
July 22nd, 2010 | 270 Entries

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270 Entries for “driven”

  1. i’ve driven my car one hundred thousand miles. i’ve driven my life for 23 years. driving gives a sense of control that doesn’t ever exist. we’re always out of control. we think that we’re driving, but in reality we’re being driven.

    by sarah on 07.22.2010
  2. you have to keep driving the road may pass before you and disfigure and coalesce but there is a certain road somewhere that you must hold onto as true, let pass these illusions, let pass the breathlessness and the panic, let pass the derision and the almighty
    and drive

    by a on 07.22.2010
  3. i drove a car to the store yesterday I got milk and eggs for my honey bunches so I could make him an egg salad sandwhich for work. He was very happy even though I spelled sandwich wrong the first time… that is all…

    by Jessica on 07.22.2010
  4. the man was driven to kill the women. she was his ex wife, and cheated on him constantly. he didnt even know why he still loved her. maybe it was because she was hot. maybe it was herboobs. maybe it was because she drove him to be his best person.

  5. People in the local town were surpirse by the lots of people flocking in a local store. They didn’t know that there was something special and mnagical

    by rep iop on 07.22.2010
  6. “Where am I being driven?”
    “Sorry Miss…we can’t tell you.”
    “Who are you?”
    Her continued queries were unanswered, and only her hearing served to help her know where she was. After what seemed like forever, the blindfold was taken off and she stared up at the giant house she was being pushed towards.

  7. I was driven to a stand still as I stared at the electric blue orbs that was his eyes.

  8. Are you driven? I’m trying to be. For school, for my future career. Just need to figure out some things. But I am determined. I will figure this out, make plans, and put them in motion. Can’t wait to see what the future holds.

    by Charlee on 07.22.2010
  9. Sometimes I wonder why I’m not more driven. I don’t feel driven to go to college, pick a career, start my life, etc. I don’t even feel driven to drive. I hate driving, and when I get my license I will drive only when absolutely necessary.

    by Brianna on 07.22.2010
  10. i’m driven toward a goal. driven to be better, driven to be whole. but that’s hard to do when all the while i’ve been driving and i’ve crashed head on into disaster.

  11. Driven by what drove me to insanity
    Driven by the friends I choose to keep
    Driven by the lies I see in your eyes
    Driven by the anger that I choose to hide

    by Jake Farrell on 07.22.2010
  12. I word that so many look to be like, some make it, some ignore it. Either way a word worth the letters.

    by Al on 07.22.2010
  13. brand new
    unbarred by any surrounding disfunction
    fear is the fuel that powers all the unatural whims to succeed
    defiance in a way
    that compells and completes the inner need

    by Destiney on 07.22.2010
  14. Looking into this glass prison before me, I cannot help but feel sorrow for the lowly frightened creature that seems to be forever fleeing his malicious tormentor. To know that what drives a creature, no matter how pleasant or miserable, is what the creature may eventually become, is a sad knowing, though a necessary one.

  15. His name was Driven. And oh how he drove. The countryside feared him.

  16. Maisie had always been driven. Ever since she was five, she had felt the need to be the best, to have the best. The best shoes, the best toys, the best grades and now at seventeen the best boyfriend. Brock was exactly what she wanted, no needed.

  17. Driven. I am driven to live my life. Driven to be free. Driven to love everyone and myself, no matter who or what or how you may tell me I am supposed to love. And nothing will ever stop me.

  18. Driven. A state of mind that many strive for. Many fail, many succeed..which will I fall into? Time will tell.

    by Robert on 07.22.2010
  19. There is a word for people like her, driven. Controlled works, also compelled. She looked as though she were on fire inside, burning up under the desire or whatever it was to do the impossible. She seemed always to be moving, unable to sit still as though her skin could not contain her. That is how they seem, driven by the desire.

    by on 07.22.2010
  20. I hate being driven, it’s just one of my pet peeves. I mean, it’s not like I can’t stand it and will never let someone drive me somewhere but I don’t really enjoy being out of control. It’s just one of those things, you know? I can’t help it, it’s how I am.

    by on 07.22.2010
  21. The car was going down the road and the old laqdy was going too slow and everyone was beeping at her. She couldn’t help it because she was shrinking and her old lady feet couldn’t reach the pedals.

    by gretchen on 07.22.2010
  22. I am not driven. I am not motivated, and I am not ambitious. I do not have any huge goals or dreams that I plan to pursue. I just sit and let life pass me by, not heading toward anything at all. And I fear that is how I will always be. I am not driven.

  23. there are days when i feel driven to accomplish something, to learn something, to create something, to feel something. then i realize that i am just the vehicle.

  24. I wish i had the drive to be driven. Drive is what executes ambition’s plans.

  25. i am driven to go further with my business than ever before. One of the reasons is due to the ever increasing idea that I am needed. I am driven to take my company into a realm of possibilities that only I can control.

    by nowlin roberts on 07.22.2010
  26. Her voice drove him to the edge of insanity, making his pulse race, making his thoughts muddle and spin until they were a mural of *her*. Her touch stole the breath from his lungs, the sense from his words. Her quiet presence caused his skin to flush and his heart to ache.
    She was affected by how she affected him; he was so painfully beautiful when he was flustered. At the same time, she wanted to relieve his confused misery by telling him how she felt. But every time she tried, his symptoms afflicted her and drowned everything she wanted to say.
    But, she thought, better to have this sickness for the rest of her days than to live apart from him.
    He thought the same.

  27. she stands on the street corner, shivering in her bra and skirt
    knowing that this wasn’t what she wanted for her life, knowing that she didn’t even really need the money
    the truth was, this was the only way she knew
    the only way to be touched by someone else, to feel a connection
    she never had relationships, only this; detached, lustful, but this mediocre sex was the closest she’d ever gotten
    and so she stands there every night
    putting up with the cold, the bad reputation, the dangers of disease
    driven by the desire to be loved

  28. Oh she was driven. Trying to reach those goals she had set for herself, sometimes she didn’t even know why she had to go there, but she felt driven and close to madness but she had to go on and on and on ….

    by samsam on 07.22.2010
  29. Driven to succeed, or driven to fail. Are we driven to either of those or do we just land somewhere haphazardly? Being driven is exhausting. Sometimes I just want to chill out, “undriven.” yep.

  30. He pushed her boundaries, her mind, her will. He pushed her until she wanted to give in, and still she sparred, still she trained, still she fought.

    Sometimes, he used knives. Sometimes, staves. Sometimes, he wouldn’t use anything at all, simply chasing her around the practice mat, landing blows at every opportunity.

    And then, one day, he’d driven her too far.

  31. I wish that this morning when I woke up I felt driven. I also wish that as the day wore on I experienced some drive. Unfortunately, it’s just not in the cards today.

    by Midge on 07.22.2010
  32. The car was driven to downtown’s bus station. Driven through the woods, that’s where he would comit the crime. That’s if he wasn’t found dead before.

  33. I’m driven to write by one word. I’m driven to cry by one word. I’m driven to laugh by one sentence. I’m driven to the brink of insanity by the drop of a hat. Today I’m driven to sigh and hope and pray that today will be the last day of the withdrawal.

    by D on 07.22.2010
  34. Haha, driven. Well this is the word I got last time. I’m driven to get a new word I guess you could say. but I’m also driven to get a drivers license too.

    by SJ Rowe on 07.22.2010
  35. its what i was before i became successful. Now all i care about is hapiness and doing something that makes me happy. I dont feel like i have alot of drive nowadays…

    by Jen on 07.22.2010
  36. Motivation behind actions the nobody else understands. Do what you want to do. Believe in what you believe in. Stand up for what drives you and never forget why you are here.

  37. driven. its something that you are, its something that makes you do things. i don’t know how some people get this mysterious feeling implanted into their hearts — mine is thoroughly lacking these days. how do people water this little seed, nurture it, allow it to kiss them with motivating kisses?

    by Quinn on 07.22.2010
  38. I feel driven by the Buddha’s mind. Our souls are alike. I’m a reflection of him. He is a reflection of me, and every other person on the planet. They are driven too. They just don’t know it yet.

    by SJ Rowe on 07.22.2010
  39. a passion for something. I have driven my car. I am driven to do something. Driven Driven Driven accomplish.

    by Conner on 07.22.2010
  40. I had to get there. There was a snowstorm, but it didn’t stop me. There was a delay at the airport, but that didn’t get in my way. I had to get there. When I arrived, I saw that even with my best effort, I was too late. I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

    by Brett on 07.22.2010