
January 28th, 2011 | 389 Entries

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389 Entries for “dropped”

  1. the ball, but I think it was blue. I’m not sure. But I remember something about my mom saying it was blue. Not red. Either way, it was a metaphor. My education has been a joke since the beginning. I dropped the ball. But I’m back on track, and the ball is now red. Thank you God.

    by D. on 01.28.2011
  2. I dropped the limp noodle onto the floor, wincing as the starch cemented itself onto the tile, no doubt leaving behind a residue that would take me ages to scrub off. If only had though to use a proper serving utensil, I wouldn’t be having this problem. But no, I had to go all natural and use my hands.

    by Julia on 01.28.2011
  3. The woman dropped the crystal ball and it shattered into exactly 100 pieces on the marble ground. “Take these pieces”, she commanded the girl, “and bury them in the garden. The girl did as she was told and 100 days later, a crystal tree sprouted from the earth.

  4. She dropped the candle in the cave and it went out. Darkness. The treasure was nowhere to be found, and she just lost her source of light. Kevin had gone to look for more supplies a while ago, but she had no sense of time in the darkness that consumed her, now. All she could do was look around, blindly wander. What else could be done?

    by Emily K on 01.28.2011
  5. As I sat, staring silently at the wall, my stomach dropped. Tears flowed down my cheeks, gathering at my neck. My tongue flicked out, gently tasting the salt that coated my face. Yet, when I tried to stop crying, the tears kept flowing and a smile lit up my face when I realized that I finally could feel again.

    by Raychel on 01.28.2011
  6. I dropped all pretense a while ago-
    Tell me, sweetheart, have you taken off your mask?
    I highly doubt-
    You’re still an arrogant witch.

    by on 01.28.2011
  7. I dropped the ball. Let you down. I’m sorry. If I could go back, I would. Right now. If I could.
    But I can’t and all I can do now is tell you that I’m sorry and hope that it’s enough. But I know that it’s not enough. Maybe soon it will be. Next time I promise not to drop it – that bitch of a metaphorical ball.

    by Carmen on 01.28.2011
  8. An egg splattered on the floor. The yoke is running. It’s fleeting away from the center like so many of us attempt to do. But it’s still there; we can never successfully run away.

  9. today is a fairly good day it would only be better if i had my grandfather alive today to see what i have acomplished so far in my lifetime. if he was still live i would tell him that he gives great advice and that he inspires me in many ways. if i could see him one last time i would let him know that i love him very much and i think about him everyday after giving thanks to God for keeping me on earth each day.

    by flavia mccoy on 01.28.2011
  10. He finally dropped the microphone and gave us all some peace. That damed game was the worst present I ever bought anyone. Being tortured with painful renditions of mediocre songs night after night was going to make me blow my head off.

  11. She dropped the pencil on the ground, and stared at it, like it would do something, anything interesting. What else could she do? Other than pick it up. But it wasn’t that easy. She couldn’t bend to do that anymore. Ever again. She had lost that privilege long ago, with the car crash.

    by Kristina on 01.28.2011
  12. Once I dropped a baby that wasn’t mine. It fell on its feet, thank Christ, or I’d have some serious explaining to do. Nothing came of consequence out of that experience, although the kid does walk funny now. Hopefully that wasn’t my fault.

    by Casey on 01.28.2011
  13. My heart dropped when he said, “We need to talk.” Because there’s only one thing that can mean, isn’t there? No one ever “needs to talk” about anything but breaking up with you – it’s a fact of life. So I just bowed my head and said, “Nah, we don’t, do we?” I handed him his ring and I walked away.

  14. i dropped everything the other day to spend time with you i would have dropped everything in my life to spend the rest of my life with you and then you dropped me quite easily although you say it wasnt easy but i have to imagine it was easier for me than for you because my heart dropped out of my chest when you told me it was over so where does that leave us

    by Melanie on 01.28.2011
  15. the rain dripped and dropped as i sat in my chair. i continued reading this thin sheet of paper that contained an array of words that were too thick to swallow. i dropped it to the floor. what had i just read? my mind was unable to complete this puzzle of uncertain happenings.

    by Leah Bartlett on 01.28.2011
  16. Dropped, what did you drop? Was it heavy? Did it hit your toe? I didn’t drop anything. Did you?

    by Skye on 01.28.2011
  17. It means when something has fallen, I nearly said falls but that’d be wrong in terms of tense. I’m not really talking about the word now… Unless I say I’ve dropped the ball (har har). That’s about it I think… Meh.

    by A on 01.28.2011
  18. dropped. let go. forgotten. so many different ways to phrase it, but they all meant the same thing. they all meant that the same thing had happened to her… again. she was just dropped by someone else, like she was nothing, like she didn’t matter. she knew that some day it would stop, and she just had to keep trying. one day she would find someone that wouldn’t drop her. wouldn’t leave her. but until then… the dropping won’t stop.

    by noelle on 01.28.2011
  19. Left. Dropped. Canned. Re-marketed. Whatever you want to call it – we didn’t work out. It wasn’t meant to be. You’re a Capricorn and I’m a better person.

  20. Your face, when your sitting there and your plans fail. Your face, it drops, its had dropped. It happens to me a lot, I get used to it. Your heart, when you see something beautiful, or cute. It sinks to the bottom of your stomach and swells with bliss. A negative connotation? No, neither negative nor positive. Dropped.

    by Jennifer on 01.28.2011
  21. A single sound, like a bell. Clear and silver. Then, the crack of a gun and a hundred reflective pieces scattered across the floor.

  22. dropped by myself, dropped by everyone. i sit and think. i am alone. i’ve been forever forgotten. and the thing is i really don’t mind. i like it down here. all alone. no one around. it’s lonely, but i’m not.

    by Rose on 01.28.2011
  23. It took forever to think of what to give him for Valentine’s Day. I knew he was with someone else, but i’d never given up on the hope that maybe he still felt the same way I felt about him. So when I dropped off the package at his house, I was sure to leave a note that read, “I love you. Even after all this time… I think I still love you.” And I left my phone number, just in case he’d forgotten what it was in the month since we’d fallen apart.

  24. I’ve dropped my feelings –
    Right into the wastebasket
    Who wants to be burden by these masochistic stirrings?
    Regrets and pain for what you cannot have, but need.

    I reach into the basket, and pull out the balled up paper
    steeped in all my random scribbles –
    I can’t stop what needs to be expressed –
    as sad and pathetic as it is –
    I know there’s nothing more real than what I feel for you right now
    And how feel for you – I’m afraid will change me…

    by on 01.28.2011
  25. my heart drops every time i think about you with them. i say them because its not just one girl. its all of them. every one you look at, everyone you kissed, everyone but me. it drops. out of my chest and shatters. gone. but i cant think of that. cause your with me, again. like always..

    by danielle delapine on 01.28.2011
  26. I dropped the package off at his house. Finally.

    It’s full of his old things. And, despite the fact that we’ve been broken up for three months now, I stuck a note on the top that reads, “I love you.”

  27. I dropped my balls into her mouth. she was lifeless and yet I could hear her. there were ten seconds left until all would be revealed, so I tried to make my escape. The batteries in my controller died, and I had to stay, for I could not exit the pandemonium after that halo match.

    by LunchBokth on 01.28.2011
  28. What does it matter that I’ve dropped it again? It seems that every time I breathe, it comes forth to me again–still hear, subject not left. I don’t care though. That was long ago–this is now.

    I dropped it again?

    I’ll pick up right from where I left off.

    by on 01.28.2011
  29. Dropping every bit of existence in my life. Losing all that there is to lose, yet ultimately gaining something never before anticipated. It’s strange that time makes losing things such an insignificant occurrence. Dropping the facade of not caring.

    by Betty on 01.28.2011
  30. he left my heart on the screen of his cell phone. i never spoke to him again after that.

    by Em on 01.28.2011
  31. we were dropped off. We are falling into the great unknown. The threads are snapping and the basket is running. The music is playing from some ghost behind me. Elliott Smith candle burns proudly. The world is spinning upside down. The words and the world go around and round. Today is a huricaneeee

    by Mark Somers on 01.28.2011
  32. I don’t know what to write. dropped makes me think of babies dropped on their head. which is sad. and stuff. I’m kinda sad. don’t know why. Maybe that’s why I think of babies with brain damage. That’s a bad thing to think of, really, I should stop. ummmmmm this is far too depressing.jmnutunnunyynynwbfmn,t.kuzytdfioszhxskdvndfjigijdfnkjvugidfngijhnbfjkvdfjkbdgujsb vjbznol,ikmujnyhbgtvfrcdxrvbhynujmik,ol,ol,ikmujnhybgtvfcrdxszrfvtyhnik,p;.ol,kimjunhbgvfcdxszedcrgvyhnujmik,p;.ol,ikmujnhbgvfcdxszedxrfvtgbyhnujmik,ol,kimjunhybgtvfcrdexszwwdcrfvthnyjmik,o<– Noelle is dumb.

    by Bubba on 01.28.2011
  33. The ball dropped.
    As did I.
    I dropped beyond the atmosphere.
    And all the way out of it.
    Into the abyss went I.
    And I alone.
    Lonely I’m not, but together with me.
    I am.

    by Erica Heim on 01.28.2011
  34. So my jaw dropped and his drawers dropped. it was a falling out of friendship really, that’s what happened. its like the floor just dropped out from under everything we had built upon. I picked up my heart from where it was lying on the floor, crumpled it up in my hand and threw it at him. “I hope the next girl just drops you!”

    by leah on 01.28.2011
  35. I dropped a jar of milk on the floor and my cat came and licked it and I thought “Damn, why am I so clumsy”. When that jar of milk hit the ground, it felt not only like the glass, but also my heart shatteret. This makes absolutely no sense.

    by Clumsycat on 01.28.2011
  36. the flower dropped suddenly to the floor… it’s petals crushing themselves under their own pressure… no longer lovely and flawless… now it’s blossom was deeply human…

    Like all of us… wilted and alone.

    by Rainydayinmay on 01.28.2011
  37. one day i was dropped on my head and it was bad, but thats ok because i drop a lot of things, like this one thing i had in my hand once, i dropped it, but then i picked it back up and that was cool because then it was in my hand again. this other time i dropped the ball, but that was because i was late and i needed to get some rest, so when i dropped my head on the pillow i had no choice but to be late for work, no big deal

    by Miguel on 01.28.2011
  38. and when it dropeed i saw it
    the faces and the feelings of what happens when you give up
    letting go of all responisbity
    it broke me
    watching those faces and feelings judging my grip
    it froze me
    and i dont think im ever going to thaw

    by hayley on 01.28.2011
  39. I dropped the ball. I let go. I didn’t mean for it to happen but it did. Wonderful. How pointless life can be. Just a waste. I thought it would never catch up to me but it did…

  40. I feel like someone dropped me from a tall building, exhausted by the fear of the fall. Ready to land in a soft bed because I am so tired.