
April 19th, 2023 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “kindness”

  1. As the autumn sun dipped below the horizon, casting a symphony of colors upon the quiet park, Anatoly stumbled upon an unexpected act of kindness that would forever alter the course of his melancholy existence. A stranger, whose features were softened by the forgiving twilight, handed him a single rose, its petals a delicate shade of ivory, as if plucked from the dreams of an innocent child.

  2. It’s hard to be kind. I bought this homeless guy lunch awhile ago and he was very gracious and grateful. Then a few months later he started knocking on my door at all hours of the day/night. I ended up finally telling him to stay the f*ck away from my house and haven’t seen him since. It’s not the first time being kind has backfired on me. An even bigger challenge is being kind to yourself, but that’s a longer story.