
January 16th, 2024 | 10 Entries

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10 Entries for “flavor”

  1. The flavor escaped his tongue before he could savor it. Streams of ambrosia, nectar of life cased in the taste of iron. His victim’s neck was now dry. Time to find another, maybe a woman this time.

    by Hanzo on 01.17.2024
  2. The overwhelming intricacies of delight emulsified upon my tongue. It’s remnants brusquely lurching down my throat.

  3. The intricacies of delight emulsified upon my parched tongue. Lurching down my thirsty throat

    by lexa on 01.17.2024
  4. The flavor to my life! I need found one, I try develop my english and make more flavor in may words

    by Ana Dias on 01.17.2024
  5. The taste of something a color of the flavor it’s tasty it can taste different from other things depending what it is people like the flavor of things as an example. Flavor could be a good thing. Sweet no-sweet bad good nasty.

    by Lily on 01.16.2024
  6. She couldn’t quite figure out the flavor as she rolled it around in her mouth, savoring it. The jungle certainly provides some interesting food choices!

  7. Flavor, the one sense so often neglected, we write plenty on sight, quite a bit on touch and sound, some on smell, but flavor is harder but have you ever tasted thunder in the air? Have you ever seen something orange enough to squeeze? Have you ever seen snow like crusted icing?

  8. The flavor of the ice cream made me thick of childhood, of the ice cream shop in NY state where we waited for hours to get our scoops of ice cream. Flavors can evoke memories, as if stimulating an ancient spot in our brains.

    by Chanpheng on 01.16.2024
  9. Flavor is an important part of any dish. Food is needed for survival, yes, but flavor makes it more fun. I love all sorts of flavors. A mixture of flavors can create something brand new. Try something different today.

    by Bri on 01.16.2024
  10. I love food with a lot of flavors, that’s why pizza is so good right? In fact, I’m open to trying every new flavor I come across, you never know if you’ll like it till you try it. And I think I like almost everything lol

    by ElQwerty on 01.16.2024