on her mind to the one she loved.

  10. We are sealed. A state of inability; to see, to learn, to truly understand. That is prejudice. When you are sealed, there is no way to move forward.

  11. sometimes your lips gets sealed.
    And sometimes I think it’s even better that they gets sealed. Because sometimes you think that it’s better if you’d have not spoken those words.

  12. closed

    by testnk on 03.05.2015
  13. I sealed my car.

    by elyane on 03.05.2015
  14. And thus the sealed bottled of my hopes opened!
    I had always had many ideas in my brain, but the problem was going forward with one or rather picking one. I never realised that how heart could be a big problem.

    This is when he walked in and made me realise the heart goes wherever it wants, but the brain calculates where it wants to.
    For once after being with him long I realised my heart and brain had sealed a deal- they both wanted him.

    by almas on 03.05.2015
  15. She watched him from the doorway, a satisfied smile curling her lips, her eyes twinkling with cruelty.
    He scrubbed his fingernails with shaking hands, his insides twisting and squirming under her scrutiny. The bile in his throat stung, his eyes watered and he swallowed hard. But he couldn’t swallow the guilt he knew would now never leave him. Looking up at her in the mirror, his voice trembled slightly as he whispered, “You… you won’t say a word?”
    She smirked mercilessly, her lipstick the colour of the blood now swirling down the drain. “My lips are sealed, darling.”

  16. I gave her the sealed envelope, hoping she wouldn’t open it. I thought she might but if she did, what could I do? Those words would break her heart and make her hate me forever. Yet, it was too late to change my mind now. Soon, I wouldn’t have a mind to change anyway.

  17. There wasn’t anything he could do now. He was stuck, trapped here on this world, and she was lost to the wind, a whisper left with nothing to say.
    He looked up, squinting into the dim sunlight. He could sense a lack of cheer that distinctly coated the atmosphere; his fate was sealed.

    by The Wanderer on 03.04.2015
  18. i’m hermetically sealed
    stuck away for two months
    about to go stale
    you squashed me up
    packed me
    shoved me in your freezer
    while you did more interesting things
    thought you could forget about me
    while i went off
    a stale scent permeating my insides
    the odd thing is
    i went bad
    but i’m trying to get fresh again.

    by matt m on 03.04.2015
  19. The airlock light switched from red to green, and at that moment their fate was sealed as tightly as the air in their ship. Over the next three months they would make the journey to Mars, sleeping through most of it, and training for the rest. There had not been enough time to prepare for everything before their launch, so they would have to study their new roles in transit, and pick up the practical side from working with the advance colonists once they got there. Commander Morris, the leader of this flight, wanted to tell them the truth about their mission, but his orders were to wait until they had gone too far to turn back.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 03.04.2015
  20. contained. sealed up safely as in a safe or keepsafe box. to close up for future reference.

    by karren house on 03.04.2015
  21. “White Fire” – that’s the lick running through my mind, or at least I’m thinking that’s the one. It’s been a long while since I listened to that whole album. That and the thought I’d looked up “hermetic” the other day. I like to read about philosophy, what can I say.

  22. For some reason when I first saw the word I thought of the animals called seals. Seals are like the dogs of the ocean right? I think I saw that once. But honestly it’s amazing how interconnected all organisms on Earth are, no matter how different we look. Life on Earth is so precious and this sounds so cheesy but humans are really doing a shitty job of respecting their fellow creatures and that pretty depressing.

    by Rawrby on 03.04.2015
  23. To be sealed without having imagination would be terrible but that is where you differ. You feel sealed now because you’re still in college which you will finish but it won’t be long. Sealed is what you will not be in the near to close future. It will be a word that will no longer be in your vocabulary come after you graduate.

    by Christopher Landaverde on 03.04.2015
  24. With shaking hands, Ava reached for the tightly sealed envelope, fighting back the urge to burst into a fit of tears as she tore off the tape, desperately desiring the overcome the dreadful anticipation that seemed to flow through her veins like blood.

    “Ava,” it read in clear cursive, “I never loved you. I’m sorry.”

    by annie on 03.04.2015
  25. Intimidating
    And sealed
    It’s been sitting there for weeks
    I’ve haven’t yet been tempted
    To peek
    I fear it
    This Sealed
    Pretty envelope
    Heavy with news
    Should I burn it?
    Bury it?
    Shred it?
    Or open it?

    by Rebekah on 03.04.2015
  26. as in condom? or slapped by a seal? I don’t know…maybe I should just seal my secrets and not let them out? I don’t know? Lots of questions here. Anyway, this job is sealed.

    by Keifer on 03.04.2015
  27. Don’t you worry! Your secret it’s sealed in my mouth!

  28. The envelope was sealed, oddly enough, with wax. It was as if the sender were trying to reenact some olden days tradition, which of course was annoying to me because I was not exactly interested in holding the letter over a flame and letting the emblem melt. Instead, I tore at it with an old, brass letter opener, and sure enough, the paper itself was wrinkled and stained like parchment.

    by Belinda Roddie on 03.04.2015
  29. She carefully, slowly licked all around the edge of the envelope flap. It was after she had already pressed it shut that she remembered something her mother had told her once about licking envelopes. Or, almost remembered. She was fuzzy on the details: it was either about tongue paper cuts and infections or some kind of insect larvae embedded in the glue. In fact, it might not have been her mother. It might have been Gracey, the elderlyneighbor. It might have been late night TV or just a nightmare.

    All the same, she was filled with nameless dread, brain bubbling with white forms, as she walked to the mailbox.

  30. The door. For years she was keep inside this one room. For years she would be sealed away from the word, divided from humanity by that one door. Always locked, never open. Except today. Today, she was free.

    by Dannielle on 03.04.2015
  31. They crept forward in the dark dank lybrinthesque crypt. Juniper couldn’t help but notice the vile decaying smell mixed with what he thought might be lilies and Kylexie swore she could hear the faint whisper of a young girl singing. While Gaiden and Gage argued weather the banging they heard was from something of metal or wood. they all stopped silent tho when the loud whooshing came and blew with such a fierce force it knocked the long and wispy frame of Juniper back onto the crypts cold insect infested walls. Before she could pull herself up or have Gage come to her rescue as he loved to do; a loud and dooming roar of something huge and definately stone could be heard in the near distance. None needed to go back to be sure. They knew it was the sound of the huge stone door at the crypt entrance. They knew they had just been sealed in Magnotos the ancient sorcerers crypt.

  32. The door closed with a heavy thud. Trapped, the word reverberated in her mind with a certain finality. The solid steel door behind her was the only way in and out of the room she found herself in. Her captors would never let her out, she was too dangerous they would wait for her to weaken from malnutrition or die before making any kind of attempt at entering the cell.

    by on 03.04.2015
  33. The envelope was sealed with a perfect circle of red wax stamped with no crest. It had no return address and nothing on the front but two words: “For whoever.”

  34. Closed. She sealed the envelope with a heavy sigh, feeling already the soon to be felt remorse among her people. What would they think of her; agreeing to such a plan?

    by lucy on 03.04.2015
  35. Letters are sealed. Its words are sealed. Everything is a secret. A dirty little secret which everybody want to know, but nobody have the guts to open it and hear the truth.

    by Autumn on 03.04.2015
  36. the doors are sealed. the building is shut down. i don’t know how much more time is left and i’m not sure i care. i have lived and now i will die. it’s okay. i feel as though i have loved too. i feel that is enough.

    by raychel bahnick on 03.04.2015
  37. the doors are sealed. the building is shut dowm. no one knows how much more time is left and im not sure i care. i have lived and now i will die. it okay. i feel as though i have loved too.

    by raychel bahnick on 03.04.2015
  38. he look at the sealed container and he thought about what his dad would think of what he had become he look at the ashes he thought why do i put myself though this i know i need help but i don’t know to get it from he remembered his friend tried to tell him about Jesus.

    if you are like this person in this story and you need help and you don’t know where to get it from there is one person that will always be open for you his name is Jesus he will never leave you nor forsake you he loves you he will always love you no matter what you have done he died on the cross for your sins he for you he loves you.

    by jaedon on 03.04.2015
  39. I had a can that could not be sealed because of a piece of metal.

    by charles on 03.04.2015
  40. The treasure chest was sealed. The golden treasure inside was covered, never to be seen by the glossy eyes of thieves. And now it was hidden forever. Into the depths of the sea, under the crashing waves forever and always. Never to be found again

    by Jillian on 03.04.2015