
January 30th, 2011 | 395 Entries

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395 Entries for “print”

  1. Print – too many images of standing over my printer as it takes an adolescent decision regarding whether it will produce anything recognisable today. essential, of course, in this computer age. but should come with a health warning!

  2. love
    i just
    but everybody lie
    blah blah blah
    an you?
    take care
    listen and love

    by laura on 01.31.2011
  3. The print on my eyelid said pain. The flash through the windows that engulfed the room printed the moment on my eyelids and brain. But all of this was for a second. Or less. And then I was nothing-ness. Solved. And the damned furnace was a stone cold coal compared to what I had become. Viva las Vegas.

  4. I couldn’t remember the type of dress she wore. I couldn’t remember the color. I couldn’t remember what she said to me that night. But one thing will always stick out. The ferocity of her attitude was brought on by the leopard print.

    by Tori on 01.31.2011
  5. It is weird using what my teacher uses for her programs to help her. we were at class this morning and she went on one word and she got the same word i got now printing.

    by tony on 01.31.2011
  6. i would never print any thing because it is not a nessecity in life therefore if i would like to view a picture i would go on picture viewer.

    by tony on 01.31.2011
  7. thumbprint on the window pane i take a closer look and it’s swirly and complicated and to be honest i don’t know where the swirl began or ended. i look around for the beginning but then i get a little panicked because i cannot find a start or end. it is one continuous swirl, and so i go to the edge of my finger and then to my hand and still, i cannot see an end in sight.

    by Katherine on 01.31.2011
  8. Although the words were in black and white, their effect was that of a hammer working out the metal of my future… “we are pleased to accept your application to the University”…

    by Emil on 01.31.2011
  9. The last time I played this game, I got the word print as well. Under Pressure is a song from the ninteen eighties and it is what I am feeling right now with my brain trying trying trying to squeeze every last creative drop drip drop out of there and onto this keyboard.

    by Carly on 01.31.2011
  10. My printer is always out of black ink when I need it and my cat is always licking my cup when I’m drinking out of it. The winter was not as cold this year as last year, but the people certainly were. Chicago might be nice this time of year. The antidepressants seem to be working, but I’m only two days in and still young and I’ve got everything to prove.

    by Carly on 01.31.2011
  11. we print instead of writing in cursive or use electronic goods such as printers to print things that make us interested or excited or sad or angry. it’s interesting what can be said in print.

    by Mhairi on 01.31.2011
  12. markets thought to strain the word. mark literature from books. Johnson tells us to look for merit, the world just looks for good. read and smile, imagination stands in PRINT.

    by Rebecca on 01.31.2011
  13. they taught us to write in cursive in elementary. yet under every line, it says print. generic, easily read, easily understood, easily seen. its black and white out of a printer, you must select color, as if life doesn’t already come in color naturally.

    by sarah on 01.31.2011
  14. Printing things has always been a fucking pain in the ass for me. I’ve always been able to afford a computer and an effective internet connection, but never a printer. I always feel so far behind when I have to print things. It’s a thorn in my side. Always holdin’ me back, me back.

    by Philip Ethridge on 01.31.2011
  15. The parcel came through the door, dropping heavily on the mat. I knew what it was…. tore open the seals and clicked the kettle on as I headed back to the sofa. Coffee, dogs at my feet, the house to myself, and the chance to open up and hold in my hands an advance of my first book. Black coffee, black dogs, black ink on 140gsm paper. Cool…

  16. typing. newspapers. this reminds me of writing other than cursive. books. i wonder how long it took people to hand write instead of print with technology. it saves me from failing my classes because its easy and fast.

    by megan on 01.31.2011
  17. I’m thinking of fashion. Design. A print for clothes. First that come to mine: flowers. Or that paisely type. I’m sure that’s misspelled. I read once that’s derived from a Persian style or fashion. Next, I’m thinking of a typewriter. Interesting I think of that before a printer? I don’t know… and then newspapers, also! Ahhh running out of time!

    by Leah on 01.31.2011
  18. printing things everything homework homework plans maps i dont know so many things i should print but dont what to do what to do… write a book to print need paper never enough paper. need to print. everything.

    by gabrielle on 01.31.2011
  19. HP, the kind of printer that’s in my room right now. I use it for basically anything I need to print…which is pretty self explanatory. I think printers are our best friends because when we use them it means our paper is over and finished. esp for college students..

    by Brian on 01.31.2011
  20. I remember using potatoes to print when I was little. You cut a spud in half and carve your design into the flat face. Apply paint, and stamp on the paper. Leaves are wonderful to print with, as well. Delicate patterns and strong colours.

    by Asproulla on 01.31.2011
  21. printing press

    by Jennifer on 01.31.2011
  22. Print. Please print. You see it all over the place. Paperwork for just about any official place. They want to be able to read who you are. So please print.

    To print a picture is a unique thing. Take that magical memory and transfer it from the screen to paper to be enjoyed whenever you like.


  23. too write and print a full page of my mind is complicated. Takes forever. I don’t have the patients. One day after something happens I will. Something life changing. Sad or happy it may be. Think Think Think I don’t know what it is i should do

  24. I try to avoid it, eventhough I need to see the letters on paper, hard copy in order to realy check all the mistakes I know are lurking there, hidden by the computer screen. In the end I have to do it,. I have to print!

  25. i hate writing in cursive. i write my best in print. why would they even teach you how to write in cursive. it was pretty much a waste of a whole couple years in school. when do you ever need to write in anything other than regular ‘print’. sometimes you cant even read people’s handwriting when they write in cursive.

    by Ashley Tenney on 01.30.2011
  26. is purple and one world and i i just wrote word and i’m panicking and can’t do this very well. i’m tired but don’t want to go to sleep and i wonder if daniel can hear me and i wonder what this will do when it end. i don’t know what to write

    by Kayla on 01.30.2011
  27. Print writing is neater than cursive. We were taught cursive in 4th grade, but I haven’t used it since. I probably have forgotten how to write some of the letters by now. I think neat printing is much more impressive that beautiful cursive.

    by Ann on 01.30.2011
  28. I print the documents, one by one, watching them spit out onto my desk. A heavy sigh leaves my lips, knowing my fate is sealed once the papers are signed. How did it come to this? Why now? Isn’t there any other options? I know in my heart there is not, and must face what I have started.

  29. John could not believe his eyes. He reread the online article that had come with the last data burst. He stared and sat in silence in his room, in the same position for all of five minutes. Then a huge sharky grin appeared suddenly on his face, his facial expression alit. He suddenly started laughing hysterically, uncontrolled. He clutched his stomach tightly as he continued to laugh. Then he burst out of his chair and run outside, there were some others with identical huge grins. Some more pleases then others, those directly involved and the rest happy for their friends. Atlantis was a tight place everyone knew of everybody. But anyway now DADT was being repelled.

  30. To print is to write something out in a readable format.
    When did they start to change from cursive to printing?
    I enjoy writing in cursive, but I HATE reading it. It looks pretty until you have to follow it.

  31. printing from a computer. printing in color and in black and white. printing handwriting vs cursive. whatever happened to cursive? my signature sucks…curse 3rd grade for all that cursive practice! I just don’t understand it. “a lot can be told by your ability to s

    by kiyt on 01.30.2011
  32. When I met you, I forgot to read the warning signs. I realize now that you always have to read the fine print.

  33. print. i have a printer, well not me, my sister has a printer, sometimes i am scared to print stuff from it. she gets mad sometimes, i dont want to waste her ink. i dont want her to be mad at me. but sometimes, i really have to print stuff. but i try to

    by abigail on 01.30.2011
  34. There is no sound more beautiful than a paper making its way through the printer. To final let the mouse hover over those five beautiful letters after a long night of writing and rewriting and groaning and deleting is one of the most relieving actions a poor student like me could ever partake in.
    I wonder when I will be able to press print on my life’s story.

  35. The print of the bikini was in the exact shade of green that matched her eyes. When she caught his eye, she knew that her eyes was not what attracted him. That loud green print was so scene stealing, so obnoxious, so Emily.

    by Marie on 01.30.2011
  36. I like to print things off the computer. A printer makes things out of nothing onto blankness. I love how creating things onto blankness that everyone understands brings us all a little closer or teaches us all something that we didn’t know before or makes the test a little easier or tells someone something you want them to know. Digital into reality all with the touch of a button and some ink.

    by joanna dahl on 01.30.2011
  37. I don’t know what I’m writing about. I’m supposed to be looking up an article for teaching drama for the annotated bibliography that is due tomorrow morning. But I don’t have a problem with being up all night, it’s a special privilege to be shaky and tired and too bright lights and Amp.

    by Sam on 01.30.2011
  38. It had finally happened. There it was, her words on the page, officially in print for the first time. And for the first time she felt like it was all worth it. The stress, the struggle, the tired days and the sleepless nights, they had all paid off. Who knew if it would be a success, it might be terrible, but it was all hers.

    by on 01.30.2011
  39. These words are nothing but golden. Handwriting–my own. Not in print, like the rest of you soldiers. You’re all destined to be alike, straight lines, perfection, no room to breathe. Let me have my handwriting.

    by Lucia Mueller on 01.30.2011
  40. print is the meaning of life. Without it we would not know anything, it is the essence of art and passion. Print is what can motivate, change and alter peoples lives. I love print…..


    by holdencaulfield on 01.30.2011