
November 13th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “hymn”

  1. The organist’s final note lingered and they all bowed their heads in prayer. I looked to my left where a woman sputtered quietly, having been moved to tears. I felt nothing.

  2. Settling into the pew I thought about how the hymns were the only thing to make church bearable. It felt good to sing, and to sing with a group. The rest of the time was far more productively spent with imaginings of all kinds.

  3. The singing of the hymn calmed her down. She sat back in the pew and let the music, of all the people singing around her, enter her soul and helped her to think of bigger things. But it ended too soon and she had to return to the noisy, messy life of her house.

    by Chanpheng on 11.13.2023