
June 17th, 2010 | 360 Entries

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360 Entries for “leap”

  1. I leap into the water and feel its freezing waves surround me. Each bone in my bone seems to shiver from the inside out. My heart beats

    by alyson on 06.17.2010
  2. I galliantly leaped across the room to reach my destination only to be foiled by evil Cassidy’s plan to keep me from attaining my glorious victory of obtaining the amazing sword known as Excalibur. I didn’t know what I’d do from that point on for it was my destiny to obtain that sword, so I reached across the desk table in my French room, retrieved my shuriken and hurled it toward the wall on the opposite end of the room-which solved absolutely nothing, for I threw it in simple frustration-causing it to make a thundering crash, sending a chunk of the wall spiraling to its doom while an eruption of white sheetrock followed.

    by Amber on 06.17.2010
  3. People call taking a big step, one that would change a lot in their life, taking a leap. I guess that’s what I’m doing when I go to boarding school next year.

    by Loruu on 06.17.2010
  4. I watch you sometimes. Walk. Laugh. Listen.
    I look at you sometimes. Walk. Leap. Cry.
    I want you all of the time. Why won’t you look at me?
    I swear you’d love me if you knew me.

    by Annelise Friedman on 06.17.2010
  5. leap means jump. I now want to leap. Too bad I can’t type faster… Reminds me of leap frog. I liked that game. Who reads this anyways?

    by Michael the great on 06.17.2010
  6. I’m am running in the course of life I am going as fast as I can and never stopping I can be free if I am me never falling in apathy. What is now will never more be. I can know that you are waiting for the day.

    by andre on 06.17.2010
  7. sometimes it hurts to do that then you think you are ok and find out you are still falling. when you finally stop you wonder if you should have done it and wonder if you will do it again even with the hurt you feel!

    by Cat on 06.17.2010
  8. Leap off a cliff
    of luck,
    An Irish cliff
    at the edge of the world,
    rainbow shining in the
    and the sea crashes
    against ancient rocks.

  9. I saw him and I instantly knew. I took a leap of faith in love and walked straight up to that quirky but handsome guy in the book store. The rest is history.

    by Rickie on 06.17.2010
  10. i am leaping ahead through time. Nothing crosses my mind just a leap a jump a hop and a skip. Soon the past is behind and the future waits, one of a kind.

  11. Leap into the air-
    feel your despair
    evaporate from your skin
    feeling you with such sin,
    the sensation of lust,
    oh, it’s a must,
    never stopping,
    hearts beating.

    by Devon on 06.17.2010
  12. The frog made a giant leap from the pond to the branch. A leaf shook and fell.

    by Thoughtsofashy on 06.17.2010
  13. Anne once told me you leapt like a gazelle, only minus the grace. That’s fine with me; you don’t need to have grace to be beautiful. I think that I would very much like to see you leap like a clumsy gazelle.

    by Tomato on 06.17.2010
  14. leap. I like to leap when I’m happy. Or when I’m playing leap frog <__< I also like to leap when I see my friends when they get home from work. my heart also leaps into my throat when I think about the love I have for someone who will probably never return it…

    by Amanda on 06.17.2010
  15. He lept. He didn’t wait, didn’t allow himself time to think. He just did it. Cold, icy air streamed past him, whipped at his face and pulled viciously at his clothes. But he loved it. Loved every last minute of it.

  16. I leaped off the cliff of a high tower and soared amongst the clouds with my luminous angel wings. I can finally taste freedom. Hoozah!!

    by Rebecca Vessal on 06.17.2010
  17. Leaping to get the ball…I struggle to win the first point. I know that this match could make or break my career as a tennis player. I have one more chance to get this victory or i’m done.

    by Ellyn on 06.17.2010
  18. leap is a word meaning to jump. it is an american word. an example of the word leap in a sentence is “i had to leap out of the window in order to save myself from the burning house.” a leap year is once every four years when February has 29 days, as opposed to 28 days. You leap out of a window when you want to commit suicide.

    by Joe on 06.17.2010
  19. Leap out into the open ocean, greeted by icy water feel the sun all over your skin get sandy get happy feel amazing

    by Sui Marquez on 06.17.2010
  20. She leaped from my arms and in to the plane, as if some sort of gazelle had taken her legs, and carried her away, a painful sunset on this painful day in the middle of summer, not a hint of green left in the Colorado grass. She was about to be gone, away from me, away from home, away from everything. I was alone.

    by Erin Bottner on 06.17.2010
  21. What would it be like to leap from a cloud? To soar through the sky on the wind’s current. What would it be like to have wings, to fly with the birds. To be free. What it be like…to leap?

  22. i was on the top of my Jeep wrangler, and i was surrounded by a pack of ferocious wolves. I had quite the dilemma, as i feared the option of jumping

    by james on 06.17.2010
  23. frog leap over the boat in e river.

    by jack on 06.17.2010
  24. leap unto the sky unbounded. become something new. something bold. something daring. i swim i sing i dance around. no one sees me leap except when i am bound. do i cry? no. do i sleep? no. i am only me. the leap i leapt today was the last leap i aim to see.

    by Jonathon on 06.17.2010
  25. Faith is a powerful thing. Sometimes the only thing.

    by Eleonore on 06.17.2010
  26. leap is a weird word, i dont really know what it means, i thing is like dropping off somehing, or falling, or something thaat falls, or fails, it may also be something like dropping, like drops

    by Nancy on 06.17.2010
  27. Today, I took a leap of faith. The kind of leap that people only dream of. I finally gave up on the man who had broken my heart all the time ago… I gave up on him and was moving on to someone who would finally love me in the way I had only dreamed.

  28. leap from a building when you wanna feel like fyling. leap for joy if your happy. Take a chance> take a leap of faith? leap into the arms of an angelllllllllllllllllll

    by Vanessa on 06.17.2010
  29. Joyful frogs croaking on their lillypads sing to me each night before I sleep. They are my lullaby. They sing me into a deep and dreamless sleep. In the city I am an insomniac, because my reptillian friends are not with me.

    by Gabrielle on 06.17.2010
  30. Today was the day that I leaped across the ocean. I didn’t think about it, I just walked over to the waters edge, dreamed of flying, and leaped! I jumped clear across all the blue water. And it felt magical.

    by Nikki on 06.17.2010
  31. And then he took a leap of faith and faced the truth. He was not ready for what he learned. But it opened his eyes to new horizons.

    by pablo cue on 06.17.2010
  32. Leaping is a scary thing because usually it means some kind of mental jump into the unknown, or something that is permanent and life changing. It’s also the same thing a frog does on a daily basis. It makes you wonder sometimes.

    by Megan on 06.17.2010
  33. and she closed her eyes, at the edge of the cliff. her red lips shone, the lipstick popped against her pale skin, her face, starkly white. she leapt without another thought, and she dreamed of the falling. it was only landing that hurt the most, only when Icarus hit the waves did he feel remorse.

    by claire on 06.17.2010
  34. leap into all the things you believe in. Put yourself into it no matter what other people think and you will discover things you never would of expected

    by Francesca on 06.17.2010
  35. i love to run in the grass and feel free and alive. in the summer i put on my favorite dress and pretend im running through a field of sunflowers. I love to feel alive!

    by Brittany on 06.17.2010
  36. Opening his eyes, he didn’t think, just put his foot forward onto the wooden dock, then the other – faster, running, bounding, the water’s almost a breath away – three, two, one: leap!

  37. anuência destino o amor a paixão se trata de um num sei o-quê

  38. leaping with joy, she swept through her thoughts and finally gathered them together. they were here. theyw ere here and they were leaping. they lept. she lept with joy. finally. leaping into fields and leaping out of discomfort.

    by Megan Bryant on 06.17.2010
  39. a jump. a blind move forward. into the unknown. can you make it? will you take it? do you have the courage to try? or will you just turn around and die. stand up and leap like the leader within you. training for this all your life. now’s the time

    by Justin on 06.17.2010
  40. as i leap from building to building a feel a great sensation of freedom. the wind through my hair, the smell of the world. the only thing that could make this better is if my leap didn’t end with fate.

    by Will Smith on 06.17.2010