
April 22nd, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “phoenix”

  1. Rise, breath of life stirring embers, crackling into feathers and flame, rise from your death, from the What You Were to the You Now, sweeping through smoke into sky

  2. Ashes formed in defeat, whether it be a lack of power or of old age or simply giving up. Time will make the ashes glow, lighting aflame once more until rising from them to start anew.

  3. The Io rover had stopped working after a year of sending messages on the volcanic activity on the moon. The hot magma was comprised of a varity of important elements which were now rare on Earth and governments were planning on sending problems to the moon for mining. The messages stopped and scientists believed that the probe had been destroyed. Until, one day, like the proverbial phoenix, it started to beat its wings again and signal the Earth.

    by Chanpheng on 04.22.2024