
June 11th, 2011 | 585 Entries

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585 Entries for “funeral”

  1. you’re gone
    but it was hard to see at the time
    the people
    that greeted me
    the stares
    I just wanted to get out of there
    and be with you

    by Jen on 06.12.2011
  2. I remember my father’s funeral. The priest was so full of shit, I had to laugh. Luckily I was hidden by one of the huge wreaths. My grandma patted me from behind, sure I was choking with grief. A simple silk dress and powerful perfume – they still smell to me of fake strength, an armor, a fake promise

    by katja on 06.12.2011
  3. I’ve never been to a funeral. I don’t think I want to. I have avoided at least three. Sometimes, I imagine mine. I don’t like the idea at all. The mourning. Yes, it’s nice that people will miss me. But I’m quite certain becoming part of something else isn’t that terrible. Immortality would become such a burden. When the time comes, I’m quite alright with moving onto something new. I hope they will be happy for me and wish me the best on new adventures.

  4. Can’t imagine what it will be like at my funeral. I suspect the range of people from students to family to friends will be quite diverse. Much as I don’t like attending funerals… I’d kind of like to be at my own. When it will be, I can’t be sure, but I’m hoping folks will smile.

    by Rodd Lucier on 06.12.2011
  5. There is a funeral in my brain in five minutes. You are all cordially invited to attend. Refreshments provided in the cerebral cortex. Be sharpish.

  6. I like funerals. I don’t really feel sad at them for some odd reason. Does it mean I’m heartless? I don’t think so. I just have a disconnect with feeling sadness. Funerals to me are ways to celebrate life, not places to mourn. I guess you are supposed to cry at these things. Ah, well.

    by Roelle Torres on 06.12.2011
  7. sad, depressing, death is very bad for those people who love(d) the person who is now dead. unknowing undying love, and after death? what happens? no one knows, only the dead, but thus they cannot tell us what happens; and we can only sit here and wonder.

    by Maddy on 06.12.2011
  8. is a great and lasting thing. all the fixes on the table. all the blocks ready to go. say kaddish. just say it. don’t mutter it. god can hear it. he hears it and tastes it like sacramental wine. i’ve only been to one. i was running late for it. i was feeling bad for it. i live for it. i live for her. she isn’t dead becasue she just texted me

    by oscar on 06.12.2011
  9. It won’t be long, but it will be cheap. There will be few people, and fewer mourners. I’m really glad that I won’t be there.

    by John Sibley on 06.12.2011
  10. Sad. Rainy cold day. I can’t believe how few people are here after everything she did for so many people. Selfish lot.

  11. I had to go the funeral of my mother. That saddened me as i had never been to funeral ever before. This was the first one ever for me and it has been embedded in my brain core forever.

    by Me on 06.12.2011
  12. The funeral is colored in darkness but filled with light; sadness reigns but to heaven the dead will rise. It is a time of new life, of hope and eternity; let them wear black but in their moments of true living remember me.

  13. I want my funeral to be a party; A celebration of my life.
    Yes, please be respectful of my memory. I don’t mind people feeling emotions at my party. And I would feel mighty appreciated if you missed me. But for now, enjoy yourselves.

  14. Raining. How convenient. How appropriate. Can never have a family event without the rain. My gramma would have loved it, said it was God’s way of showing his remorse. Tears from the sky. I think she’s full of shit.

    by Amanda Ammon on 06.12.2011
  15. When I was little I had to go to my great grandfather’s funeral. It was in the back hills of Kentucky and everyone kept shouting “Haleluia” after everything the preacher said. That’s all I remember. I was probably 5 or 6. I didn’t cry, I didn’t laugh. I think I was just terrified.

    by Leandra on 06.12.2011
  16. I do not like funerals at all, however there is one particular funeral that I didn’t get to go to but I really wanted to. It was my mimi’s funeral. I left for Africa for a mission trip the day after she died. She was my best friend. I really wanted to go to her funeral because she meant so much to me and was a huge part in my life.

    by Ciara on 06.12.2011
  17. Ah funeral, Kristina just went to a funeral for her cousin I think. She didn’t know him though, he got blown up in aphganishtan which is extremely unpleasant. Uh I don’t believe I spelled that right. Ive only ever been to one funeral, I didn’t know him either but the cookies were good it was

    by Alyssa on 06.12.2011
  18. the funeral and the willow tree in the background,
    the only thing moving, the long weeping
    strands of life greying away but not yet gone,
    the rest of it gone.
    greys and blacks of the dresses, the casket,
    the pavement alone.

    by Christin on 06.12.2011
  19. i wish that when my time is up it isnt called a funeral but a saderal. Thats just my take on it.

    by yitzmeyer on 06.12.2011
  20. I went to a funeral today.
    I buried my anger to replace it with understanding.
    I buried my hate and replaced it with love.
    I buried my greed and replaced it sharing.
    I buried my fear and replaced it with hope.

  21. Sad, celebration of a life, brought to end by death. So much to be thought about, thoughts consolidated together to bring about the peace and thank that their suffering is over.

    by Emily on 06.12.2011
  22. “You’d be late for your own funeral” she screamed as I wandered about in my underpants.
    “You said we had LOADS of time… and what does it matter? We’re always there first anyway!” I murmured under my breath.

  23. death, sadness, relief, together, songs, tears, hard, family, memories, care.

    by lolula on 06.12.2011

    by RUBIE on 06.12.2011
  25. hate them!
    what’s the point going to a funeral if the people will just cry?
    that’s not the point of the funeral, we were suppose to pay our respects to the family and honor the dead guy…

    by vb on 06.12.2011
  26. How odd that this word appears today. I am currently planning my grandfather’s funeral. I use the term ‘grandfather’ loosely. The better explanation would be “The man who abandoned us to pursue fame and returned 27 years later when diagnosed with cancer”. I hope i lose the hurt, rejection, anger and resentment soon. It’s ugly, useless and embarrassing…

  27. I went to my first funeral last year. My cousin, a bipolar drug user. Overdosed. All I could think about while I was there was how bloody long Catholic services are, and how nauseas I felt from the smell of the incense. I cried, but I wonder if it’s because I thought I should. I hadn’t seen her in ten years.

    by Liz on 06.12.2011
  28. funerals are always sad, people cry, but most people want their own funerals to be happy. i don’t think i mind either way, as long as i’m remembered.

  29. oh how lovely it is to have a funeral. After all, an ending is just a new beginning. somewhere, somehow.

    by kat on 06.12.2011
  30. The only funeral I’ve ever been to ended with laughter. It was fairly sombre and quiet until, lo and behold, the speakers began to blast “Slice of Heaven” (aka New Zealand’s second national anthem). I heard a horrible snort sound behind me; I later realised it was my cousin laughing really hard.

  31. Today I’ll make a a party for my anger and my fear. A funeral. I’ll dress all in black and bake a cake to say goodbye. I’ll put up black balloons and invite all my other sub-personalities to come. Together we’ll dance and cry. Together we’ll sing and sigh and then be done with it. We’ll say, you’ve been of use, but Bon Voyage, now. And say hello to Envy when you see her!

    by LizLiz on 06.12.2011
  32. Possibly the most mixed experience many of us come across. it’s so sad to lose someone who was so close to us and yet it gives us an oppourtunity to remember all the good times we had with them and why they were so special.

    by maliciousintent on 06.12.2011
  33. there is a funeral in the backyard of the house. It wasn’t a curious thing, after all, one cannot afford a proper funeral during these hard times. There was nothing special about it at all.

    by kat on 06.12.2011
  34. I won’t attend your funeral.
    I don’t want to see how many people are crying over you.
    The people who are allowed to cry.
    I don’t want to stand there and pretend I don’t care.
    Pretend you were nothing to me.
    Just because they didn’t know about us,
    Doesn’t make us any less real.
    It just makes my pain worse
    Knowing that I’m not allowed to miss you.

  35. i live right across the street from a funeral home, all my day to day living is overshadowed by the death tolls of the townsfolk. its kind of sad really how i can just go on while there are ppl daily mourning their losses, i hardly even think about it anymore. am i screwed up in the head for becoming numb to the sight, and thought, of death?

    by Rick on 06.12.2011
  36. It was a beautiful day. He was sitting next to me and we kept looking me up and down and sideways. He was completely in love. Shame I wasn’t…

    “You look lovely,” he said.
    “Yes, I know. But now it’s time for your funeral,” I replied as I choked him.

    by on 06.12.2011
  37. Funerals are so sad, but the funny thing is I just can’t cry. I sit there, and I realize that the person is finally meeting his creator. It’s funny because they say the best people die young. I think its because God doesn’t need them here to be his light, their job is done.

    by nessa on 06.12.2011
  38. A lone man stands by the graveside of his dead wife, the wind is whistling through the trees and the sky is a murky shade of gray, “Lola” he whispers, No response, Of course not why would there be.

    by michelle on 06.12.2011
  39. It was a sunny Friday afternoon. The kind that should be spent sitting in the sun with a glass of wine and a good book. Unfortunately, that week it was not an option. Her name was Sarah and we had been friends for four years and it was last Sunday that she ended her fight.

    by Kendall Steele on 06.12.2011
  40. it’s sad! dead person gets buried and people cry….wear black, um bananas? crackers are cool the funeral is sad jedis are super cool, London bridge is falling down. emma is gay.. aoife’s feet STINK! animals on stumbleupon tend to do weird things… Ben is superbly cute! annabel too! why did the elevator just beep? why do ben ad jerry run every time i go out on the balcony?

    by mollierose98 on 06.12.2011