
June 8th, 2010 | 317 Entries

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317 Entries for “hawk”

  1. I wish I could be a hawk, and see the world from his view. High above, and detached. I want to see how humanity looks to those who don’t care.

  2. Hawk is a bird. Also, I think there’s a TV show which has the word Hawk in it. Hawk sounds like cock. Except that the meanings are quite different. Mocking Hawk is also a very weird word.. :|

    Okay, I have no clue.

    by Disha on 06.08.2010
  3. a hawk flies high and looks scary. it makes a loud cry and is always heard. the hawk is a bird. the hawk feeds on small animals and is brutal. the hawk rhymes with the sock. i am afraid of hawks.

    by brad on 06.08.2010
  4. Eating hannah’s face off. Karma is what she doesn’t believe in. Last night our conversation was about how she slept with hailie’s boyfriend and doesn’t believe in karma. we then said a hawk would come down and eat her face. karma is a bitch.a big ol bitch! wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    by kt on 06.08.2010
  5. The Darkness calls my name in hoarse echoes, almost inaudible but it still reaches me. And I try to run, foolishly, sound still latches on to me as a hawk in its prey. I am the prey now, and the predator… ever close behind me. Always near.

  6. I was running, feeling like I would never escape. The shadow passed over me, taunting me as I hurtled forward into the glade. All of a sudden, it was gone.

    And I heard the shriek, and wanted to lay down and just give up.

    by Mike on 06.08.2010
  7. the hawk is a very majestic bird that is so haw(t) that i want to touch joey in the eyeball. it’s not that i’m strange, i just have interesting tendencies, and such. but really, that’s not why we’re here. we’re here because of the hawk.

    by Mason on 06.08.2010
  8. I fly, I’m strong, I see you from above and I see through you. You don’t see me, you never see me, and even when you do you don’t understand me. I am the hawk.

    by Ben on 06.08.2010
  9. Flying, soaring.
    Wings the weapon of our individuality.
    The means to our Freedom.
    Relying solely on ourselves and no one else,
    Our Independence.

  10. Help me spread my wings and fly
    Ample time to leave this place
    We stick together tho, y?
    Kindness and love keeps me bound here to you

    by Anjelica on 06.08.2010
  11. the black hawk came down without any hesitation. it was scary, sad, surreal. finally, it was over, and we all knew they were no more.

    by Staci on 06.08.2010
  12. You may be the strongest, but honey, I’ve got volumes on you. You may be the fastest, but baby, there’s nowhere you could go that I couldn’t.

    by :) on 06.08.2010
  13. the hawk flew over the canyon, stretching his magnificent wings, level with the heavens. he stared down around him, seeing the large details and also the small ones: a rabbit had given birth to six new babies. There had been an avalanche the previous day and it had most probably killed the family of lynxes that lived below it.

    by Stephanie on 06.08.2010
  14. the hawk’s feathers reflect the hues of sunset, reds and golds, held triumphantly against the sky. a beautiful life of soaring solitude.

    by katie on 06.08.2010
  15. hawks are really really awesome and majestic. my mom found a hawk’s nest on a hike and watched the baby hawks learn to fly. i would like to learn how to fly like hawk. they swoop down and circle the beautiful earth.

    by chandler on 06.08.2010
  16. Tony Hawk is a really good skate boarder. He is very famous and has invented many tricks. He has his own clothing line and line of skateboards. He is an inspiration and role model to all young children, teens and adults alike.

    by mary on 06.08.2010
  17. i just wrote about hawks
    and it was really good
    but it didn’t save
    and now i’m upset
    so i’m not writing anything
    decent for this
    because it’s too much effort.


  18. a hawk is big it flies alot and wow i cant think its cool and sometimes black and brown and grey and omg jack johnson is pplaying i like him hawks are like spok like from star trek wowza this is amusinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    by ninamaelevin on 06.08.2010
  19. it soars and spins. watching you as your death grows near. soon it will swoop down and finish the process.

    by alec k on 06.08.2010
  20. free, flying. without a care in the world. his best friend didn’t move away. and even if he did, he could follow him. because he doens”t have any restrictions. at all. which isn’t fair. because i’m stuck here for another year without my friend, while a hawk can do what he pleases.

    by alaina on 06.08.2010
  21. meridian. hawk eye. big, home. black. you can skye rocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy.

    by Morgan on 06.08.2010
  22. A majestic, beautiful, and powerful animal that has the freedom to roam the skies.

    by zach on 06.08.2010
  23. I was at the river once with my mom and we looked up and saw a hawk. You don’t see them very often in Northern california so it was quite a site to see one that day.

    by Damon on 06.08.2010
  24. Eyes sharper than the sharpest knife, claws of steel, and mouth that held only jaded words. Like a hawk, so murderous and deadly. A star studded soul with a heart of ice. Truly, sisters are a frightening thing to behold.

  25. birds in the sky, hunting for prey, floating silently against the bright bright blue sky. they are looking.

  26. a big bird. eats small dogs. poor innocent small dogs. my grandmother keeps telling me that my dog is dying. im just afraid that she’ll be eaten by a hawk. quite frightening really.

    by Rose Taylor on 06.08.2010
  27. Your eyes are like a hawk’s.
    Deadly, silent, unwavering.
    When you face the unknown dangers ahead, your eyes, your startling green eyes become like the hawk’s.
    Protective, beautiful, stunning.
    And when you face your enemy, the enemy that appears to have won, your eyes stare like a hawk’s.
    Watching, waiting, striking.
    And when the day is done, your eyes soften, no more like the hawk’s until the next battle when that certain sharpness will once again return.

    by Sara M. on 06.08.2010
  28. Blackhawks are playing for the Stanley Cup. I really don’t understand the hype with these sports and why these athletes are making millions. Somehow it just seems to…not make any sense.

  29. Hawks are very beautiful birds. They circle their prey. It can be either dead or alive. People often picture movie scenes where hawks are circling their prey. There once was a hawk in my aunt and uncles backyard.

  30. A hawk is on the outside just a simple beast. Rugged and rough Kneau Reeves in animal form. Inside they are free not trapped. Unlike us. The sky is the limit for them therefore they have none. Until they are caged in a zoo.

  31. Hawks are very beautiful birds. They circle there prey when they find it. The prey can be dead or alive. Usually when there is a dead animal on the ground you see hawks circling the sky around it in movies. There once was a hawk in the backyard of my aunt and uncles house.

    by Shannon on 06.08.2010
  32. This is the same word I got last time. This is slightly annoying.

    by yomomma on 06.08.2010
  33. Amazing taloned beasts that can kill you with a glance. If you ever have the opportunity/misfortune to meet one in person, you’re head will explode from sheer, paradoxical, awesomeness! They are that fucking cool!

    by Nick miller on 06.08.2010
  34. Sometimes,
    tide coming in
    little ripples
    over pebbles

    scarecrows for
    penguins and seagulls

    by dazdaz on 06.08.2010
  35. There once was a big fat hawk who lived under a rock. He was sad and lonely and decided one day that he was going to go out and find some friends. He flew over to the nearest watering hole and met a nice little mouse. This mouse became his best friend until one day the hawk became so hungry that he ate his only friend and was lonely again.

    by Imnotgoingtosaymyname on 06.08.2010
  36. Soaring, kareening, graceful as the wind. Predator of the sky, fierce like a flame. Defiant and deadly, beauty incarnate.

    by Emily on 06.08.2010
  37. I saw a hawk flying in the sky, and as it dove down, it caught a rabbit by its ear. I viewed as it soared through the sky, the rabbit dangling there. I felt terrible. But thats the circle of life, right?

    by Ashley on 06.08.2010
  38. swooping down to tackle the grass. invisible to your eyes the rabbit crouches, waiting, seemingly unsuspectingly but dashes away into the forest green, leaving a tear of blurry white on the lawn.

  39. There are always screaming predators soaring up and high above me here in this canyon of confusion and loss.

    by karen on 06.08.2010
  40. hawk? really? like a bird? whatever.
    i know this guy who is like a master falconer and he has a hawk and it almost killed me…
    even though it is probably more tame than my dog… but whatever i like to think that i survived a deadly experience.

    by Bre on 06.08.2010