
January 1st, 2021 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “reboot”

  1. Reboot. Perfect, 2021 seemed to be ideal for that. While the idea of rebooting was tempting, it seemed like this year wasn’t about that anymore. It was much more than that. It was about rewriting, restructuring. Rebelling.

    by Lli on 01.03.2021
  2. Restart , New life, second chance, New beginning, New hope

    by Kathy on 01.03.2021
  3. Computers, we all have them and they are extremely useful. Once they start to lag and mess up, its time for a reboot. Having basic computer knowledge is helpful during this process, It could possibly help to diagnose an unseen problem.

    by mikal on 01.03.2021
  4. This is when you restart your computer

    by Keri on 01.02.2021
  5. It’s time for a reboot. Let go of all that is weighing you down and reset your outlook. Become free of the mundane and the biases. Creating acceptance and warmth towards yourself and others.

    by ashley on 01.02.2021
  6. rebooot – start over, clean slate. New Year’s is a reboot as is September 1. I love the chance to start fresh. Wipe out all the old, the old that is bad and start fresh. The computer reboot is in my head to – system failure.

    by Leslie Olson on 01.02.2021
  7. Time to change current situations – reset life and starting doing what you enjoy. Living a little more simply and in a structured way which modern day doesn’t always allow us to do, enjoy nature and free things

    by lisa webb on 01.02.2021