
August 18th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “momentum”

  1. Oh! What a beautiful word, and so serendipitous for today. Momentum. Positive momentum. This is what I desire to create in my life. Positive, optimistic thinking and feeling that begins to gradually build. Bit by bit it grows size and speed until suddenly, and seemingly magically, my life is a

    by Julie on 08.19.2023
  2. Speed fast forward motion flow grow dont stumble strong fierce water laps swin grief sadnedd love hurt broken heart don’t look back rear view mirror learn love fast constant motion constant movement

    by Kim on 08.18.2023
  3. The speed was faster than he usually traveled. But he was late and couldn’t slow down or he would miss seeing her. He had just met her and was sure she would leave the restaurant if he didn’t come on time. But a cat crossed the road in front of him and he slammed on the brakes; the motorcycle flew one way across the road and the momentum carried him, flying, into a tree. He heard the people talking and the sound of an ambulance and thought, she will never wait for him now.