
June 23rd, 2023 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “motivate”

  1. motivate. I’ve seen this one before. It comes and goes, peeps it’s head from around the corner. Sometimes coming when least expected. It’s often welcome, always welcome. Mostly welcome? It appears in different ways to different people. A suggestion, a poke, a prod. An illumination.

  2. every inhale
    is motivation
    to let go
    there are
    a million
    just waiting
    for me
    to believe them
    just me
    and you
    and a

    by Em on 06.23.2023
  3. In the embrace of the absurd, one finds liberation. To pursue fervor in an indifferent cosmos is an act of rebellion, a declaration of existence. It is in the Sisyphean struggle that one carves the verve of their own essence.

    by mellowtonin on 06.23.2023
  4. There’s a fire, that slow burn that fills the void of those numbing nights. She turns ink into dreams, and dreams into maps.

    by Joan Didion's Ghost on 06.23.2023
  5. In the silent chambers of the soul, where thoughts are whispers, there is a river of yearning. Its waters, imbued with the colors of dreams unlived, ripple through time. Within its currents, the seeds of creation await the light of day.

    by JesseZ on 06.23.2023
  6. Got a dream? Chase it. Like a dog after a car it can’t drive. Even the Earth moves. And we, specks of dust, why not swirl with some purpose?

    by arlo on 06.23.2023
  7. Motivate. Cogitate. Percolate. Assimilate. Motivation usurps cogitation. Percolation overcomes assimilation, and least that’s the current notion.