
June 6th, 2010 | 223 Entries

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223 Entries for “science”

  1. Science is an invention of Man. God did not invent Science. This does not mean that God and Science cannot coexist, so long as we remember that God was here first, and Science is a product of God’s Creation.

    by James on 06.06.2010
  2. science is about what is around us, what is inside us and what happens to stuff, how is stuff created. it is about how, why we exist. it is about how we are going to do in future. it deals with living beings, atoms and molecules that make up the substances and laws that apply to substance.

    by praveer on 06.06.2010
  3. if i had love down to a science, i could thrive. but i dont. and apparently neither do you.

  4. I hate it. I wasn’t good at it in high school, but for a brief period in my life I was. Curse Newton, Hooke, Planck and the lot.

    by Joy Fan on 06.06.2010
  5. It’s science.
    Thats what I tell myself as I stand at the edge of the cliff, about to follow my heart over the edge. The astronomy stars above, the crunchy geology rocks beneath my toes, the physics acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared that will grind my flesh into the ground below.
    I let my arms swing over the cusp, letting the momentum rock me back and forth on the cusp of death.
    Just science.

    by Catcat on 06.06.2010
  6. The science of the game. The fundamentals. Dribble, pass, shoot. The geometric figures and positions. The actual analytical aspect. It draws me in. A day without it and it’s all i can think about. It’s been a part of my life forever. To hear the ball fall through the bottom of the net is freeing, and to live without the benefits of it’s physical demands is unbearable. It’ll always be my first love.

  7. You stuffed my dolls into mason jars. Poured vinegar on their heads. You said you were preserving them. For science.
    You’re the worst brother ever.

    by milliski on 06.06.2010
  8. shooting stars
    in telescopes
    cannot help us find the cure
    for cancer
    but they can add romance
    to a subject
    made of numbers and statistics
    for all of us unrestrained mystics

    by Allison on 06.06.2010
  9. It’s unrealistic to believe the world comes down to chemistry, really. Your ability to believe this doesn’t even compare with your ability to love, to effect change and to be happy.

    by on 06.06.2010
  10. our chemistry is undeniable,
    our physics is what keeps us going,
    and the universe we lie under;
    thats what makes me feel alive.

  11. Figuring out why, how, when, …for everything

  12. Once I had this really awesome science teacher. He taught us more than the curriculum demanded. This year my science teacher is really shitty because she is such a stickler and doesn’t take any jokes but her own. She has 400 eyes and I don’t understand why some people like her. She’s a witch. Witches are cool. I like witches because you never expect them to be science teachers in disguise. Where was I? Oh yeah, science. Anyway, I love science if it can be taught correctly. I like the atoms and stuff. Atoms are awesome. So are science related subjects. As long as you have someone awesome to teach it to you.

    by Futon Cookie on 06.06.2010
  13. The science of attraction had always been an interesting subject for Gabe, and although the theory was good, he definitely preferred the practical

  14. “God, I love doing science,” he murmured warmly, his voice scratchy from breathing in two weeks’ worth of dust.
    “You’re not doing the science part,” she returned gruffly, stirring a solution. “The only thing you’re allowed to do is set experiments or blow them up. I do the actual science.”

  15. Science vs religion is something that I come to think about often. Should I believe in God or should I believe in science? It’s a question that haunts me.

    by Nicole on 06.06.2010
  16. boring hard stupid no point to it, but ya i like scientist but dont want to be one but there cool

    by alexandra on 06.06.2010
  17. science. tells how entities work through reasoning, logic, and experimentation. the things to be learned from science are insurmountable.

    by mikeyyyy on 06.06.2010
  18. The science of understandng. Do we ever really understand anything? I mean if we did then there would be no need to continue to learn or grow or improve right?

    by Michael on 06.06.2010
  19. Science is good essence of proof for the world we live in. A lot more reliable than many other sources, yet at times can go over the top to proove something that didn’t need explaining. It was an ok subject at school.

    by Liv on 06.06.2010
  20. answers
    but where is there room for faith?
    faith is belief in things unknown
    science is all things known
    questions, questions
    sometimes i don’t want the answers.

    by Janelle on 06.06.2010
  21. Science, a fascinating subject if I may say so.
    It covers all aspects of life, answers problems, and tells us all about the world around us with as many big words as possible.
    But it still cannot answer that one simple question; what is the meaning of life?

  22. science is the study of life……..?

  23. When I was a kid and I was homeschooled, we always did the most fun science experiments like dissecting owl pellets, building our own rockets, and making boats out of cardboard and soap to race.

    by Julianna on 06.06.2010
  24. “Pfft. Science.” Brad was leafing through a textbook. “Ha! Bunson Burner. What a load of crap.”

  25. I hate science. It’s all lab coats and hypotheses and cold, hard lab tables. Who gives a shit if hydrogen has one proton? Science has no feeling, no emotion.

  26. rock hudson found it interresting to be investigated. Soon he was found dead. Well the most important thing was that someone had gotten hold on something then. And on it went. Mrs Hudson didnt believe a word of what the scientist said but it was not fake it was illumination.

    by Heynk on 06.06.2010
  27. the one downfall of humanities existence. while you may be thinking o yourself, what do you mean? science has helped improve our lives 100 times the rate of what would have existed beforehand. well i don’t know about you, but I’m not counting our progression on beakers and test tubes.

    by Ahmed on 06.06.2010
  28. Science is what I studied. Not that i studied a science myself. Instead I studied the history of science, which made me feel somewhat superior to the scientistis and engineers who just studied their own discipline. I had the perspective to see the long-term changes in science and to understand the societal impact of their work.

  29. Your science can’t explain this pain. Your science can explain maybe, your reactions, chemical, physical reactions to his kiss. But your science can’t explain your pain, your emotional pain because of his departure.

    by Rocío on 06.06.2010
  30. oh boy…one thing I hate more than math would be science…it is too scary even to think about all things I don’t understand

    by christine on 06.06.2010
  31. Science is the link between nature and humankind. Without science, knowledge would be limited and our capabilities would not be extended to the fullest. Science is the bas

    by Praneet Kakani on 06.06.2010
  32. science is the evolution of life; the thing that keeps us moving along. from cavemen to space, from miniscule particles to entire universes, science is the heart beating and the butterfly eating

    by e on 06.06.2010
  33. of all the science and logic and facts
    knowing the difference between good and evil
    the difference between right and wrong
    i still look into your eyes riddled with specks of gold and brown
    and i fold

  34. science came into being after our so called theologists couldn’t find another way to dupe people.

    by JP on 06.06.2010
  35. takes the stress out of this madness we call life and places its’ hands into a pool of sanctuary to create a small slice of heaven and relief out of the world in which we call our home and the society in which we call our lives

    by Carlyn Graham on 06.06.2010
  36. basically science means Thinking rationally,logically and clearly. It might be impulsive or it might be a hunch but it has to be backed by some logic and not hearsay

  37. Science was never my best subject, and he understood that. So he went through all the lessons carefully, then he got to genes. Of course, my being stupid caused me to think that he was talking about jeans, and I explained how those work. All he did was laugh and explain the other type of gene. He was the best tutor ever, and God never should have taken him away.

  38. Science is what causes the laws of attraction, and therefore love. Sure, we like to think it’s mystical and beautiful, but is there anything more amazing than the idea that we were meant to be together? Call me back.

    by Ryan Quinn on 06.06.2010
  39. science is the discipline of discovering things about the world. the most important thing about science is how it changes over time – nothing is ever certain. anything we think we know can be disproved. it’s humbling.

    by Adam L. L. Town on 06.06.2010
  40. The science fair was only a week away. With excitement building as was the mold he was growing for his exhibit. He had three pieces of bread and soaked one in water, let one dry and kept one in a zip-lock bag. He wanted to see which one molded first. Awe science.