
March 12th, 2024 | 9 Entries

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9 Entries for “lion”

  1. The lion paced in his cage. This was no dumb lion. He had been in a cage for years and had been able through practice to speak almost like a human. It was a low, rumbling voice, but he could talk.

  2. The lion sleeps, flat on a sunny rock. The lionesses lick the cubs, fur sticking up every way like the grass they run through chasing the gazelles, bodies long and lean. Then as they step aside, bodies heaving, tongues-out panting, with the kill-blood still dripping from their mouth, as the maned king shakes himself from slumber, yawns, stretches himself over to enjoy their hard work. They tuck their cubs behind them as he strolls by.

  3. It had started small. From hearing the toy lion she had as a kid crack a joke and make her laugh to whispering at night with shadows only she saw. Emily could see herself going down the path the witch-doctor had foresaw. She didn’t want this life, the othered life. It was only a matter of time before her parents noticed, and sent her away to the Dibia. It was that thought that prompted her next decision.

  4. Greater than the rest, my pride starts and ends with me.
    My conquest will not be questioned,
    There are no ifs, just when
    whenever i wish.

  5. The stuffed lion’s head looked out over the parlor. She told him to finished his meal or else the lion would jumped down and bite him. He slowly spooned the food into his mouth, feeling a stomach ache coming on, while the lion stared at him.

    by Chanpheng on 03.12.2024
  6. The lion’s roar we know on the television is not actually a lion’s roar. I heard that somewhere once. Though I don’t actually know how a lion sounds – isn’t it interesting how easily we may be deceived as people? Yet a select few may dive a little deeper than the rest of us and hopefully uncover the truth for those who wish to turn their heads and listen.

    by Alistair on 03.12.2024
  7. the lion ran straigt at the cheetah. he knew cheetahs were fast, but he needed to break that streryotype. What could he lose? his parents and brother were gone, and the other lions hated him. Thinking about this made him ran faster. he was determined. While giraffes could reach high things, and alligators had sharp teeth, lions were known as kings of the jungle. but he didn’t live in the jungle.
    he was goning to win this race.

    by Amie on 03.12.2024
  8. Lions are awesome they have big fluffy manes, a loud big roar and can shout at the top of their lungs. they are leaders and like to be in charge, are aggressive and are strong. They do not take nof

    by kris on 03.12.2024
  9. Lion is that yellow predator that belongs to feline family and inhabits most of Africa, it used to be found in other regions of the world like the middle east and even in Europe but due to human activities their numbers decreased greatly subsequently leading to thier extinction, though lions are considred by humans

    by antonio on 03.12.2024