
September 9th, 2023 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “reverie”

  1. This is the day to be quiet and think my thoughts without anyone disturbing me. Then my neighbor comes over, bringing a bottle of soap solution, disturbing my reverie. I thank her, and although I know that she wants to stay and chat, I tell her that I am tired and escort her out the door, making a few funny remarks so that she feels happy then I can return to my thoughts.

    by Chanpheng on 09.09.2023
  2. best word ever
    yes very best mmmh
    i would say reverie all the time
    now actually i can’t recall any moment that i didn’t use reverie in my life
    all the time i spent only to say reverie

    by Serhat on 09.09.2023