
March 22nd, 2024 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “gale”

  1. gale blowing all of Kansas away and Dorothy in her blue checks stands in a rainbow land and wants to go home to her gray again but it was never about Kansas or the flat fields or America, it was about her people, grey from a rough world and a hard life but still working, it was about how she was the light of their life and never let the color get sucked out of her, because in the books, and they never tell you about the other books, do they? Or the porcelain people? Or the Great Desert? Because in the books, she comes back and takes them back to a land of color with her. It was never about a place, it was always about Home.

  2. The gale-force winds flattened the trees, which fell across the roads. They couldn’t leave, and they took shelter in an abandoned summer house. Once the storm stopped, they emerge to a world which was barren and strangely quiet.

    by Chanpheng on 03.22.2024