
October 9th, 2011 | 434 Entries

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434 Entries for “iron”

  1. there once was a man with an iron arm, which grew heaver after a violent storm. his men lay shipwreck while he sinks into the depths,

  2. Jensen slowly groped around the bed of the van with his hands until his hands fell onto a thin iron bar. When he pulled on it slightly, he could tell that it was a tire iron of some sorts. He rolled slightly to his side to mask his intentions and tightened his grip on the bar. As he was about to pull it up, the van stopped abruptly and he heard the door slide open.

    “Jensen!” cried the voice.

  3. Strong and cold, distant and inviolate, iron holds and commands. I’m reminded of the First of the Search from the Thomas Covenant series: she was iron incarnate when she needed to be, but as Gossamer as her true name when she didn’t.

  4. Iron. I run. I run every morning but use my iron vehicle to get there. I, Ron, am in harry potter. Iron developed modern civilization. Iron.

    by Jordan Williams on 10.09.2011
  5. iron

    by karla on 10.09.2011
  6. Iron Mike. Everyone knows him, or at least knew about him. He was a tough character, but a crazy one at that. He committed rape with a woman he supposedly loved. His own wife. He lost it all. Then he got a little bit back. What a career. People probably wonder what the hell happened to Iron Mike. Who knows? I heard he’s doing a reality show now.

  7. The taste of rusty iron filled my mouth. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, of course. The repeated hits had started from long before the marriage and it took this long to realize I had to stop enduring this, once and for all.

    by SJP on 10.09.2011
  8. Iron is good for your body, people take iron pills. Cassandra on Nerdzrl takes iron pills. Iron is a metal on the periodic table of elements. Its symbol is Fe. I don’t remember what its charge and stuff is but it has two. I don’t remember what’s that called either. Something to do with multi?

    by Kayla on 10.09.2011
  9. I am not writing about Iron again. So I’m just going to type random stuff. Like the alphabet that’s cool. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Wow I made it and I’m going to run out of time. OH NO .. wow im going to die 3 2 1 Boom :P

  10. Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe and the atomic number is 26.

  11. iron is n awsome word. it could mean iron man. Ya know Fe means iron on the periodic tale, male means man, female=iron man. yay irony. hehehe, irony.

  12. my blood spilled like hellish waterfalls, cascading down my plain dull white shirt, it was vibrant and beautiful, like an abstract painting.
    The air smelt, a bitter smell, a wonderful smell, like iron.
    Iron like the blade within my body, iron like the look in that man’s eyes, so cold and hard.
    I was iron, he was iron, everything…. was iron.

    by Jenna Condie on 10.09.2011
  13. i toil in and out all day, iron is how i make my pay
    sweat and burns don’t hinder my way a blacksmith’s life it is today.
    and while i work and toil today, its a sword that this iron’s beatings shall convey.

  14. ion is in diets it in our food. I on’t really knw if its the iron that you use for metal. I think it’s supposed to be the human diet but im not a scientist, so i can’t tell. some people compare their muscles to iron, but if its something that we eat, that I can’t really tell that it means their strong.

    by Sofia on 10.09.2011
  15. Iron? Again? I just had this prompt. I am beginning to wonder if this is even real. Maybe it’s just the tester. I already wrote one but apparently this is what keeps coming up. I feel like if you read this like a rap to a smooth jazz song it could sound really cool. That what I was doing in the car today. Just speaking to myself. That makes me sound really really creepy. My sister was supposed to wake up like 10 minutes ago but she hit her alarm. What a crazy. Oh, anyways, Iron. I Stand Here Ironing – Tillie Olsen. Read.

    by Robin on 10.09.2011
  16. Iron is the steel. Steel of the human core. Not only needed in the blood, but also needed in the soul. It is a word used to describe courage in people.

    by Tamador on 10.09.2011
  17. Iron

    Something I rarely do.

    Also a pill I was never able to find. At least not an effective one. Any time I had low iron, no supplements would do. Only red meat. Which would make me sad.

    I’ve decided, within the past year or so, that it might not be iron alone that I get from meat. I think the reason meat, and nothing else, can fix my body’s wonkiness at times is not because of the iron, but possibly because of the hormones that cows are injected with. Hormones that I also cannot take in supplement form.

    I figure it’s kind of like those monkeys that chew food and then spit it up so their young can eat it? It’s kind of like that. I can’t take iron or hormone supplements directly. I need a COW to take them, and then I need to eat the cow.

    There’s gratitude for ya.

    by Noisy Quiet on 10.09.2011
  18. man clothes hot hard movie woman housework children hands

    by Jelena on 10.09.2011
  19. the wrinkles in her shirt all seemed to fold in on themselves, collapsing into one point and drawing her attention until she couldn’t seem to think anymore. “i’ve got to start ironing” she thought, brushing a piece of lint off her pant leg. she crossed her legs and settled into the chair in the waiting room, hoping for her name to be called.

    by lainie on 10.09.2011
  20. raw material for steel. an essential mineral for the human body. can be a descriptive for one’s stamina or will.

    by RonRon on 10.09.2011
  21. He plunged the iron into the heart of the beast. This was the only way to vanquish the terrible monster. The hero stepped back; then knelt on the ground. A black hairy hand, the size of a dumpster lid, wrapped its gnarled fingers around the hero’s neck and squeezed. Iron protruded from the hero shortly after.

  22. Iron is a hard metal. It can be used for many purposes; making steel, weapons, boats, cars, everything. It has made man’s life much much better. Iron is an easy topic to write about. Yeeeaaa. Is this it? Is this how its supposed to go? THere’s south park playing in the background. Cartman is funny.

    by Petar Buha on 10.09.2011
  23. I remember the last time it was important to really iron shirts that made a difference and that was in my early marriage when my husband needed

    by Linda Baie on 10.09.2011
  24. iron is very important nutritionally. its definconcy causes amemia. it is found in peanut butter too! cool. and in red beans very much. and iron is Fe periodic table. plus it is an important component of all green vegetables.

    by yara on 10.09.2011
  25. Man in the iron mask…ironically i’m watching it now. How hilarious..what a small world. A man…hidden away from the world because of his identity to the king! Brothers! yet only one may rule. one evil, the other kind Everyone hides behind the iron mask, one that is so difficult to get rid of

    by KK on 10.09.2011
  26. i want to iron my close please please boooooooooo what can i do tell me what i can to do

    by alyssa on 10.09.2011
  27. He had an iron grip. Lena struggled to free herself from the firm grasp. She glared at her captor with a look that could have turned a person to ice by simply looking at it. She looked really mad. And she was too. She struggled to free herself, but the boy simply tightened his grip on her arm, causing her entire body to tense up and for shivers to go up her spine.

  28. there was a little iron who was so lonely and sad… but then one day the clothes love it forever and ever. But the iron was so loved and so crowdy that never was alone… and didn’t have any privacy so she started to feel lonely and sad again. So she commited suicide and finally, she was happy forever and ever.

    by nariel on 10.09.2011
  29. When I think of iron I think of vitamins or clean cut clothes.

    But with deeper thought, I’d like to imagine iron as a word that resembles formidable strength.

  30. lol fe… My friends and I often say “fe” to mean fair enough…it started as chatspeak and slowly trickled into ordinary conversation. Once, my best friend and I tried to make it a thing to say “iron” instead, because we are nerds, but naturally, it didnt really catch on. He lives in a different state now, and I miss him so much.

  31. Makes me think of a nice piece of outboard gear. Iron from driving an API pre hard is soooo goddamn good. I absolutely love iron from 1176’s and Distressors as well. Need to get some more hardware comps in my rig, hopefully starting with a stereo DBX pair. I have a sick obsession I’m pretty sure.

  32. Iron smells like nothing else. It makes me feel afraid and safe at the same time. It has a nagging ring to it…like some Southern lady with a lisp.

    by Kem Kemp on 10.09.2011
  33. rough clothes wrinkles and wrappings
    wanting to be flat..but still wanting bouncing. How is it an iron can flatten character? stop, pinching start pouffing. Wanting more than the flat and spartan.
    Then, primped and plumped..

    by Sharon Harriott on 10.09.2011
  34. The lack of iron in my blood has proven baffling to the doctors and scientists to say the least. It is a deficiency that I am honestly having trouble overcoming. As it is, they have me on a short leash. I either come in twice a day for fresh infusions, or I’ll go into a sort of coma. It’s more of a crippling weakness, an unwillingness to move from my comfortable bed.

    by Raymond Masters on 10.09.2011
  35. iron age, reminds me of strength and stealth and modernity. it also makes me think of a flattening iron for my hair which i use quite often since my hair is so curly and unruly. i also have an iron deficiency which makes me feel quite dizzy, especially during that time of the month. i had to take iron supplements but they made me sick to my stomach so i’ve stopped, and now i’m still deficient in iron. so the iron age…yeah

    by Hinna on 10.09.2011
  36. metal, wine. hard. iron and maiden. element. rust. construction. industry. heavy duty.

    by Liliya Sotirova on 10.09.2011
  37. My mum hates ironing – it’s the bane of her life. Every Sunday she gets out the ironing board and manages to get through a pile half te height of my ten year old sister in front of Strictly Come Dancing or The X Factor. I don’t know how she does it honestly.

    by Katie on 10.09.2011
  38. The iron fell, a split second after I moved my hand. “Lucky me,” I growled, more out of frustration than out of shock. My luck was typically bad. A narrow miss with a hot iron was nothing.

    by CatCat on 10.09.2011
  39. The solid ideas imbedded in my mind, like a nail in wood. The fierce force we humans like to hold, and control. The metal workings, convincing machinery and off set screws.

    by Emily on 10.09.2011
  40. iron is in our blood. it gives us strength, and the power to achieve greatness. a simple element. A strong willed life.

    by Brian on 10.09.2011