
June 21st, 2023 | 9 Entries

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9 Entries for “meta”

  1. Thinking about what you think, the clack of the keys as I type, the gold splatter on black from painting earlier and getting a little too close to my reference photo. Spirals on spirals, analyzing every breath.

  2. I am aware OF my consciousness, and I am aware that I AM my consciousness. But if that is so, then how can it be that I can observe I in order to have that awareness? Who is outside myself watching myself?

    by Solar Flare on 06.21.2023
  3. Beyond the world, beyond life, beyond reality, above, transcending, welcome to the Meta. Metaphysics, metaethics, and the metamorphosis of metallic creatures from the Metaverse with metal glowing orbs where their eyes should be, metabolizing flesh with metaphorical metatarsals.

    by Solar Flare on 06.21.2023
  4. The wine flowed, as did the pseudo-intellectualism. The room felt as though it were folding into itself. This many layers of pretension surely bend the fabric of spacetime.

  5. throwing a rhyme about throwing a rhyme. Inception with beats. The block jumps, as the verse jumps, over itself.

    by human_esque on 06.21.2023
  6. They weren’t real, but they were. He drank his whiskey, neat. Maybe someone would write about him writing.

    by mellowtonin on 06.21.2023
  7. i was you
    you were me
    it was the
    deft maneuvers
    between us
    that made
    left to a
    silent and
    that once
    defined us

    by Em on 06.21.2023
  8. In the hallways of the mind, reflections are layered upon reflections. Threads of consciousness cascade like brooks over smooth pebbles, ushering along shadows of echoes. Light refracts; a prismatic cascade of internal musing, within which one floats.

    by Jaz on 06.21.2023
  9. Stories about stories, with characters knowing they’re characters. They start making decisions about making decisions. It’s like Russian nesting dolls made of human absurdity, dear reader. Don’t get lost!

    by arlo on 06.21.2023