
December 8th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “drift”

  1. The sun shone fell upon her left cheek and in her left eye. Her head was all that was all the sun could caress- bobbing on top of the waves. The rest of her was submerged and languorous, It was nice to drift in the current.

  2. I don’t want to drift away,
    I am left thinking I’m built this way,
    I know I don’t want it always,
    but I leave it,
    and I’m drifting
    and i’m left drifting away,
    away away away,
    and though I see it,
    I’m alone,
    adoring the times I see it,
    just drifting.

    by y047h on 12.08.2023
  3. The wind blew strong enough that it nearly pushed him over. He had to crawl, with the snow flakes cutting his face. Then he found the snow drift towering above him and the wind slowed enough that he could rest for a while.

    by Chanpheng on 12.08.2023
  4. makes me feel aloof- like driftwood freeto go anywhere get almost no control where you
    end up Ielike the wordand the feeling drift driftdrift
    drift wood

    by ASHLIE MAE on 12.08.2023
  5. I am writing a book about my experience during the events in the Peruvian Embassy in Havana, 1980.