
August 9th, 2010 | 177 Entries

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177 Entries for “flashback”

  1. She smiled while she looked at pictures. The flashy redhead and the little blonde dancing together in diapers. Things had changed so much…. but things were good the way they were.

  2. like a flash of light in the back of my mind, the memory plays itself out in front of me, suddenly. they say flashbacks have triggers, like guns; i say they’re just as fatal.

    by rani on 08.09.2010
  3. It was in the middle of the street when it happened, amidst the rain and the crowds. A flash a luscious red hair crossed her view and she was suddenly thrown back in her memories, flashing through her mind, to a time when things were better and Sasha was still alive.

    by Tal on 08.09.2010
  4. It’s the back not the flash that is so startling. Can I flash that far back? How could I have come so far in a flash?

    by Nancy O'Neill on 08.09.2010
  5. There is was again. The memories of another day – a better day – when all was well in the world. No spills, no bailouts, no nothing. Only happiness, a loving family, and friends.

    by Evan on 08.09.2010
  6. Black.
    To December ’08.
    “I can’t get her to shut up. She follows me around like a lost puppy.”
    A vision.
    A staple.
    First cut.
    First night of pain.
    The beginning
    Of so much more.

  7. it’s an every day thing
    the endless memories
    you’re like a plague that part of me doesn’t want to get rid of.
    the rational side keeps saying forget.
    but I think there’s somewhere deep inside
    that foolishly believes maybe some day, some day you might…

    but I know it’s nonsense.
    and I don’t want that.
    I don’t want that…

    by Josh on 08.09.2010
  8. We fell weary. We crunched at our cores. Our oxgen may not return into our smoothe resolute

    by on 08.09.2010
  9. We fell weary. We crunched at our cores. Our oxygen may not return to our smooth resolute

    by salientsty14 on 08.09.2010
  10. His mind wandered back to a time when he was happier. Suddenly he was back in todays world with all the troubles. He missed that small respite in his day. He longed for the memories to return

  11. when i think of a flashback i think of good memories. the fun i had. all the laughing i have done. the smiles i had and all the joy i had filled my heart. flashbacks are good for me are good to me and are good memories made that i will never forget.

  12. I had a flashback today…of when we were together. Your breath on the back of my neck as we would cuddle on the bed. That flashback sent me into tears. I miss the scent of your body, and the way it would linger after we hugged.

  13. Flashbacks are thoughts or memories you have about something that happened in the past. In many movies or shows, flashbacks involve inner monologue from the character and are started and ended by a screen that is both turning white and has a wavy pattern.

    by Erik on 08.09.2010
  14. to the times when you thought that you were in control. now imagine that the sea has opened up and swallowed you like a baby in the womb. the greatest thirty seconds of my life

  15. He opened his eyes and found himself staring down the gulch. “This wasn’t in the flashback,” he murmured, shutting his eyes. In just a moment, he told himself, he’d be on to the next scene, back at the high school or his job, maybe his wedding day.

  16. “Flashback!” Joseph looked at me intently. “What was it this time, sweetie?” He asked. “It was awful. There was darkness everywhere.” I had these sudden little slices of memory sometimes. You see, I don’t remember my past. Anything farther back than 2 years, 7 months and 11 days are lost for me except for when I have a flashback. Sometimes they were of places that I had been before the accident and sometimes they were people who’s names I could no longer remember.

  17. I usually have flashbacks about the past and all the mistake’s I’ve made in it. Mostly it’s filled mainly with regret, but I also need to begin learning from them. I am embarassed by who I was, and hope admiringly to change for the better.

    by Sivan Bachar on 08.09.2010
  18. The flashbacks came quickly, flitting through my mind so fast I had no time to look through them. They bombarded me and soon I was cringing with the flashing of the images in my mind’s eye.

    by on 08.09.2010
  19. It was one of her favorite memories. It was just her and her best friend, playing on the driveway creating there own little world through chalk, and laughter, and pretending. There was no need for flashbacks in her world; no need for remembering. All she wanted was right in front of her.

    “You okay there?” her friend wondered.
    “Yeah. Of course. Can you hand me that yellow piece?” She smiled to herself as she looked out into the desolate street. Yeah. who needs flashbacks when they have the present?

  20. Sometimes when he sang certain songs, he’d remember her and how they’d been in love. How she was so perfect. But then he’d push it back into the dark recesses of his mind.
    He’d been stupid, dumped her for the girl in his band. Touring so long, with stars in his eyes, he just did it.
    Maybe, if he’d said that it was a mistake, a one-night stand, she might have forgiven him. But he didn’t. No, he said it was over, that he loved *her*.
    Ten years, gone like that. It meant nothing. That’s what he said to her by doing what he did.
    Now sometimes, he’d wonder about the what-ifs. But then he’d remember she had moved on, found another, and she was happy.
    The past was just that, and he lived for the present.

  21. Incomplete and incomprehensible.

    An eight-legged silhouette shimmered back and forth, deep green then silver as it ran between moonlight bars on the floor. A flickering apparition with night fangs that leapt onto the desk and paused to smile before springing out the window with the child’s body, mummy-wrapped and strapped to its underbelly.

    The man sat huddled in the corner and when later questioned by police, kept repeating ‘flashback..no more flashback’.

  22. All it is is a flashback, nothing more. I don’t actually miss him, it’s just summer. That’s all I have to say to myself to confirm my fears. That’s all I have to not do.

    by Ella Emma Em on 08.09.2010
  23. eyes squeezed shut, hair blown back. black. hurricane. when i flash back, and the world falls slack, will you be there?

  24. She pulls back the door, gasps as if it’s her first breath, her last breath. “Get me out of here”, she thinks, and thinks again, but nothing happens. Not the first time, not the second time, not the last time. It hurt, she will think three years from now– it hurt.

    by Annie P on 08.09.2010
  25. It happened so long ago…yet he could remember it well; yes, he recalled the candles, the dark-colored room, and his sister–his sister…she was the one. She was always the one.

  26. is a swedish forum on the internet. probably the biggest one. I don’t like it that much but it tought me how to give oral sex. and im thankful for that.. not as thankful as my boyfriend is though.

    by hannah n stuff on 08.09.2010
  27. “I’ve been thinking about you,” she said. If only that was true, if only.

    by B on 08.09.2010
  28. As she dressed she had a flash back
    To the last time someone saw her
    The memory made her smile
    It faded as quickly as it came
    That was months ago
    And nothing felt the same

  29. I flashback to the time when I was only in grade 7. I was asked out. If I had taken the opportunity, would my life be different. It seems as though a small choice can have a big impact.

    by Alex on 08.09.2010
  30. I stared out into the vivid blue abyss before me, with depths unreached, stretching out to unimaginable destinations. Nothing could get in its way, for it simply molded around what was put before it. That’s how I remember being when he loved me so freely.

    by Jen - LynnArts on 08.09.2010
  31. Jack had been here before. He knew what was going to happen. He clenched the metal rod as hard as he could. The sweat on his forehead created beads that trickled down his face, eventually being soaked up by his already damp shirt

    by Ken Rayadon on 08.09.2010
  32. Whoa!
    This reminds me of Riders in the Sky shows…the ones that they’d film. Because they’d do these flashback scenes for some reason…and they’d put squiggly lines and make the picture all wobbly.
    At least I think it was them.

  33. I was sitting sat my desk and doing my best to avoid work when I flashed back to the days when work was fun. So very long ago.

    by Jim Timonere on 08.09.2010
  34. i remember a memory about you and me, sitting on a bench drinking wine and staring at each other in the dead of night, you looked lost but comforted at the same time. i wanted to kiss you but i did not have the courage.

    by alizeh on 08.09.2010
  35. Flashbacks make me think of that technique in drama which they always tell you to ignore if at all possible. But I think the technique of a flashback can be excellent when used correctly. It all depends, because I think it’s sometimes important to break the linear flow of things. But that’s just me. (Whoa, flashback to 1992.)

    by MaxMax on 08.09.2010
  36. It was like a flashback. A scene she had already seen, but it could never have happened before because this was a different man, wasn’t he? Sure they shared similarities as all people do. Square jaw, thin lips, always a trace of stubble upon his chin… these were normal male qualities. Yet those eyes. He had the same eyes.

  37. Ich lege die CD ein. Ich fand die Titel für meine Mix-CDs schon immer ziemlich cool. Wenn nicht nur diese Erinnerungen wären… ach, diese Fahrt über den Rhein, wie wir schipperten, das war schön. Jetzt hat es einen vergilbten Rand.

  38. Her hair looked like a bad fad flashback from the 80’s. Only when this fad came back, it had picked up an acid habit on the way.

  39. Once upon a time, I met a boy. His name was Andrew and he was shy. After some time of playing music together, We fell in love. Our first kiss was perfectly awkward.

    by Ica on 08.09.2010
  40. Well it was as if it happened yesterday. There I was standing outside the station at midnight and he wasn’t there. I’d driven all the way to Gatwick to meet him and missed him at arrivals. Then I’d driven back North in a hire car cos I knew he would be on the train – now at York Station I missed him again. It was nearly 20 years ago and I’m still traumatised.