
July 25th, 2010 | 273 Entries

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273 Entries for “half”

  1. Half a banana in the center of the counter. Half a banana. I hope that’s not the tree it grew on.D

    by Dana on 07.25.2010
  2. Half the time I loved you, half the time I didn’t. I’m sorry that I broke your heart, it was not what I wanted. I love you though we’re not together, but you not what I wanted or needed…My better half

    by S on 07.25.2010
  3. Half a heart, that was all I felt in the words that you spoke. If you cared, you’d have given it all. All of your time, all of your energy, all of your words.

  4. Half-full or half-empty? Even though I tell myself I subscribe to the “Half-Full” camp (even bought the shirt to prove it) sometimes my self talk is decidedly in the empty camp.

    by Danelle on 07.25.2010
  5. half. half of the people who created me are gone. i only have my mother. i don’t feel like i’m half and half between my parents. my father was the better part of me, more of me, i am so much more of him. i don’t know who i am without him. left with one half, the half i don’t understand.

    by on 07.25.2010
  6. I half-remember you humming softly to yourself.
    I wondered if we might feel that way for the rest of our lives.

  7. half an hour isn’t a long time, but it can change everything.
    half a minute is even shorter, but it can make a big difference, too.
    if you were to ask me later, i would say it only took half a second for me to look across that bar, see that girl, and that in that half a second, i knew.

  8. I’m tired of thinking in halves. I always split myself and my world into halves and thirds and fractions, insisting none of it is complete. Well, there ARE no fractions. The world is whole and complete down to the last atom.

    It’s perfect now.

    I’m whole right now.

  9. I think about voldemort and why he didnt just stop at cutting his soul in half one time. he was unstable cutting it for 7 portions, and he was barely a man when it was all finished. I wonder what it would be like if there was another part of me somewhere. oh that’s right. he’s called my future husband.

    by Molly on 07.25.2010
  10. i feel like half of myself when i’m with you. i’m not allowed to be my whole self because you need all the attention. i have to supress my personality because you are so needy. this is why we can’t be together, even though we have fun together. it’s not enough.

    by me on 07.25.2010
  11. a glass of milk . half of me. half a moon is the cats smile, come back soon is half of see you later.

    by lulu on 07.25.2010
  12. Half of the milk carton was full. This is how John prestley viewed the world. Half full. This was a random thought that always came to him when he faced things in his life.

    by Lauren on 07.25.2010
  13. Everyone
    likes to eat half of a sandwich,
    or half of a pizza,
    or half of a hot dog.
    For some reason
    my stomach is smaller
    than every other stomach I meet,
    greeting my stomach
    with a glare
    and a smirk.
    Laughing at its
    small, wasteful
    as every other stomach does
    that I pass by.

  14. I had half of a life, once. I drove around and spoke of the most spectacular things. I lived and I laughed, but I lacked love. Without knowing what love was, I lived a half and unfufilled life. I still wonder what it would have been like to life to the fullest.

    by Kieran on 07.25.2010
  15. half of you. half of me. makes one whole. one plus one equals two. two is a pair. two is a couple. a couple of birds. two turtle doves. doves mean peace. peace is love. love is life

    by Nicole on 07.25.2010
  16. I froze. “What?” Praying, hoping against hope that I had misheard.

    Tim sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Miles just called. They made a mistake, and now the deadline’s moved up to tomorrow.”

    My eyes widened, as a pit seemed to form in the center of my stomach. “That gives us less than half the time we were supposed to have. There’s no way we can finish in time!”

    Tim turned away, looking out at the darkening skyline outside the window. “I know.”

  17. They say that there are “glass is half empty” people and “glass is half full” people, but I think that both of them are ignoring the main things- what is the glass half full/empty of? A glass half full of piss is a lot worse than a half empty glass of merlot.

  18. half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half half
    half haga

    by gaby on 07.25.2010
  19. A half a pound of butter is not much when you consider it in a cup, but mush it up into little yellow blobbular pieces and you will see that it is indeed, a large amount.

  20. Half of me thinks I’m supposed to be with Leebs. The other half of me thinks this feeling for Zachary is just as intense, either way I’m completely content with what happens in the future.

    by ansley on 07.25.2010
  21. To me half reminds me of my half brothers. I have two half brothers that are alot older then me and I love them like my whole brothers.

    by Autumn Fox on 07.25.2010
  22. Half and Half. Reminds me of coffee. But halfs are sort of sad. Missing their other part, how depressing is that? Unless you’re better off without it. :)

  23. You’re half of me. When we are apart I’m broken and when we come together I feel every crack and crease repair itself in the depths of my soul. You are half of me.

  24. You’re half of me. When we are apart I’m broken and when we come together I feel every crack and crease repair itself in the depths of my soul. You are half of me.

  25. half the time i think about living another life. why do with the other half? pine away for the great life i once had. i am a pathetic human being. i wish i could be different. but, i am who i am. stuck in this lame existence that is frozen. i am a waste of human space. but i plan to change everything.

    by kate on 07.25.2010
  26. breed of a part goat, part man drinking milk in a meadow. he stands near the edge of a dark and frightening wood, smiling maniacally and winking at young boys as they pass by.

    by Ned on 07.25.2010
  27. is sometimes too much and sometimes just enough. half a sandwich is enough for a snack. half a cold however, sucks! then there’s the perpeutal half-full half-empty argument, which i’m more than half tired of!

    by amanda on 07.25.2010
  28. half and half for coffee, but i always think real milk is best. or none at all if it’s that kind of morning. coffee is the energy and happy of those bastard monday mornings when the world looks like shit even when it’s sunny- especially if it’s sunny on some occasions. i refuse to cheapen it with half and half, or a fourth of milk.

  29. Half of her coffee was already gone. It wouldn’t be too long before she was too wired to think about any one thing anymore. That’s what she was aiming for wasn’t it? Things seemed so stressful lately that the only thing she had to comfort her was the warm, smooth taste of the diner’s best brew.

  30. Half of me is my brother. He is my twin. We share a lot in common, but deep down our souls couldn’t be more different. We are almost opposites. He has an affinity for rich things, rich people; I prefer the humility and practicality of less wealthy folks.

    by Nero on 07.25.2010
  31. Half of her coffee was already gone. It wouldn’t be too long before she was too wired to think anymore. That’s what she was aiming for wasn’t it? Things seemed so stressful lately that the only thing she had to comfort her was the warm, smooth taste of the diner’s best brew.

    by Keri on 07.25.2010
  32. tapped out. blank by half. cut out. cut in half? that was sharp, so deep, and unsettling to see

  33. Even before a drop of condensation could slide down from the side of the glass of the cold milk and onto the table floor, she picked it up and drank it down until there were only a few gulpfuls left. “There,” she said and smiled. She took off her shirt and threw it at his stunned face. Definitely half-full, he decided.

  34. Half of me loves life. Half of me hates it. Sometimes the halfs fight and one takes over. Once in a while the bad half wins and I get depressed. I need to end this power struggle. Seriously.

    by Nadia on 07.25.2010
  35. Half. Jesus, what is a half. I tried to explain this to my seven year old brother once and failed miserably. I had to explain it as ‘cut down the middle’, though that’s not really adequate. I’ve always been told I see the glass half empty.

    not true, someone drank the other damn fraction, so I see it half stolen.

    by Natalie on 07.25.2010
  36. the only part that makes up a whole. the other aspect. part of an entire entity. not full unless accompanied by this. the missing puzzle piece. sometimes never found. some search for a lifetime.

    by Dana on 07.25.2010
  37. There was only half of it left. Half of the time, half of the love, half of the worth. Life was only half full, but I was starting to find it half empty.

    by Lydia on 07.25.2010
  38. is left? hard to tell. half empty, half full, no pessimism or optimism is in the way of this. it’s my heart?

    by Kestrel on 07.25.2010
  39. jinlknlnk lhlnl lkjjlh o hii 9p;kh o koj h oihoi iohohuytft d teses tgv gc xtes t h d y dyd hgtrstrdtrdc ctr e ste stfctf res t re5es ryfcygcgv drt e ex rtd xtfgf rdx htrdgcfgh stx gfcgfer gthyuj rdtrctr jgchgc gfjhjkk fcygjcy ygcyfcgxwyrt yhghi h8 yfgu f7yg uyg7f5f 7hb jh buyg7 9g fagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg dick sucker.

    by g-unit on 07.25.2010
  40. Jame had half a mind to shoot her just then. A light flashed

    by steve on 07.25.2010