
February 3rd, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “glimpse”

  1. Short quick view of something. No time for studying it.

    by D on 02.04.2024
  2. i took a glimpse
    of the past
    there you were
    standing strong
    waiting, wishing.
    i yearned with the same
    i woke up in the present
    burning with desire
    wondering if you do too.

    by mfgm on 02.04.2024
  3. It is just a peek, just a window into something better, a glimmer of hope. Short look beyond, break in the clouds, the hole in the wall, something is coming, there’s more than this.

  4. There, shimmering at the edge of my attention, in the corner of my eye, just for a moment. It was there. I know it was there. A fleeting glimpse, as though something amazing had passed by, more wonderful than I had believed could ever be. Then it was gone, and mere seconds later so was the memory, fading rapidly like a dream on waking. All that remained in me was a memory of a memory, an awareness that I had seen something that my heart and soul had always longed for, but that was now utterly lost. I understood the hungry void inside me for the first time.

    by Solar Flare on 02.03.2024
  5. She had a glimpse of the future as she looked down on the slope of the land. It still had thick forest but she imagined that the trees were gone, that settlers had built houses, then shops followed by strip malls and pollution.

    by Chanpheng on 02.03.2024
  6. she took a glimpse in his direction hoping that their eyes would make eye contact.
    They hadn’t seen each other for months and so seeing him suddenly show up caused her heart to thump in her chest.
    How was he doing? Where was he? Is he finally staying this time?

    All these questions ran through her head as she stared at him. She couldn’t go through another heartbreak of separation again.

    Maybe she heard wrong…maybe he wasn’t meant to be her husband.

    by Qad on 02.03.2024