
October 16th, 2023 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “falter”

  1. heath

    by Fida on 10.17.2023
  2. I will not falter. The path is clear, the pack is full, my mind resolute. The way will be long, but I have faith that every provision has been made.

  3. She started to falter towards the end of the race, losing her lead.

  4. He felt confident about what he was going to do. He was going to go to this boss’ office and tell him what to do, if he wanted to retain his services. However, when he touched the door knob, his resolve started to falter. What if his boss doesn’t agree, what if they argue? He released the door knob and returned to his desk.

    by Chanpheng on 10.16.2023
  5. Arlene’s smile faltered. “I don’t know what you mean.”

    Nancy pursed her lips a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. She spared the quickest of glances at Vera, who gave an almost imperceptible nod of encouragement. “I simply mean, Ms. Campbell, that I don’t know why you’d want me of all people to attend the biggest party in town. We hardly know each other.”

  6. Every step, there is a chance to falter. To lose your balance, to fall down.

    Every step, there is a chance to move forward, to regain strength, to grow.

    To falter is not to fail, to falter is to see an opportunity to place your feet squarely on the ground, look fear in the face, and say, “I see you.”

    by Michelle on 10.16.2023