
April 10th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “feather”

  1. The first time I saw The White Man, he wore an earring on only one ear. It was beautifully crafted in the ways of my father and grandfather, with a feather and tiny brown soil-looking beads that circled the stud. Gifts from my people have started pouring in, I thought to myself. The hand that offers food to the lion eventually gets eaten alongside the meal.
    As The White Man passed me by, I hissed spittle to the ground, looked him in the eyes and the augury of his future as it intertwined with ours rose from the earth penetrating my nostrils with vivid intoxication.
    The White Man will leave our land, return with palates that will be forced down our throats as we get called tasteless. And when we finally learn to dine at his tables, my goddaughter would be stoned at dawn for having a liking to a taste not made from her mother’s kitchen.

  2. The wind whistled past as her body descended. She felt light as a feather despite free falling though the clouds. The sky felt endless. Though she questioned if her chute would open when the moment came.

  3. The feather falls, no brethren to push it up anymore, as light as it is, gravity still makes its claim, you need wings to fly

  4. Light and weightless, floating ever downward within graceful flips and twists. Those watch on in awe as if some sort of beauty lies within, yet never think of that which is falling. Is it even worth hitting the bottom?

  5. She felt as light as a feather. She would have no more arguments with Nora about attribution, which would always leave her angry and depressed. But as she approached her lab, she saw police cars outside. She wondered if she should run, but she marched onward.

    by Chanpheng on 04.10.2024