
June 13th, 2011 | 645 Entries

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645 Entries for “embraced”

  1. Hold someone closely in one’s arms, esp. as a sign of affection. practicly to help some one when they need it most. when they feel like they are lost you would hold them you would embrace them even if only to give them that false sense of not being a lone of having someone to help you get through everything. of just simply having some one.

  2. i embraced everythign when i was little every tiny experience…but now everythings different or so i think and i get less time to embrace everything from people to experiences and moments. i wish i could have my grandma back so i could embrace her and never let go cuz i never loved anyone more than her. ever.

    by Cherry on 06.13.2011
  3. It has been months — almost a year and now our reunion is a mere week away. After surviving on lengthy phone conversations, sweet letters in the mail, and the occasional video chat for so long, I cannot begin to imagine what that long expected embrace will feel like.

  4. I remember how we embraced so tightly on those nights before the fights became all that we spent our nights doing. Before I made that stupid decision and told you to join in a game of Russian Roulette. I was drunk, I think, and so were you. It was out of spite that I suggested it, and look where that got us.

  5. I held tight to the embrace. Our heats entwined in one, giving out a pleasant beat. I looked up at your face and you held me tighter. A tear fell out. I don’t know to whom it belonged. But there it fell, a reminder of a farewell.

  6. I would love to be embraced at this moment, c’mon, who wouldn’t, eh? It would be nice, perhaps we should just embrace one another at odds times, it would make anything entirely more comfortable. Give it a try, find a friend and do it for laughs.

  7. She embraced the change. She embraced the new state, the new house, the new school. She embraced her family’s new found hope. But she would not embrace the other woman.

    by Ingrid Berendina on 06.13.2011
  8. i was embraced by a boy who’s love was stronger than the ocean current, he was beautiful. i loved him. he held me tightly. he kissed me goodnight at the end of every hard day. he loved me. i wish i could go back to the days where the complexity of love was a precious thing.

    by annabel marks on 06.13.2011
  9. Embraced makes me think of spending the night with Todd. In his sleep, he’ll roll over and put his arms around me or pull me closer to him. It also makes me think of hugging my friends after having not seen them for a very long time. This Thursday, I’m flying up to MD to see my family; no one knows except my youngest sister and I can’t wait to see the looks on my parent’s faces!

    by Katie on 06.13.2011
  10. they embraced. the end.

    by awesdrghjk on 06.13.2011
  11. He threw his arms around me and cried, “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you for all this time, but you… but you… you haven’t come home! You haven’t been back in years!”

  12. The stars rose among the sky of purple and blue. His arms wrapped around her middle and hauled her to the ground. It might have been a romantic embrace if the sound of her ribs cracking hadn’t been heard above the crash of tide and caw of the native wildlife.

  13. Kara’s best friend, Amy, had embraced everything life had to offer with a smile. For this alone Kara was envious, but it had never evolved into the sort of jealousy that leads so many potentially wonderful friendships down bitter roads. The tears came easily and without warning. Kara restrained herself from picking up the phone and calling Amy’s voicemail; the need to hear her friend’s voice was nearly overwhelming.

  14. embraced is a hug and a feeling i think we all couldl ike to enjoy or is it an action? i guess it’s more of an action like a hug. but it doesn’t always have to be physical. like you can embrace an idea. i think this happens a lot in our every day lives. we embrace things all the time.

    by Gracie on 06.13.2011
  15. the girl didn’t know what she was doing when she embraced that stray dog, only that he had such sad eyes and looked so scraggly standing in the rain. her mother had told her not to touch animals, that they were dirty, but she’d wandered on her way back from the market and he was there, on the corner, just before the turn to her cookie cutter house.

    by emu on 06.13.2011
  16. i opened my arms wide and pulled in the universe into my chest, filling my heart chakra with news of the life i lived before falling out. what is this place? how can i see? i drank some more water and asked again and again, what am i doing here? i couldn’t think clearly before but now i can. i am who i am. i am who i’ve been. i am who i will be. nobody, somebody, everybody. hold me closer, tiny dancer

    by oliver danni on 06.13.2011
  17. The last time I saw my cousin before she was killed, I hugged and told her I loved her. I hadn’t done that in years, but on that day I just felt like I needed to say it. I never saw her alive again.

    by Jeromie on 06.13.2011
  18. Where flesh meets flesh, we embraced. The two of us, on the doorstep of your parents home. Where soul meets soul, we spoke. The two of us, in a world of our own. We shared the same desires – to live, to see more of this world, to go where we weren’t; to love one another. In the world of souls our moment’s embrace was eternity, and we lived our dreams. In the world where flesh met flesh, we parted – and we’re strangers once more.

  19. When my dad came home from Iraq, everybody in my family embraced him for a very long time. Especially I was excited to embrace him. Just to feel his touch, after not seeing or hearing from him for over 3 years, was just the most beautiful experience. I love my dad, and was glad that I was the first to embrace him.

    by Breanna Larson on 06.13.2011
  20. The opportunity to embrace a new life had just walked in the door. Black leather jacket, cool mustache, jeans, and a long dark ponytail. I don’t like long hair on men, But , somehow, there was a mismatch; being what I thought I liked, and the spark he ignited.

  21. So is there only one word a day? That’s boring. Embrace. Hm Emmmmmbrrraaaaceee. Well I embrace my cat. She’s nice. I’ve never “embraced” a boy. Well, I can’t really work with embrace, now can I? Dang I just ran out of time.

  22. Take it on. Take it in. I love the feeling of wrapping my head around an idea that may not be worthy; or entirely thought out for that matter… I do feel that risk is an essential player in each and every game. However, experience is the variable.

  23. I am not an affectionate person. I am not into PDA and many boyfriends have questioned why I am so detached. The reason I am not willing to give emotions to frequently is because it will mean and say so much more when I finally do.

    by J on 06.13.2011
  24. Okay…..wow…feeling the time pressure here. the first thing that popped into my mind when seeing this word was “alone”. I guess because you have to be alone first to experience being embraced. If you were embraced all the time…being along would be the transition. Other words that pop into my mind are open, expecting, and awe….

  25. I was reading about Vampires the other day…”real” vampires. They have a forum and everything (what group doesn’t nowadays?). There was a glossary containing words and phrases commonly used by the vampire community. The writer was particularly defensive about this word, making statement after statement that this action was NOT exclusively, nor inherently sexual by design… apparently, there have been misunderstandings between
    “an affectionate hug” and “are you…coming on to me?”
    …also “please, mister undead monster, don’t drink my blood.”

    …..I don’t know…the word just makes me think of cuddle-bunnies.

  26. I wish i could have embraced more of my past, and i hope to embrace more of my future.

    by on 06.13.2011
  27. brash my lash & will fool the fat
    borddull I’am a costoden
    this ill my stolen live

  28. held in the arms of a lover that i never had before. he knows me, inside and out. i know what it means to be loved with him. he completes me. love forever. us, always.

    by simon on 06.13.2011
  29. i need this just as much as you do.

  30. hugs and kisses. he doesn’t love her. cause he’s a prep. and she’s poor. does that stuff work out? i mean…love and all…but really? he wears polo shirts all the time…in Nantucket red.

    by Rebecca on 06.13.2011
  31. Embraced means to me that feeling of hugging with emotions, warm emotions. Embrace is what my mum and I shared I saw her again after 5 1/2 months abroad, it is not what I did when saying goodbye to her. Embraced is the feeling that you never want to let go of the person who is holding you, it is pouring all your love and emotion into one desperate hug. It’s the whole world becoming a moment in someone else’s arms.

    by Lucy on 06.13.2011
  32. i reached out and embraced her,
    just to make sure she was still there
    body shaking, heavy breathing
    i had never been more scared.

  33. The last time I thought about being hugged was well..yesterday. I don’t know why but there is something about being embraced, held. It connects to a part of your senses that nothing but an embrace could possibly do. It’s funny how a touch from one person can mean nothing but a touch from someone you love means everything.

    by Caitlyn O'Connell on 06.13.2011
  34. I always embraced him. I loved him for who he was. And now he broke my heart. I have never been embraced by him. I have been hated and disrespected by him. I embrace being hurt. I embrace the heart ache I feel right now. I am ready to cry. I embrace my life, even if it sucks.

  35. bogdan embraced his beloved dog, “mum, “he said, “this is d.o.g.”

  36. all that you are, without even knowing for sure, with hesitation at first then abandon, what after all is there to lose? My dignity? hardly, that is already long gone. But with time I see, that embracing abandonment is the way to be free…

    by georgie kuna on 06.13.2011
  37. I lay embraced in time, slowly going out of mind, my heart shows nothing of the kind, when i accept the lovely find.

    by Boris on 06.13.2011
  38. warm
    a feeling of security
    of hope
    of love

    by kelsey Melah on 06.13.2011
  39. The enormous woman was regaling two young girls with a tale of the future – “I will die you know, Death will take me off in his enormous wings” and they embraced her with a smile, glad to have her now and her her laughter.

    by Valerahahaha on 06.13.2011
  40. It was unbelievable. Indescribable. To finally hold him once more. All those old feelings that were just memories came rushing back to reality, as soon as their arms wrapped around each other. To hold him again after all this time. It was beyond lovely. She didn’t think she would ever feel this way again. To feelthis warmth again, so long after he had died.