
January 12th, 2010 | 325 Entries

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325 Entries for “natural”

  1. Naturally, I’m going to break. It’s unavoidable; the whole human thing. The whole “everyone makesm mistakes, just get over it thing” never came easy to me.

    by Sophie on 01.13.2010
  2. The trees outside, they are supposed to be natural, this I know, but why the fuck do they look like jelly. We have all seen trees blow in the wind, why am I seeing them swallow chipmunks. Good God my eyes a tricking me what is this theivery the LSD has played on my brain.

    by Eli Luke on 01.13.2010
  3. natural. clean. pure. simple. It feels right, like it should be happening.

    by Jaige on 01.13.2010
  4. Nothing created
    By any hand of a man
    There is only life.

    by katie on 01.13.2010
  5. Love comes naturally? Not really. Natural is smiling and sunshine and serenity. Love is none of these. Storm clouds in the distance, not able to be seen. Until it’s too late. Then you’re caught right in the middle of a torrential downpour. And you, without an umbrella.

    by lauryn rose on 01.13.2010
  6. More people should experience nature every day; we are all slaves to pavement, concrete, and skyscrapers. Damn the man!

    by anon on 01.13.2010
  7. Natural as the falling of leaves in the Autumn, I fall into your arms. The warmth of your embrace surrounds me and I know that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Looking forward, I smile at the future. For the first time in my life I’m truly excited. I don’t know where I’m going but I know I’m going there with you. Loving you comes so naturally. I don’t have to think about it. You are perfection and I love you.

    by Sav on 01.13.2010
  8. being natural is something unnatural to many.

    being genuine, real, untouched and unaltered is a rare thing these days. rare.

    being natural is something many try to for hours in front of the mirror to appear to achieve, but in reality are playing themselves for a fool.

    by rachel on 01.13.2010
  9. i bet was going to be the same word again, and i was right.
    man, that’s not natural. you can’t repeat yourself like that. you’re not a recycling machine.
    wait, though, wait. you are. you, and me, and all of us, perhaps. huh. what a fresh thought, isn’t it?

    by misha on 01.13.2010
  10. it’s the same word again. i wasn’t expecting that.
    it’s always the same things, only said in different words.
    my words stumble. it’s rather difficult not to, when you don’t know how to speak. i haven’t learned yet to not to let my words scramble away when you’re looking at me like that. you’re always looking at me like that;
    like you want to hit me, or grab at me, as if
    i was your anchor, or something
    cheesy like that.

    by misha on 01.13.2010
  11. I think that there are a lot of products which call themselves natural. Its all just a bunch of bullshit. Natural means picking a flower from the earth, not the composition of ingredients in a box – which is unnatural in itself.

    by Jussin on 01.13.2010
  12. the time is running out. ha. that’s only natural.
    why do i feel like i can’t avoid spelling it out?
    say it out loud?
    you’re not listening. not anymore. or maybe you never did, i don’t think so, i don’t think so.
    you are running out. not in the sense of running out of this place, no, you’re running out just like time,

    by misha on 01.13.2010
  13. kya chutiyaap hai yaar!!

    by hariom pandey on 01.13.2010
  14. this word means “of the earth”, but everything on the earth is oft hes earth. I think that most people say things are natural when they were not made from something that was made from something that is elemental. The closer something is to its elemental origin the more “natural” it is

    by Rob on 01.13.2010
  15. what is natural in this artificial world. natural is the exception and often disretarded. what is a natural face? usually, it is defined by pimples, a hairy mole, wild eyebrows, spotted skin, and a sallow color

    by maime on 01.13.2010
  16. things you do all the time, things you’re good at, things outside in the world around us, not chemically enhanced, organic, natural foods aren’t always yummy

    by Sherry on 01.13.2010
  17. trees. I se the natural world all around me, But I also see very unnatural things. Like concrete, glass, etc. But these unnatural things are made from natural materials. So in a way, I guess everything around us is natural. tHAT MEANS NOT EVERYTHING IS beautiful.

    by jenny on 01.13.2010
  18. The fox stopped in a clearing and came to a rest on a moss-covered rock. Today was a hot day, as it was now summer in the forest. The insects buzzed purposefully in the air, always busy.

    by Skyler! on 01.13.2010
  19. This
    My inside wants getting out…
    Never I felt like this before…
    Invisional… < thats nothing

    by Lenna on 01.13.2010
  20. Der Baum im Schatten der…

    by Lenna on 01.13.2010
  21. things are exactly how they seem to be. They come and go and dissapoint. they are charishable, friendly and kind. they are rude and angry and emotional and wanting. These things are people. These things are human beings. We can’t change the way we are. We are natural.

    by Sara on 01.13.2010
  22. rtrtrhfddfgfg hfh fgh fgh dfhg

    by df hg on 01.13.2010
  23. Some anagrams of natural:


    by on 01.13.2010
  24. it is not natural that i am a natural human being. people dont like to behave natural. that is just because they are ran away by the people surrounding them. it is a natural process but still u should be considerate enough to make your own decisions without being distracted by others.

    by Abhishek. on 01.13.2010
  25. naturaly votre. quand je pense , I think in English but not even wrightoodelido. wrapping up I slowly

    by louca mee on 01.13.2010
  26. It was natural. He knew she would never admit it, but it was inevitable and therefore natural. It wasn’t a question of trust and its betrayal; it was just a question of things taking their natural course. He would even forgive her – if there was any point in that. Once they had loved each other; possibly she him more than the other way round. She had lived for his company, pining during his absences, constantly texting him to find out when he next planned to grace her with his company. When they were together she curled into him as though she couldn’t burrow deep enough into his love and warmth.

    by Richard on 01.13.2010
  27. beautuiful word with a lot of smal flowers and great splins

    by on 01.13.2010
  28. I was a natural at sports…a natural at romance…a natural at business…and then that gut-wrenching diagnoses brought me to my knees.

    by JA on 01.13.2010
  29. natural is all there is!

    by Klara on 01.13.2010
  30. Nature. Dogs. God. Trees. I hate the environmental movement boo to that. Boo to obama. boo to one new world order. I hate that. I hate those twisted lights. Boo.

    by carlos on 01.13.2010
  31. It was natural for him to bathe in the blood of donkeys – his family had been doing it for years, except for the little misunderstanding with his great-uncle Kractica, who was a vegetarian.

    by oisin on 01.13.2010
  32. Ceded to the Talcainian Empire in 2350 as reparations for the Second Galactic War of Succession, the Mechoid home-word of Cerid Alpha had been rendered completely devoid of organic life during the Great Talcainian Irradiations of 2366. Now a thriving metropolis of robo-positronic life forms, many Ceridians are unnerved at the thought of their planet

    by Caleb on 01.13.2010
  33. It travels alone on an adventure but knows that in the new world no one will recognize it, it’ll take heed and recognize the difference but believes it should stay the same. in a different reality maybe it’s something but now it has extinct its equity and cashed in its differences. Everybody loves her, but nobody appreciates. It’s there, but will it stay?

    by FlipMoDe on 01.13.2010
  34. Being natural is one of the most important things to do. You have to stay true to who you are. Sociery has filled our minds with the ideas that fake beauty is true beauty but it’s not.

    by Emily on 01.13.2010
  35. The trees were swaying softly as the woman walked through the field. She could hear the ocean lapping in the distance. Who knew that this is where she would end up.

    by Sheina on 01.13.2010
  36. The one thing i am natural at is good communitcation. I like to talk to people and study their actions and behavior, i like impressing people.

    by Dave on 01.13.2010
  37. life,breath, hope, happiness, sincerity, joy,

    by on 01.13.2010
  38. It’s only natural to think of the natural ways one could use the word natural. Is it more about nature? or more about al? Who is Al? What does he have to do with nature? I know a guy named Al, he’s pretty awesome, but I don’t think he’s directly tied to nature in anyway.

    by jim on 01.13.2010
  39. Don’t think, just write. Act natural. I can’t stand when people say act natural. If you’re acting, how is it natural?

    My hair used to be natural, that was until I get fed up with having to comb it everyday–then I straightened it, and now I sometimes regret it.

    by cosmiclay on 01.13.2010
  40. I want to go home

    by on 01.13.2010