
April 7th, 2024 | 9 Entries

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9 Entries for “mystery”

  1. There once was a princess who went missing. they have looking for her and they have tried to figure out the mystery of what happened to her. They try to find her to bring her home.

  2. There was once a mystery that no one could solve. it was really hard to figure out what happened to the long-lost princess. they are always trying to find her and bring her back home.

    by Megan on 04.08.2024
  3. “Why do you think she loved you?”
    “That is as a mystery to me as the existence of a God that so loved the world that he sacrificed his only begotten son. I would never be able to understand what she saw in me as what God saw in humans because, you see, we both are dirty, unworthy and utterly incapable of reciprocating the undeserved affection showered on us. So there it is. I don’t know. What I know is she did, and she paid for it with her life.”

  4. The mystery deepens, kids in a boxcar discovering how to live, boys with flashlights and too much time, searching, searching, and finding the answers because their life is solvable.

  5. The mystery of where he disappeared off to every night was finally solved. She went to bed but listened to the movements in the dorm, and when she heard his footsteps, she jumped out of bed to follow him. He climbed the hill to the wildflowers, and found him sitting by the side of the field.

    by Chanpheng on 04.07.2024
  6. It haunts me. I don’t where it came from, nor why it’s here, but I do know that it is hungry. And I’m not sure if i can sustain it any longer.

    by June on 04.07.2024
  7. The thing about a mystery is that it’s just about alure. It draws you in with false promise and taughts you with its secrets. But the true mystery is why do we continue to fall for it? Why are we always drawn to the new, the shiny, the strange? Its the truest mystery of all

    by Dax on 04.07.2024
  8. The look of the creeping floorboards across the house gave her the shivers. She had never liked this place, even as a child full of imagination–no, especially as a child full of imagination. In the corners of her eyes, dustbunnies became whirling vortexes of malicious dirt, every flash in the hallway must’ve been a monstrous eye peeping from around the corner–every part of her body screamed in fear.

  9. A dense fog rolled in through the large wooden doors that had seemingly opened on their own whilst no one was about. It saturated it’s surrounding in obscurity, enveloping them within itself until there was nothing left.