
April 17th, 2023 | 11 Entries

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11 Entries for “leadership”

  1. “You want to know what power is, boy? Authority? How many people can you get to do what they don’t want to? Persuasion, force, don’t matter. If everyone was going to do it anyway, there’s really no point in you.”

  2. It is both a burden and a privilege, a mantle of responsibility that weighs heavily upon the shoulders of those who wear it. It is the razor’s edge that separates greatness from failure, the fine line that divides triumph from tragedy.

  3. Leadership is a crucial thing. It’s something that a lot of people wants but fails to do very well. It’s a critical work. It’s not luxury. it’s a privilege and a huge responsibility at the same time.

    by roma on 04.17.2023
  4. firm as a rock, weathering storms untamed. Compassion entwined with wisdom’s stalwart resolve, like fire unquenched. A lighthouse screaming through turbulent tides, guiding the lost, bridging fates wide. A heart that seeks, nurtures, and abides, in her embrace

    by amrak ecilop on 04.17.2023
  5. being a voice for the voiceless is what makes a leader, journalists uncovering corruption and abuse of power. Bravery and commitment to the truth inspires others to speak out and demand change.

  6. Mr. J wasn’t just a coach, but a leader who had a way of bringing out the best in us. His lesson stayed with me long after high school, helping me to find the strength and resilience to face life’s challenges head-on.

  7. Leadership, a tangled web of expectations and obligations. It is the weight of the world on the shoulders of the few, the ones who dare to take the reins and chart a course through the darkness. It is the voice that whispers in the night, calling us to rise above our fears and doubts. But leadership is also a prison, a cage of our own making.

  8. like the rudder of a ship, guiding us through the rough waters of life. The wind in our sails, propelling us forward towards our destination. It is the sun that shines down upon us, illuminating our path and warming our souls. sadly many leaders are a-holes.

    by wanda on 04.17.2023
  9. A true leader is like a gardener, tending to the soil, planting seeds of hope and possibility, and nurturing them until they bloom into something beautiful. In the end, leadership is not about being in charge; it’s about serving others and helping them become the best versions of themselves.

    by KS on 04.17.2023
  10. Ms. Nicastro was more than a teacher to me; she was a leader who inspired me to be my best self. She challenged us to explore our passions, think critically, and look beyond the surface of a text. Her individualized guidance and support helped me become more confident and capable, both in and out of the classroom. Her influence extends far beyond high school, and I am a better person for having had her as a teacher.

  11. Every time I’ve had to fire someone—which is only twice—it really messed with my head. I really liked both people a lot, they just weren’t cutting it and I waited as long as humanly possible to do it and gave them both many chances to get it together. Years later both of them thanked me, so it was all good in the long run. But it’s definitely one of the worst parts about being a leader. Not to say I’m a good leader, things just turned out that way.