
August 8th, 2009 | 270 Entries

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270 Entries for “geese”

  1. i like geese. they are like a lot of goose. multiple gooses. geese. they fly. they swim. they eat. they poo. they pee. they make a lot of noise. they can be annoying. theyre nice to have around once in a while. i like to see them at the park. i like canadian geese. i like the color around their faces. they are very cute. i think. and i also these about the old geese in aristocats. sp?

    by sophia on 08.08.2009
  2. like ducks but not really. i think of mother goose and fairy tales and morals and childhood. and ducks. how come i think of ducks when i think of geese? they honk. i know that. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a goose. is that sad?

    by jem on 08.08.2009
  3. I fly back in forth with them, all of them. I miss her, I need her. The wind in my face and wings causes my stomach to drop. I feel high, i feel alive. Im home again.

    by Daniel Shirley on 08.08.2009
  4. when i was young in arkansas i’d go to my granmothers’ marina and look at the geese. i remember once, there was an old gascan and i threw some as a joke on my sister. i got yelled at for it. geese always kind of scared me. one bit me before. i remember bush the squirrel.

    by Cheyenne on 08.08.2009
  5. i would love to have a goose that laid golden eggs, but id rather have a jolly green giant. geese smell and theyre kinda mean. and gold is overrated. :)

    jeeze you silly geese
    squak you say you geese
    oh geese
    geese five times is funnier
    than geese just once
    geese geese geese geese geese

    by danielle on 08.08.2009
  6. I hate geese, they honk and hiss, and snap at all those unfortunate enough to cross there path. I’ve been scorned by geese far to often though out my life.

    by MorsusMorior on 08.08.2009
  7. Geese like to fly and attack small children. My sister got bit in the ass one time by one when she was a little kid. I personally used to like chasing them around my grandma’s yard. For some reason I never got tired of it. Other than that I can’t say much about them. I hate the fake statues, I swear, sometimes they move.

    by Sadie on 08.08.2009
  8. Flying,soaring elegance. Caught in the summer sky, a black silhuoette. Where is my camera when I need it? I will close my eyes and capture their beuty to file away in my memory.

    by yvonne on 08.08.2009
  9. geese is the plural of goose. it rhymes with jeeze i don’t get the point of this cheese……y website. feeding geese can be fun, but dangerous. watch out for bad apples masquerading as oranges. randomness.

    by anmol on 08.08.2009
  10. the geese walk along the yellow grass and slowly think about the days gone by when they were ugly souls who never knew where they belonged.

    slowly, quickly, oftentimes it differs.
    no one ever knows where they’re going.
    no one knows where the geese go.

    no one except the stars the moon and the sun.

    by aimee on 08.08.2009
  11. When i see the word geese, it makes me think of the word jeeze. I don’t know why but the mind automatically goes to what seems to make most sense with the current situation. If you really think about this word it almost seems gross. i think of goose poop when i read this word.

    by Brittany on 08.08.2009
  12. This is the plural form of the word goose. I like to watch and feed geese at the pond. No, actually I usually feed ducks. In fact, I am a little afraid of geese because I heard since I was young that these beings bite.

    by kate on 08.08.2009
  13. Geese surely are advanced; natural spelling and angular distribution of their traveling abilities. Maybe they are trying to punch the curtain and call for a change by pecking their way into, well, somewhere else…our dimension folded 4 times.

    by Kaizar on 08.08.2009
  14. When I was a little girl my dad and I lived by a pond by my house. He took me down by the pond to feed the geese, and one attacked me and shook its wings, it was frightening. My dad chased it away with crab apples and I refused to go near the pond for the next year.

    by Kayla on 08.08.2009
  15. it reminds me on an english essay i wrote in grade ten. it had to do with some poem about geese, and i wrote out my life story and only got 70% on it for some formatting issues. what a kick in the ass!

    by sunny on 08.08.2009
  16. Ah, I love the geese in the sky. Especially when in the ‘v’ shape. It makes me feel as though we can all head toward the same goal without criticism. We can work together.

    by Phillip on 08.08.2009
  17. seriously everywhere. go fly back to where you came from. just stop trying to bit my head off. not cool.

    by asha on 08.08.2009
  18. I LOVE U OMG WOWOWOWOWOWWOO AYAYY A GESSE IS LIKE jesse which reminds me of lauren
    which reminds me of evan ehich reminda me that is he is getting some and we r nto like what hte hell hwo iss that fair i mean seriously like wow. oh btw im talkign to her now nad itsl ike
    dude and shes liek dude andi m like dude
    omg my times runing out holy shit this is dumb

    by jon on 08.08.2009
  19. scary. ew. bad.

    by lauren on 08.08.2009
  20. they poop everywhere.

    by Cara on 08.08.2009
  21. geese are fluffy and angry. i am usually just angry. they honk their conks quite loudly and like to chase after me in the park. i much prefer ducks. ducks are cute and quack and are relatively harmless. i do enjoy the ducks. i want a pond for them to live on and for them to prosper but i never want a goose there. not even if it can lay golden eggs.

    by Jamie on 08.08.2009
  22. flying prettily in the sky, or lurking by the side of the rad. it was always like running a gauntlet, passing those geese never knowing if today was thwe day theyd rise from their stupor and attack, attack, attack! but i was lucky. my mom, not so much, as i recall her tales of horror

    by katie on 08.08.2009
  23. Geese, i saw a sunset and it was magnificent. I realized how small I was and how beautiful the world is.

    by jpxe on 08.08.2009
  24. Geese like to honk. I saw geese today at the art fair in the rain and they were not bothered, I said I wish I had waterproof feathers like them so I could be in the rain too. they honk a lot. Like “I AM A GOOSE HONK HONK” The end. yay.

    by Dani Roooooooocks on 08.08.2009
  25. Migrating geese fly around in Vs…or are those other birds?

    I was on the freeway once, and I saw a flock of birds just flying around in circles. Made me wonder if they were following around some intoxicated leader.

    by Myona on 08.08.2009
  26. As summer yawns
    geese fly south
    leaving a large splite
    upon the newly manicured lawns

    by mrene on 08.08.2009
  27. the geese in the lake were puzzled by the alarming growth on the bottom of the boat. unfortunatley none of them were wualified to make expert opinions about growths on the bottoms of boats, so they called up an owl they knew to be an expert on such matters and thus solved the mystery of the growth at the bottom of the boat.

    by Aishwarya on 08.08.2009
  28. A flight, wings stuttering in the wind; feathers collapsing from the sky like so many broken dreams. Pained cries, aching for warmer skies, broke from thin throats that burned in the chill, black eyes blinked empty and forlorn during the cold, dark migration.

    by Ember on 08.08.2009
  29. Flocks of geese
    And cherry pie
    Lining up
    For you and I

    The moon may weep
    The sun may dance
    The stars will laugh
    The comets prance

    You think I’m odd
    Well I do too
    So odd, in fact,
    To not end this with a rhyme

    by Cherry on 08.08.2009
  30. she could hardly believe it. It was the biggest flock of geese she had seen throughout her entire life, and if she moved, it would be gone. She carefully began to tiptoe through the field, but as she did so, the beautiful sight of the graceful birds flying away appeared before her.

    by Tori on 08.08.2009
  31. A flock of geese is fun to run into when you’re feeling adventorus and bored. So, do that next time that you’re relaxing by a lake, and be sure to scream and flail your arms about wildly. It’ll add to the fun. I assure you.

    by Tyra on 08.08.2009
  32. they fly south for the winter and gather in flocks. the wide winged honking mass, covering the sky and filing our ears. take note of thier special tone: honk

    by Mandy on 08.08.2009
  33. we are a flock.

    this outer shell is cleansterilewhite,
    these glassy eyes are pondwaterblue,
    and we will fly south,

    back home.

    by rachel on 08.08.2009
  34. There are always lots of geese eating the seeds and corn at the beginning of the summer in the fields near my house. They flew back from the south for the winter, and everyone gets excited from the honking they make in the spring time – it’s like a sign of spring.
    Canadian geese are pretty, all black and white.

    by Jennifer on 08.08.2009
  35. moose tracks in the snow. sneezing when slow. trashy and sexy in the nude by a pole. show.

    by kelly on 08.08.2009
  36. A flock of geese flew overhead as the maven watched the battle unfold before her. Two young women, as cracked as they were skilled, throwing punches and kicks back and fourth as they fought for their own personal victories.

    by Luci on 08.08.2009
  37. geese fuck! Geese are wonderful and magestic animal and they migrate south every winter to mexico where they sip on lots of viva cruarvos and get caught up in mexican drug lords where

    by Rhinestone and JRad on 08.08.2009
  38. Grand birds of the sky
    Repressed, yet beloved by those with balls
    Everything seems to fade in their presence
    Everything but their feathers….
    Spokes on bikes become poopy
    Everyone knows this…..

    Acrostic poem by “fucker”

    by balls on 08.08.2009
  39. geese like to eat bread which is fucking awesome….i once fed a goose with read and it bited by cokc off i swear to goddddddddddd bitch now iif you know who i am i bet you don’t assfuckerface why am i swearing so much….who the fuck knows..who the FUCK cares,,i don’tyou know why,…because i ATE a BABY!! thats right! the OTHERIother white meat. bbite me bitcher

    by balls on 08.08.2009
  40. i saw some geese when i went to the park today. beautiful things. graceful necks and shiny beaks. how i longed to be a geese? and is that even the proper word? geese? how i’d like to be a geese? or is it a goose? but anyway.. doesn’t geese sound more appropriate. more substance in other words? like a hardy chicken soup meal

    by linnea on 08.08.2009