
January 6th, 2010 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “figure”

  1. steaming piles of figure shits in the gangly green i make up word figures as i storm the castles of rightesousness only the good die young…wtf does this even mean this passage is aimless directgionless and quite ordinary in its vernacular and prose i spi

    by eh on 01.06.2010
  2. Figure skating is pretty awesome, not that I would know or anything, because infact I don’t even know how to skate, yes, sad. Stop badgering me for it, will you. But one thing I know for sure is that Figure-skating is a beautiful sport Oh, so I’ve heard. I know that people feel graceful too because they’ve told me.

    by Lana L. on 01.06.2010
  3. shape, number, picture as noun; as verb: understand.

    by pavalamani pragasam on 01.06.2010
  4. Well i figure that the figure
    that i once tried to make
    is much harder to configure
    than a simple figure eight

    by Crystalotter on 01.06.2010
  5. i see a figure drowning out the sweet sorrows of the wicked crawling screaming crying pandering for that one day when theu will rise up against the aniquities of the balmeless and the plight of the wicked. i eat dirt when i breathe my mouth becomes a receptacle for lost wage earners

    by anony on 01.06.2010
  6. I figure that I can release myself from boredom b following my friends instrctions and coming to this site. As it is, there is a dark, shadowy figure in my window… i think it is just a tree, but it may also b

    by Amanda on 01.06.2010
  7. figure is form. to conform gives one figure but leaves the specifics of such to chance.

    by on 01.06.2010
  8. respect your body. love your figure. love your curves. someone will always find you beautiful no matter your figure. you only get one body, love it. respect it. embrace it.

    by camille on 01.06.2010
  9. The figure loomed in the distance. As he came closer, I began to make out more than the outline that I first saw. My heart thumped as he came closer, closer, closer. I sniffed the faint scent of cologne – his cologne. He finally reached me. Enveloped in his arms, my heart felt as if it could burst, from joy, and from love.

    by fye on 01.06.2010
  10. Looking in the mirror one may not be as pleased by what they see as the person to their right. You may be short, fat, have an annoying pimple and not very good looking, but don’t worry, figure doesn’t matter.

    by Chris Browne on 01.06.2010
  11. i have a curvy figure. it’s getting smaller but i think i’m starting to have an eating disorder again. i won’t allow myself to eat anything

    by kerin on 01.06.2010
  12. figure out what the f your talking about …. figure.. like a body figure.. figure out this math problem fool.. ice skating figure… figure fig newton i figure my 60 seconds are almost up.. go figure.

    by Keely Williams on 01.06.2010
  13. I figured I had to leave since it had become my only option. My bags were thrown outside of the our building in the snow. I loved how he was so considerate of my stuff.

    by Amanda-Lee on 01.06.2010
  14. a figure can be anything, a shape. a thought. a mental image. i don’t know what “figure” means exactly. i can “figure” something out. i can sketch a “figure” on a blank slate. in the middle i might even draw a little smiley face. i’m a terrible drawer. but figuring.. i like it. a body figure. obese, slim, skinny, small, tall, wide..

    by erin on 01.06.2010
  15. Her figure shivered as the cold ate her ass! She screamed in surprise, and then I raped her

    by noone on 01.06.2010
  16. Figures. Everywhere I look I see another Vogue magazine. Another fucking magazine telling me to lose twenty pounds or no one will ever love me. Fuck you, society. Fuck that. I love me, and no one will tell me what to do. Crunches don’t make me amazing, my mind does. My brilliant, fucking mind. Figure that.

    by raquel on 01.06.2010
  17. a fleshen body

    by Daniella on 01.06.2010
  18. drawing in class, human models perched on pedestals, just as they came into this world, glorified for nine long months and paid dearly for, in stretch marks and in vitro bills. was he worth it, this artsy curvy young lady? well- mom, dad?

    by jules on 01.06.2010
  19. Figure is as figure does.

    by Clint Hollingshead on 01.06.2010
  20. I figure that life is basically unfogurable, if that’s a word. Some guys and I tried to define happiness the other day, which is ridiculous because happiness is not tangible…it is absract. It cannot be defined in one word. Yet we defined it as mutual concern…as love.

    by Meg on 01.06.2010
  21. i figure this can go two ways. you say yes and ill be happy or you say no and i say goodbye forever.

    by jennielove on 01.06.2010
  22. I had to figure out what to do with my time. It had to be something special. I couldn’t just waste my time on nothing. Time goes fast. Only we don’t realize it as kids. Everything changes when we’re older and we have to figure out what to do with our time, emotions, our whole lives.

    by Nicole on 01.06.2010
  23. A figure eight is a fun thing to do in a car. Especially on icy snowy days. It is nice to do donuts as well, but a figure eight is a little trickier. That is what makes it so much fun. Although, it can be dangerous, which only adds to the fun. So go do some figure eights and don’t die!

    by Stazy on 01.06.2010
  24. Fiona furtively fondled five figulated figurines

    by . on 01.06.2010
  25. I figure that if the world was flat, we would all get along a lot better. i figure if we all knew the true importance of life we would love so much truer

    by Brianne Grealish on 01.06.2010
  26. she had a slim figure, melting in the sun and the heat. it’s no wonder she was the center of attention.

    by on 01.06.2010
  27. what do you figure?

    what do you figure?
    where are we going?
    where have we come from and
    where are we now?

    what do you figure?
    i watch trees up-growing
    leaves turn pretty colors and
    fall to the ground.

    by on 01.06.2010
  28. The ice was thick at the shallow edges, but the center was much more delicate. I watched her move out towards it, her desire to make a perfect figure 8 at the front of her mind. I watched her trace the upper half, and then the lower, crossing them perfectly as she fell through the ice.

    by on 01.06.2010
  29. I figure it’s pretty hard to see the sky
    When you live in a cage
    Or a dorm room.

    It’s all the same, really, when it’s raining.
    You can’t see clouds.
    Only raindrops.

    by Kim on 01.06.2010
  30. I figure I know I am what?
    You know, what I figured.

    by David on 01.06.2010
  31. There’s a shape on the horizon, dark, and soft. Silhouette, oh how you are beautiful.
    “Mom, when i grow up. I want to be a shadow.”
    “And mom, why is that shape, is it a man, the figure in black.”
    “Mom, will he hurt me?”

    “No darling. You’re already a shadow in the darkness.”

    by icanfeelyourpain on 01.06.2010
  32. “What’s going on here?”

    The man looked up at his wife. His hand was currently caught in a rather large bottle, and he was holding a wrench and a stick of butter in his /other/ hand. A pitiful attempt to free himself. Mmmmaybe.

    “…Go figure.”

    by Danielle on 01.06.2010
  33. there was a figure standing in the door way
    no one could see their face.
    not one word was uttered from the faceless shape.
    it made me feel cold and lonely.

    by .... on 01.06.2010
  34. Just trying to figure this out. Where does the result publish?

    by sarah on 01.06.2010
  35. i figured that i’d figure something to write by the time i found this. i used to watch figure it out with summer sanders when i was young and my mom thought it was stupid. go figure. i also think that i have a wonderful figure, my chest is small but my butt is shapely and my hips are prominent. Figure. I dislike math.

    by Isabella on 01.06.2010
  36. go figure. What a figure. Figure that one out. Figures usually mean bodies and their shapes or numbers. No one likes numbers that much, so body shapes it is. Hot burritos! I wish I had a figure like Marilyn Monroe. She was hot! Her figure was a classic hourglass. Not too many of those these days…

    by jobo on 01.06.2010
  37. i figure I’ll have to go back to school on Sunday and finish moving into my new room on the second floor. I figure Doug will not be coming home for my formal in 3 weeks. I figure i’ll be confused about schools for a while still, at least til spring break when I can go visit.

    by taylor on 01.06.2010
  38. i figure maybe i have a chance with you, but then again i’m not so sure. damn, i didn’t realize i liked you so much until suddenly all i can write about on these oneword things is you. you’re the first thing that comes into my head.

    by laur on 01.06.2010
  39. I frowned as my fingers flew over the puzzle pieces.
    “There’s a link. Somewhere. I just – damnit! – I just can’t find it.”
    Adam trailed his finger across the piece we’d found next to Dawn Smith’s body and twisted it around.

    by asdf on 01.06.2010
  40. the figure in her head chased her. mocked her. tortured her. just like she tortured it. then as qucikly as it came, it was gone.

    by angel on 01.06.2010