
August 27th, 2010 | 221 Entries

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221 Entries for “moon”

  1. And it is night,
    the air is fresh and warm, brimming with the sound of cicada
    and the smell of desert sand.

    Look the moon is God, you say to me,
    but I have trouble believing you.
    It’s the just drugs talking, I tell you,
    and you have trouble believing me.

  2. The moon only shines it’s brightest when it brings your smile along with it.

    by on 08.27.2010
  3. I love to stand outside and stare at the moon on a cold night. When all have gone to sleep I just take the time to look

    by Tom on 08.27.2010
  4. in the sky at night, so bright and beautiful. when you stare, you cant help but to think who else sees exactly what you see. who feels exactly what you feel. if anyone else is wondering at that exact moment, exactly what your wondering. the moon, and endless thought.

    by Justin Snyda on 08.27.2010
  5. Sailor moon.
    on a boat to moon.
    Domestic violence.
    Domestic hate, washed and dried by a riven
    Yeah, I the moon is pluto show off brother.

    by Adam on 08.27.2010
  6. The moon it hovers in the sky.
    Not touched by them, you or I.
    Can we understand the light?
    From the moon, visible by night.

  7. i love the moon. it reminds me that He is under the same one. fighting for my freedom, he is out there. with the same big moon up there. looking down on both of us from thousands of miles away. I love you. I miss you.

    by Elaine on 08.27.2010
  8. The moon… how can we live without being fascinated by it? It has inspired artists, provoked curiosity among scientists, and we common folk stare at its beauty every night it shows itself.

    by TayTay on 08.27.2010
  9. a yellow happy shape in the sky
    filled with dreams
    and moon pie
    perhaps he
    can hear our dreams

    by shirley on 08.27.2010
  10. beautiful, stars. glowing. pretty. large. sky. man on the moon. happy. smiles. singing. cresent. full moon.

    by Kassi on 08.27.2010
  11. One day I saw the moon. It was the ost gorgeous site I have ever seen in my life. I fell i love instantly. I love to look at the sky and the stars late at night. The end.:)

    by Natalie on 08.27.2010
  12. The moon appeared to our left as the sun was still setting on the right. My grandmother was impressed by this. It made her night. That, and the pair of bald eagles we also saw on the drive to town.

  13. The moon shone like a balloon and floated over the lake as I dived deep. I had lost my only tennis shoes and was damned if I was going to walk home barefoot again. I could hear them laughing on the shore.

    by Logan Scott on 08.27.2010
  14. when people pull down they’re pants and you’re not expecting it. the light in the night.

  15. The moon glowed onto my face and on the path before me, illuminating the way… of course it did. The moon is our friend. We night elves allied it centuries ago, and ever since, it has guided us, empowered us, and protected us.

  16. Its up in the sky and bright. I love how it lights my 3am walks, it changes a city from a dark foreboding place into something less sinister.

  17. The moon has been bright lately. You would think that this was exciting, but in reality its a little painful. You would have thought it makes the nights more beautiful, unrealistic and gorgeous in that aspect. But its painful, and resembles a flashlight pointing into your face. Better to look at between the streets. Or view from your perrifial vision.

    by Mikhaelah on 08.27.2010
  18. I looked down at the lake, the perfect reflection the moon’s light made in it illuminating the landscape around us. Betraying every hidden detail hidden in the grass, the trees and flowers.

  19. As she stared up at the moon, she wondered briefly if it wasn’t perhaps prudent to wake the lord up. After all, he mentioned wanting to investigate Morradin’s disappearance, too. But then she thought about him sick a-bed, and decided to go it alone. Under the blue moon.

  20. i like green eggs and ham

    by jbgytdrd on 08.27.2010
  21. She looked up at the moon and could only think of him. She reached behind her ear where she was forever reminded of sibling love. He was a thousand miles away, but still the person she was closest to.

    by Jess on 08.27.2010
  22. I’ve been intrigued by the moon. I is a subtle guide to the life of my night time.I feel saddened when it is not present and refreshed when it is.

  23. The moon was above us. This was space. This was the universum. How familiar that face in the sky looked. How rare it really was. How could be something so familiar as the night itselves be so weird and uncommon?

    by Alies on 08.27.2010
  24. reflects the sun and only shines when the sun is shining is there as a reminder to us that we are here to reflect God to mankind

    by Sara on 08.27.2010
  25. They were doomed from the very beginning. Hati to chase the moon and Skoll the sun; only ever seeing a glimpse of the other before disappearing behind the mountains. They would be forever separated, forever left wanting, forever being punished for some one else’s crime.

  26. the darkness. light flows through the night. contrast of black and white. stars accentuate the center piece.

    by B on 08.27.2010
  27. He stood there with the pale light shining on his face. Had I known this was the last time I’d see the doctor, I might had told him I loved him. He stood there looking solomn as usual, and told me he’d be back. I could have called after him, but I did not. I thought he’d return. He always had before.

  28. The lights had all gone out, I’d remembered being so scared when the power would go out.
    but the moon lit up my room, and he looked so handsome, and we waltzed there. In the darkness to the sound of music that only played in our own heads.

    by Allison on 08.27.2010
  29. My eyes drooped sleepily under the sky dotted with twinkling stars. I turned my head and whispered to him, “You are my moon.”

  30. the moon is in the sky the moon comes at night moon is white the moon is big and round you can see the moon at night

    by Amahdi on 08.27.2010
  31. unable to hide, a love of my life thus far, maybe forever?? an easier time, although things were mucky everything seemed so black and white, truthful, honest, innocent, inconcieved, yet full…. pale light that shines brighter and stronger than any other, a guidence and reminder everynight still….

  32. love of my life thus far, maybe for my whole life? a guiding light, a rememberance…. a simpler time when things although mucky were black and white…. a love undescribable, full, inconcieved…. true and honest…

  33. does not shine, but is shined at. if it had a personality, it would sure as hell be annoyed by certain stories about sparkling vampires.

    by l winger on 08.27.2010
  34. When it rose last night it was huge and red, like a massive ruby found in the bottom of a steamer truck. She said, “Look.” I tried not to divert my eyes from her face but the moon was insistent I look at it instead.

  35. Dark caves scar the surface. A beacon in the sky guiding me towards a destination unknown. How can I become better? Reflecting only the best parts of something else. The moon sits and stares at the world.

    by Justin on 08.27.2010
  36. I love the moon. It’s white glow feels comforting on my skin as I walk through the night. It watches over me when we take night drives, and to some animals it is the sun.

  37. i saw that the moon was full and stepped outside to get a better view. the lawn was dappled in this subdued light

    by finnsaid on 08.27.2010
  38. The moon was dangling in the sky, ready to fall on us. That’s what it looked like from where I was sitting, anyway. Huddled among the top tree branches, waiting, waiting…

    by Robin on 08.27.2010
  39. Cheese of the sky.
    Let me chew through you luminous orbit and ingest the beauty of your moldy glow until I’m sick.

    by CatClark on 08.27.2010
  40. And sun. Chasing round and round a game of floundering chance. A lost sensation. A blundering conflagration and lovers parted ways and set at odds. The earth a child in between masked from the fury and left unseen.