
March 29th, 2011 | 498 Entries

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498 Entries for “executive”

  1. ego

    by We are phases on 03.29.2011
  2. the person in power, the one who controls everything, the person people look up to the most. however it can also be the person who screws up the most. Big buisness guys and people living in big citys remind me the most of executives.

    by Kass on 03.29.2011
  3. Dude, these guys/gals are at the top of the totem pole. I’m gonna be one of these one day. If I can live through college and university. But still. Someone asks what I am at a school reunion? Oh, I’m an executive.

    by Sophie on 03.29.2011
  4. “Let’s go to the executive suite and have some caviar and champagne,” Snorky said, “Then we can poop on the cheese plate before running off to have sex in the janitor’s closet.” Leela batted her eyeballs and fiddled with her tail, “Oh, Snorky,” she effused, “You sure know how to treat a rat.”

  5. executives; the people above us keeping us where we are. or so it seems. the word sounds expensive, and nice, and like it’s something you want.

    it’s not

    it’s nothing like what you think it is, it’s not happy

    by Doc Brown on 03.29.2011
  6. business

    by Kathryn Wilson on 03.29.2011
  7. The man in the big chair, eh? He’s quite the sight…wonder if thats a toupee..Yea, its a toupee. The nerve of this guy, that tie? good lord those colors clash. If only you weren’t holding that axe…I’d let you know a thing or two.

    by Dirk on 03.29.2011
  8. Executive. Executive.
    Business man. Suit and tie, everyday.
    Executive. Executive
    A mundane live you live
    Executive Executive
    You are never happy
    Executive. Executive.
    You hate your job and life
    Executive. Executive.


  9. My dad was once an executive type person for Effen Vodka. So for a few months we got all the free Effen Vodka we wanted…and then it just stopped. I guess it’s probably because Effen Vodka tastes like crap. It was cool to see my dad all drunk and whatever, though.

  10. When I think of the word executive I think of someone who is successful. The head of a business. The chief. Someone who is ontop.

  11. Su habilidad de ejecutar acciones a base de conocimientos adquiridos en su infancia le facilitó elegir con cuidado aquella decisión que marcaría su vida.

  12. I aspire to be an executive someday. You know, someone who has engraved an important name in society, where people will eventually look up to you and be their model. Hopefully, through my perseverance in my studies, I will reach this goal.

  13. boring, suit, lives in an office wears black shoes, always dealing with lots of paperwork, has a family, lives in the suburbs, drives a boring executive saloon car, probably flirts with his secretary too much, has a beautiful wife, he works to pays the bills.

    by Chris Peck on 03.29.2011
  14. “It’s not time to dick around, gentlemen. It’s time to make an executive decision. Now, I’m not going to mince words here. I’m going to give it to you straight and goddammit, some of you may not like it. But I was a straight shooter when you met me and I’m not going to pussy foot around it now.”

  15. jobs, internships. I need to make an executive decision. I need to know how to make an executive decision. what is the best decision to make? who is the executive who decides your life. What life will we live and how much to the fullest. How to make an executive decision.

    by Katie on 03.29.2011
  16. It’s a state of mind, being an executive. You have to be collected, calm, be able to make command decisions. You have to *know* and be able to *do* and be *trusted* with the responsibilities you’re given. Being an executive is all about power and balance. The ability to balance your personal thoughts with the best company decisions and the power to make it happen and convince those beneath you, and sometimes above you, the wisdom of what you want to do.

  17. i think it’s an executive decision. the ones i make about my life.
    maybe i need to make more, but i don’t feel like an executive at all.
    promoting myself to CEO tomorrow morning.
    memo sent out.
    spell checked.

    by Anne Causey on 03.29.2011
  18. important grey person

    by sary on 03.29.2011
  19. order, the unilateral power of the president like an authortive dictator. Silmilat r o to a slavery; owner with his will imposed uopion th epeople . like that without say in a government or household. Having now real power in the way things are because of the excutive descision maker.

    by Shadaro Quintar on 03.29.2011
  20. Executives are pretty much assholes. They take and take and take and never give. Blah, thats just what the stereotypical view is. It depends, ya know? If i am an executive one day I hope Im really cool not an asshole. If execs wanted to they could change the world.

    by hank stowers on 03.29.2011
  21. executive makes me think of a business or corporation… i dont know very much about that because i am a biology major. my sister was a business major. i chose to avoid business because i felt like everyone was doing it. i like to be different.

    by Maude on 03.29.2011
  22. “So what you’re saying is that the President is the Chief Executive,” Debbie said. “Yes, exactly,” Brian replied. “He runs the executive branch of the government. “So, in other words, he’s like a Chief Executive Officer of a company,” she continued. “Well, yes,” he replied. “So, that means that if the government is losing money like crazy and people are either being laid off or are totally unemployed and the environment is in crappy shape, then he’s kind of doing a piss poor job,” Debbie asserted. “Well, er, yes,” now he hesitated. “Um, where are you going with this, Debbie?” “The way I see it,” she said, “is that if the boss can’t keep his employees working, happy, and healthy, then he needs to be replaced.” “Yeah,” he agreed. “But you can’t fire the President.” “Yeah, you can, it just takes a while, like four years.”

    by Izolda on 03.29.2011
  23. He sits at the top of the ladder (stands rather.) Employees hang from those rungs. Unimportant. Just hanging. A Caesar-esque betrayal of epic proportions.

  24. I really want to land a job where I could be an executive in something important.. actually thats a lie.. I just want a job where I can be happy going to it everyday. To feel like i’m doing something that actually makes me a contributing member of society. Something that my kids will one day be excited to tell their friends what I do. I don’t just want another job that doesn’t contribute anything special to society.

    by Samantha Eagan on 03.29.2011
  25. A boss. A ruler. A giver of harsh words. A power. A strength. Overcame by power. Decisions of an executive. An executive. A decider.

    by Deej on 03.29.2011
  26. He was a top business executive.
    He stood in his private corner office. High-rise. Windows for walls. Tapping a penny on the glass. Wanted to see if he could break it.
    Home for dinner.
    Talked about work.
    Kids didn’t really care.

    by Theo on 03.29.2011
  27. The executive is lauded as the new warrior or leader of our time, a modern count or duke or baron to replace the old aristocracy. But he’s really nothing more than the same old salesman, dressed up and sitting in a corner office.

  28. same as i said before, henry viii killed 8 of his wives because they couldnt have sons. this was actually his fault because he couldnt produce a freaking y chromosome. it led to the creation of the anglican church so divorce could be legal. sex ed wouldve saved so many lives

  29. Being an executive is a great feeling. You are on a trip and the rush of power can go to your head. Some people forget where they came from and make mistakes. Some executives just make poor decisions. I definitely think executives get way overpaid for the state of our declining economy. They should share some of the wealth with those less fortunate.

  30. A business suit
    An afternoon meeting
    Advertising and marketing
    Executive decisions…..

    It’s the kind of life that pays
    And drains.

    I don’t want that life.
    Let me be happy.

    Not executive.

  31. The executive order had been given. Sam knew that the time for hesitation was over. He would do his duty, no matter how painful. He knew that he would have to Kill his lover, and he had to live with that.

  32. S: (sullenly) I told you I didn’t want to do that.
    B: Yeah, well you didn’t seem too sure.
    S: (quietly) I was sure.
    B: (Laughs) Well, I’m sorry. I knew it was something you wanted. Remember? We agreed that this is what you wanted.
    S: But–
    B: (Ignoring S) This is what you needed. Remember?
    B: Well, it doesn’t matter if you remember. I remembered. That’s why I made an executive decision. It really is for your own good.
    S: I didn’t give you permission to make executive decisions…I…I want control back. This is my body.
    B: We agreed that this is what you wanted……………

  33. I rule the world! I rule the world! We scream like jaguars, the liars that we are. Liars. The finest of China lies at our feet (or should I say, our desktop). The world lies at our feet, and we on its shoulders.

  34. the pressure’s on
    you’re the boss
    let’s get it on
    avoid the loss

    feel the power
    going higher
    aint no dream

  35. He sits at the desk in his office day after day. His gray suit and his black tie are no different from the bleak backdrop of the gray cityscape behind him. What is the meaning of such an existence? Day in and day out, all there is, is gray. A world without color is not much of a world at all.

    by Suzanne on 03.29.2011
  36. I rule the world! I rule the world! We scream like jaguars, the liars that we are. The finest of china, it lies at our feet (or should I say, our desktop). The world is at our feet, and we are at its shoulders.

  37. I have never been very good at executive decisions. I always want everyone’s input and I want everyone happy. Unfortunately sometimes someone needs to step up and make the final choice.

  38. The executive looked at his manservant disdainfully, and declared, “Now, manservant, fetch me my mantoy!”

    by Trullimu on 03.29.2011
  39. Executive assistant. I wonder if that’s where I’ll end up, sitting next to the person in charge, squandering away my life in some cubical, filing papers and stapling documents. I don’t think I’d be able to look at myself if I spent all those years in an office feeling useless. I know a lot of good people that can say that they’ve spent their lives serving some business man like that, but I don’t want to be one of them. I don’t want to wake up 30 years from now and have done nothing but spin my wheels in some administrative wasteland.

  40. presidential role
    you cannot do it alone
    you have a cabinet
    and then
    the legislative branch
    and judicial branch
    and we all work together
    and we will
    get things figure out
    end war
    in Iraq
    in Libya
    clean energy
    japan relief efforts
    lets solve all of our problems