
October 5th, 2012 | 215 Entries

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215 Entries for “scene”

  1. The scene in which we found ourselves was quite ridiculous. She blamed her for everything they had ever done, but regretted not having done more. She somehow over reacted upon the situation not knowing she had harmed her feelings once more. How could she possibly be saying this?

  2. she made a big scene screaming at her boyfriend in the middle of the store when he told her he was seeing someone else. His words crushed her, his cold heart was unfamiliar. She couldn’t think straight, and completely ignored everyone around. It all suddenly blurred, and she simply went crazy.

    by Potato on 10.06.2012
  3. The scene unfolded. I had accidentally knocked all the scenes off the top shelf, and each and every one unfolded and spilled across my hall carpet, getting covered in cat hair. I picked them, up, and got lost in the corners of the time Michael convinced me to go back his room, the patterns of my Bat Mitzvah, the soft fabric of my childhood home…

    by Sarah on 10.06.2012
  4. i dont know what i was doing at the time but it all seemed right. i dont know what she was doing at the time but it all seemed right. it wasn’t a scene, it was a whole movie to me. no more time left roll credits

    by Sarah on 10.06.2012
  5. The scene from her bedroom window was majestic. Everyday she had a new and beautiful view of the mountains. And everyday the view was different than the day before.

  6. in this scene will be so green, only to admit the things we’ve never seen. I truly think that this is a waste of things so incredibly dreamed. Where are we now? Where have we been? It’s all in time that this comes to an end.

    by jeff on 10.06.2012
  7. A scene of a murder. A scene of a crime. A scene of a fight. A scene of a war. A scene of a destroyed sight. A scene of bloodsheds. A scene of sadness. Lord help for I see nothing but eternal pain. Cure my eyes and help me see the happiness once again.

  8. The scene is white light, blinding the woman as she squints toward her future. This is it? Scene should be composed of detail and highs and lows. Some sort of predicament or profound detail, like a lion on an Asian screen. For her though, only harsh and blinding light without the relief of the dark.

    by C. Luiggi on 10.06.2012
  9. I feel cold dark dirt under my stocking feet. How can dirt be so soft and comforting on a cold failure of a day like this?

    by True Leigh on 10.06.2012
  10. The scene was unlike any other. At first, Thompson thought it was paint. It was laid on thick. And it was still bright, like the fire engines he remembered from his youth. This is blood! he realized.

    by dandan on 10.06.2012
  11. He’s always there in every moment, every second, every scene.

    It’s really a beautiful curse… A curse I want to live with… That recurring scene.

    by Hanan on 10.06.2012
  12. I want to make a scene. Life is about having fun and living it the way you want, and sometimes you want attention. Make a scene. Jump up and down, scream, laugh, cry in public. Sometime the only way to show you’re alive is to make a scene.

    by Scout on 10.06.2012
  13. plays and films and books have scenes. Some kids are scene, these kids are stupid. Scene also reminds my of pretty landscapes. Meep.

    by Sam on 10.06.2012
  14. The black and white images blurred for a second due to the tears accumulating in my eyes. The man still hasn’t arrived back from work and his dog, Sam, is faithfully awaiting his return. Little does Sam know, his companion and best friend is in a higher place, elevated and looking down upon him with sadness in his eyes.

    by Gabriella on 10.06.2012
  15. I gazed outside the window to see the crisp leaves of fall spiralling down from the high trees like a rainbow of earthy colours. They slowly hit the ground without a sound, their life now gone. A scenery so beautiful, a small salty tear trickled down my cheek.

    by Gabriella on 10.06.2012
  16. It’s been an hour and she’s still not here. Should I still wait for her ? I mean it’s not like she’s playing hard to get. Maybe something happened to her. And just as before I’m going to walk away, there are people gathering. It’s like there’s a movie scene there. And then, I hear a shrill scream. And a pang of worry crawls at me. W-what if something bad happened to her? It could be her!

    by Jonas on 10.06.2012
  17. i like scenes, i always cause scenes. awkward ones, peaceful ones, embarrassing ones and ones that you would like to throw up down a toilet. and i also like sceneries and looking at greeneries. i hate blue.

    by teehee pillow on 10.06.2012
  18. He’s causing a scene again. Flirting with the others. Flashing his eyelashes, strutting his stuff. I should have walked the other way but I didn’t. I had to see it for myself.

  19. something really stupid hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhhahahahahahhahahahhahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by talulah on 10.06.2012
  20. There was a scene
    She came upon
    with her book and her pen
    in her hand

    There was blood
    people dead

    She looked at the scene
    with her pen in her hand
    she wrote.

  21. a scene is a thing that is like a thing that you see or something that is part of a movie or a book like you call it a love scene when something romantic happens you call it a love scene and is very romantic or is like something that is happening for example outside for example you see an snake eating a mouse you call that a scene

    by talulah on 10.06.2012
  22. The sum of everything about a situation is what I see as the scene. But not everyone sees the same scene. Every aspect of that image is colored by our memories and biases to produce our own interpretations of the “scene”

    by Mike on 10.06.2012
  23. Picture this. The man walks into the building. Looks around. Then he asks whoever is closest to him, “what place is this?” This really happened. The woman standing there said, with not a little surprise in her voice, “why this is the

  24. “And….Action!”

    No one moved…


    “Perfect! That’s a wrap!””

    by tony on 10.06.2012
  25. get out, and you’re most likely in one. chances are, there will be a camera pointing at you. it’s a fundamental characteristic of this species, that it makes freedom and security mutual exclusive for itself. and yet, with all that effort, we’re neither free nor secure. imagine big brother being an imbecile.

    by washington irving on 10.06.2012
  26. The painting formed among flicks of paint and quick brush stokes. Soon, the seemingly random marks began to take form as a beautiful scene of a palace garden, full of roses, lilacs, and anything else the heart could desire.

  27. As a phrase, mis-en-scene doesn’t really mean anything. It’s basically what a critic would use as a baton to puncture the likes and dislikes of another critic, each being vastly sure that the other is wrong.

    by Emer on 10.06.2012
  28. so i was going to eat some cake, strawberry cake with my friend we were looking for a place and she told me the bakers cafe because she liked the scene there. i told her that it sonded like a plan. we went there and she ran to the counter and got her odrer i was sluggishly lagging behind her to get a sence of whjat she ment

    by fene on 10.06.2012
  29. What an amazing scene. Today, the examination hall for SAT exam is truly unbelievable. Not only there are so many examinees, but also pepople speak putonghua in a ENGLISH exam! even those official examiners! and then i found out the test papers contain contents about china. Hmm, after all, the test is not for educational purposes, it is just a commercial prodcut that fluctuate according to the demands of the customers.

    by ifuknowwhatimean on 10.06.2012
  30. Illogical lighting. Something to tell you about it. Mise-en-scene. But you don’t let me. Why not? What’s the harm? Where’s the fun we had? Now! I want it now! Bad scene, this is. Cut! Anything more you’d like to say? No? Why not?
    What’s the scene? Sigh.

    by Abhineeta on 10.06.2012
  31. and i was on the stage and Bea and Réka were so much better than me. It was more like a struggle to me. All the people was watching me. I was embarrassed. I couldnt make it funny and playful.

    by Alexa on 10.06.2012
  32. A scene is something stupid people cause unnecessarily!
    They have scenes in a play.

  33. I’ve seen a scene in times gone by
    When tropes were nigh, and poets giving.
    I’ve gleaned above’s good winging high
    Serene, with hopeful hope forgiving.

  34. hey all these girls in the world make scenes because they want there boyfriends to get jellous and fight for them and i am all like bitch please you know he could do better and then i was in a scene for drama

    by lauren on 10.06.2012
  35. I see a scene, nothing much, everything’s blurry, and the people are yelling at me! what did I do!? they run up and all start yelling more, my vision starts to come forward, I’m in a movie. I had blacked out and the director and fellow actors are furious with me!

    by Ewan Jones on 10.06.2012
  36. The scene was gruesome at worst and plagiarized from a noir novel at best. Cast in the dim light of a single dusty lamp, the body was bent, limbs locked into unnatural angles, making a fallen angel in the blood pooled about it. He had struggled, but only to move, to stand again, his eyes were still wide with the shock of the blow.

  37. The scene was beautiful indeed. The last time that I went to the Beach in Oistins was dull because of all of the construction that was going on. However I was pleasantly surprised at what was in-store for me as turned he corner and viewed the beach from the hillside.

  38. it is definitely a picture, a nice….maybe a masterpiece or a child’s draft ) it is like the reflection of something natural. even if it is an outstanding view somwhere in the Alps you may feel the reflection as it were kind of unreal substance

    by Mary on 10.06.2012
  39. a scene can be many things, a scene to a play or the scene we see around us which sets everything in motion for how our day may be. It might be raining with a bit of wind so you’ll have to duck into a coffee shop for some peace. Scenes are always changing, and is never quite the way we saw it the day before.

    by Hebah on 10.06.2012
  40. what ever things happening is scene .. it register in the memory very strong if it is interesting or creative ..useful if not it gos out our big gift given by god is forgetting thing .. if not we will be trouble.. now i live to how best it is and how worst its thank you.. for creating the mood to write so much .. this is my first experience .. i feel great about myself… happy day

    by sankar iyer on 10.06.2012