
July 4th, 2008 | 83 Entries

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83 Entries for “holiday”

  1. I wish I can go on another holiday. My last holiday was with my lovely wife in Knysna, South Africa. Oh boy, that brings back some fond memories.

    Anyway, I gues it is time to start planning.

    by Lorenzo on 07.05.2008
  2. It had been sixteen years since they’d gone on holiday together – the last, she remembered, found them sharing a room together and giggling about their bodies. Now they would be sharing a room again, but without the giggling this time.

    by Kate Charlton on 07.05.2008
  3. a time to come together
    a time to have fun
    a time to share
    making memories

    by Esmeralda on 07.05.2008
  4. The holiday wasn’t a holiday at all.

    In fact, when asked how it went, I just smile and nod. It was okay, I say, but in reality it was a soulcrunching grind that I just have to endure every year.

    by gingergrrl on 07.05.2008
  5. fun times, friends, drinking, ice cream, shorts, swimming, travel, airplanes, trains, hostels, hotels, beach, timeshare, sun, sand, shopping, interesting, museums, monuments, foregin, languages,

    by claire on 07.05.2008
  6. the holiday was brought on
    by the bug
    it looked pretty
    but you were fooled
    led you to a vacation resort
    that resorts to violence
    and bangs your head,
    so you take an aspirin
    but tylenol would do better

    by Jenealia on 07.05.2008
  7. holidays are times that people celebrate something that happened past

    by brad on 07.05.2008
  8. I’m going on holiday, holiday to the beach.
    I’m going on holiday, it’s as far as i reach

    by stephen t. on 07.05.2008
  9. Even though they didn’t say it out loud, their faces spoke loudly enough. They didn’t approve and they didn’t think she should go through with this. But it was far too late now. Her eyes were wide, her hair wet with sweat, and she was all alone in this room. She was having Holiday. She would be a good mother. And she was never speaking to her family again.

    by Jim Reverend on 07.05.2008
  10. You were supposed to go on holiday. You were supposed to live your long, full and beautiful life. It’s the holidays, and you should be here with us, enjoying them. But instead you’re gone. You were taken away, and suddenly the holiday doesn’t seem so festive. Nothing is the same without you. I’m so sorry.

    by Sarah on 07.05.2008
  11. Never been so happy, at least not while surrounded by corny holiday crap. But somehow, this year, it all seems to glow a little brighter and the wrapping papers all have a cheerful sort of crumple to them. Time to go back to work. I know this because I dreamed of my boss last night.

    by Blake Riley on 07.05.2008
  12. sun suncream arguments cocktails hot migraines pervy men pools swimming self conscious hard concrete floors hard matresses bread rolls tips sun stroke boredom homesick burnt skin reading too much sister family summer bikini

    by tia on 07.05.2008
  13. Holidays, a time meant for happiness, though in reailty an excuse for religious nuts to preach overkill while everyone magically becomes poor for a few months at a time before regaining it right before the next season rolls around.

    by Miranda on 07.05.2008
  14. Holidays were always a time for me to go see Grandma, it was the only time I got to see her all year and it was usually the only real “family time” I ever had. Holidays were always good. I miss the holidays, today is a holiday.

    by Gus on 07.05.2008
  15. I’ve recently met some foreigners. I spent the last month in Hawaii and was fortunate enough to meet a Swiss German fellow named Sandro. I began hanging out with him and his friends which was strange because I had to completely change the way I talk so they could understand. Not everything translated the same. Such as holiday. “Are you here on holiday?”
    Me: “You mean vacation?”
    Him: “It’s the same, no?”
    Me: “Not really.”

    But nothing was better than the way he said “special.” Everything was special. Not weird. Special. “That man he dress very special.”

    by Melissa Monte on 07.05.2008
  16. Holiday.

    The trick is to live every day as if it were one…

    a good holiday…

    not one of those ones with all of that negative emotional baggage attached to it.

    by Allie on 07.05.2008
  17. i just went on a holiday.
    it was good. I mean it could’ve been better.
    It was just good to get away, y’know?
    Plane food is disgusting.
    Thats the one thing I hate about holidays.

    by maddz on 07.05.2008
  18. A holiday is an escape, it is a way of hiding a way from the world, and not caring about anything esle that happens. It’s getting on a plane, boat, car, or bus and just flying away, leaving all of your worries behind, and now to look back aon the people that you leave behind for that short time in your life. Holdidays are the thing that keeps people together.

    by Joe on 07.05.2008
  19. She tossed the last bag into the back of the truck and jumped into the drivers seat whistling for Sam as she did so. Sam can running from around the corner and jumped up over her lap into her seat – head out the window – tongue hanging happily from the side of her mouth.

    by Morgan on 07.05.2008
  20. It was hot and something gloomy hung in the air. I saw him, lying like a tired wolf in the frontyard. He seemed to want peace and quiet.
    It was very hot and I looked at the house, the young man almost asleep in the sun and my old sneakers.
    It was holiday and something was going to happen, I could tell.

    by Bellatrix on 07.05.2008
  21. Mann, holidays… They’re kinds stupid.
    People shouldn’t live like that, looking forward to something so trivial. Especially when people take them to seriously. Its quite…vain.

    Its also a pain.

    by Mark... on 07.05.2008
  22. holiday in paris would be a lovely thing. all the lights, the fashion, the loveliness, the romance. but how romantic is a place if you’re constantly breathing in secondhand smoke? probably not terribly. perhaps someplace pristine would be more romantic. sweden pherhaps for the aurora borealis?

    by mish on 07.05.2008
  23. holidays are days that u get time and a half while working. which means u can get more stuff. and its worth it because they usually arent that much fun anyway. sometimes ull spend time with friedns and family and only half the time is it fun

    by lain on 07.05.2008
  24. madonna.madonna.madonna.madonna.madonna.madonna.

    remember when neon was cool?
    we used to have dance parties in the basement for birthdays.
    and people wore spandex.

    oh hey.

    by fdot (embarrassingly) on 07.04.2008
  25. christmas and the red red bells clashing- snow on the good years. yelling families disappointment- crying hating hating. wanting to love it- such an intense season do I like it? the stress

    by sarah on 07.04.2008
  26. coming so soon thinking i will be too hot thinking it will be fun thinking it will be all i dream of think my only thought ….him ! thinking whats it going to be like seeing someone i dont kno

    by helen on 07.04.2008
  27. Oh. I would like a holiday this winter, as we missed last year and that was terrible. Winter was long and hard and I didn’t get to rest at all and I miss the time I get to spend with my husband during those trips. We love our holiday together. Not that there’s anything wrong with the kids or anything, but it’s just not the same.

    by Julie on 07.04.2008
  28. today is a holiday and also the day my dad was born it’s the 4th of july and always mixed with sadness when i see the sparklers going off and i think about his birthday cake that we always put sparklers on…wow…it always freaks me out alittle so even tho i love fireworks, the big ones…i stay inside now with the animals and cover their ears. feels like my dad would appreciate me doing this. his little birthday president

    by elly on 07.04.2008
  29. Holidays.
    I hate that you are obliged to pretend to
    be happy and enthusiastic about these things.
    I actually wrote an English paper about this.
    I think there should be a holiday
    where we can be as pessimistic and natural
    as we want without getting fired
    and/or in trouble.
    Today is 4th of July.
    Oh well.
    I’m going to sleep.

    by alekx on 07.04.2008
  30. holidays are great. i usually go relaxing on a family vacation and bond mostly with my sister, who’s 9 years younger than me. I try not to come into too much contact with my parents, because there’s usually some sort of conflict that ends up happening, kind of like home.

    by Cici on 07.04.2008
  31. Holiday. Makes me think of British movies. “He’s on holiday.” What a fabulous sentence. It’s so jaunty, so casual. Patterned bedsheets, hotel rooms. Rainy days. Holiday.

    by Chiara on 07.04.2008
  32. I want a holiday to somewhere where I know how to talk to you. I want to lie on sandy beaches under the sun with you, away from all this grey. I hate this city. But I’m scared that if I leave I won’t be coming back.

    by Alex on 07.04.2008
  33. happy 4th of July! it’s a national holiday. but i think the only reason we have it is so that people have a reason to use illegal fireworks, and get drunk. well, at least, SOME people use that as an excuse. I sure don’t! Holidays are fun though. Especially Christmas. But today’s not Christmas- it’s the 4th of July; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!!!!

    by Mo on 07.04.2008
  34. holday from this heart beating holes in my ribcage so hard my hands are shaking, give me a holiday from money stress and instability. give me a job so that I can calm down and think about other things.

    by Tamara on 07.04.2008
  35. every bodi smokes enourmosu cuantities of marihuana in the holidays. They like it because is good and makes them hapoopy, econmy will be better wit that thing. Everyvody loes it, just not everybody accpet it. Makes everybody happy and i dont what else to say

    by Arturo on 07.04.2008
  36. today is not really a holiday. i don necessarily believe in holidays anymore. america has commercialized all the holidays that have ever existed and have taken away the real meaning from it. some holidays arent even anything, its just a way to make money, and to be quite frank, it sickens me. yeah thats right. sickens me.

    by Tyler on 07.04.2008
  37. Colombia want to go to waterfalls beach, sand in between your toes the smell of salt water flat tire, jellyfish, palm trees, sandal, weird stores with linen clothing, jumping up and

    by Claudio on 07.04.2008
  38. It was, perhaps, the longest Thanksgiving of Frank Keller’s life. His relatives ditched him at a filthy Newark airport, and the stuff in his backback was liable to get him incriminated. Great – he knew he shouldn’t have just taken this thing without asking questions about it.

    by Brandyn on 07.04.2008
  39. Apart from the usual weekend visit to the park, it had been 5 years since Mark took his last work holiday. He saved his holiday time until the end of the year would come and he would be reimbursed his holiday pay without having taken any. Until this year, this moment of compensation had always been a moment of pride in strength of self-restraint. Until this year, he had never cared to waste time.

    by cm on 07.04.2008
  40. i need a holiday
    a peaceful day
    just one day
    with you

    i miss you
    more than i can

    by iChaunice on 07.04.2008