
May 5th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “eagle”

  1. As the kids played, an idea popped into the head of the boy who sat by himself. The brown wind blowing with colourful nylons dancing all around in the sky had given him this idea. He would make a kite so strong and beautiful that it would contend with an eagle’s wings and soar higher than any kite could possibly go. That was an exaggerated possibility but that didn’t matter to the boy. And with that, he set out looking for his tools. Finally, the other kids would see that he was worth playing with. They would come begging, he was sure of it!

  2. The eagle is the most fast bird and he stay in usa dessert

    by Tahani on 05.06.2024
  3. Eagle launches off the cliff, screaming. Large wings wide, talons out, skims the water and drops, clutching scales.

  4. The family members looked around but could not find the lost ear right, but Davy, the young boy had eagle eyes and he grabbed it in his beak. But then he flew off with it before anyone could retrieve it.

    by Chanpheng on 05.05.2024
  5. Eagle is a large predator birds in the world. eagles are known for their eyesight and their capability to hunt down targets at long distances

    by leon on 05.05.2024
  6. Flying high in the sky, wind bristling it’s feathers in union. Vast earth expands below, being able to spot the smallest of details with ease. How envious we must seem, to dream of flight so effortlessly.