
February 29th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “lagoon”

  1. the sun
    on the
    bluest lagoon
    i’ve seen.
    you’re on
    the other side.
    we swim to meet
    between salt water
    and wide doey eyes,
    your heart glows
    from yellow rays
    i’ll sing you songs
    of ice.

    by mfgm on 03.01.2024
  2. The blue water flows and sits here. The octopus hides under rocks, occasionally slinking an arm out. The sea anemones bob, little jelly blobs that reach and eat and sting.

  3. The walk to the lagoon went through thick forests. The jungle was thick and dark, even though it was full day light outside. The cries of birds and the creaking of the trees were the only sounds.

    by Chanpheng on 02.29.2024