
June 26th, 2010 | 125 Entries

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125 Entries for “liar”

  1. i can’t even begin to tell you how bad it feels. even though you might assure me that you are most definitely not a liar. best friend. lover. any kind of companion… wouldn’t do what you’ve done to me.

    by alex on 06.27.2010
  2. Pants on fire. I never understood that. It always seemed strange to me. Maybe it’s something you just tell kids so that they don’t do it or something. Like cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. Although I seriously doubt a child even knows what arthritis is.

    by on 06.27.2010
  3. what a liar. i say that alot about my new boss. don’t believe a word he says. he hides behind religion and i don’t believe a word of it. he is unbelievable, an intentional asshole. i hope he gets fired.

  4. She chanted, “liar, liar pants on fire!” But it’s not true. It’s the truth that burns.

  5. today i was talking to a very beutiful woman. she seemed awesome but every thing she said was a lie. i wish she had been telling the truth

    by Matt on 06.27.2010
  6. liars are bad they suck they never tell the truth. they are not trused no one likes them the prob steal they prob cheat they never win they will get caught

    by Matt on 06.27.2010
  7. This word is a lie. But I can see underneath it. Underneath is a web browser at the site One word is a lie.

    by on 06.27.2010
  8. She called him a liar. Said he didn’t love her enough to die for her. He was surprised. Why would I lie to you, if I would die for you, I wouldn’t lie about that.

  9. I guess it’s a paradox to say you’re not a liar. Everyone lies. I would hate to live in a world where we didn’t. The problem we have isn’t with lying, but it’s with people who are bad at lying. Really, they should teach it in schools! Lying is polite. Lying is correct.

  10. She stood facing the door, her mouth open in shock. There was no way that just happened, it just simply wasn’t possible. Could it all have been a lie?

  11. I came to ask you never to lie to me again. But I don’t know why I I bothered, as liars will be liars.

  12. Whenever his lips move I know he is lying. He lies because that’s what liars do. It doesn’t mean I feel compelled ever to believe…

  13. Filthy liar he thinks we believe his words but the falseness is blatant and unforgiving. His shallowness and deeper emptiness is filled with meaningless, false words.

    by Ballerstatus on 06.27.2010
  14. amongst the truth you plant your seed of evil. you’re a liar on the thrown of a queen. your heart it bleeds and it bleeds. but your body shows no sign of abuse.

  15. someone who doesn’t think about the future in order to take the easy way out in the moment. people i have known. someone i have been.

    by not available on 06.27.2010
  16. pants on fire! Telephone wire! Liar.. a boss, no real friends ever were though.

  17. Poets. Painters. Writers. Artists. Photographers. Journalists. Storytellers. Liars all. Thank God for them, they are the only people who know how to tell the truth.

  18. He lied. He lied through his teeth. Lied about where he was, where he was going, who he was with. He lied because he was a bastard. He lied because he loved her.

    by Peter on 06.27.2010
  19. Lots of people thinks that lying is the best way to get you out of trouble. On the other hand, lying can also get you in to troubles. Thus, I believe that lying is not the best solution, unless it is really necessary or was done in order to protect yourselves.

    by lala on 06.27.2010
  20. he was a lier, he cheated. he told me he loves me, but he also told that lie to 3 otherrr girls. i hope i can be forgivin from the past. im sorry

  21. a few weeks ago i had a great friend, i kept all his secrets…
    soon he lost my trust after spreading my only important secret..
    why? i have no idea.. =(
    He’s a LIAR…
    and now i love him…

    by Nad on 06.27.2010
  22. Liar. She threw the accusation at him in most arguments, but what he didn’t understand was that she was certain that the lying to himself about intentions, motivations and the damage of his childhood was the basis for this label making truth in his understanding of his own actions unreachable.

  23. She ran around town with all the boys, who’s love they couldn’t deny her. And her youngest sister would just sit and admire her.

    I just called her a filthy little liar.

    by Bre on 06.27.2010
  24. You lie. I try to post stuff on your website, all I can get is this word. you keep emailing me crap, i cant login!!!!! Please help me.

    by Ella on 06.27.2010
  25. The only thing that parents to better than loving their children is lying to them.

    by on 06.27.2010
  26. liar liar dirty liar
    you piece of scum, lower than low

    why did I lie?
    I never meant to hurt anyone

    by Ken Rayadon on 06.27.2010
  27. Lies everything he ever said to her.
    “I Love You….” he said once but now they are all just lies.
    The man she loves and the woman that was suppose to be her friend betrayed her and lied to her.
    “He Loves You…” she told her once but now those words seem like pure lies.
    She should not have believed in both of them so much because now they were telling her lies.

    by on 06.27.2010
  28. My family has liars, my friends lie, my teachers lie, my poiliticains lie, I lie. Everybody is a LIAR. So true.

    by Ella on 06.27.2010
  29. Behind that smiling face, you can see the wheels turning. Behind that charming smile, venom awaits to poison you. Behind her bright eyes glints the cunning wit of a liar.

  30. Once upon a time, a new species was born. First they called it a Human, then they called it a liar.

    by Jackie T. on 06.27.2010
  31. You, my dear friend, are not a liar, are you? You have told those little fibs which may be expected of people around your age, but you would never have told that particular lie? No not to me.

  32. I am one, have been for years, and see this trait being passed down to my son, in whom it now seems a sign of intelligence, but I worry for the future. He is four.

    by sam on 06.27.2010
  33. i am one. most convincing to myself. also to others. very pathetic and scary habits formed. convince myself so well. build another world that is not my own. live in it. unhappily.

    by Faye on 06.27.2010
  34. liar liar twist and turns have got you caught. just like that taunt that kids all know. will every child forever know that rhyme? it’s strange how things like that are shared.

  35. What do you mean she’s dead? I just saw you talking to her five minutes ago!

    I’m telling you, she’s dead.

    Wait, no, I see her right there. SHe’s standing right behind you.

    No she’s not.

    Yes she is.

    Well this sucked.

  36. There is something in this world that is more powerful than love, and that thing is lying.

  37. You stupid, horrible useless man. I wish I could lie to you like you lied to me. I’m too busy lying to myself to care anymore. This is it. This is all there is. You know it father.

    by Mel on 06.27.2010
  38. Lying is all subjective. One may call another a liar because they simply omitted parts of their story. Others straight up avoid the truth.

    by Millie on 06.27.2010
  39. as i stepped into the living he was there; the man who i slept with, loved, and trusted. now he dares to come back to me and ask me for help? hell no. he lied to me; he broke the bond of our love with someone else. i suppose i’m not good enough.

    by yuki k on 06.27.2010
  40. I’m a liar. Everybody lies. I don’t have the intention, of lying, but sometimes I’m hurting more people by telling the truth. Liars are beautiful people. They are the stuff of fiction.

    by Tiffany on 06.27.2010