
May 28th, 2011 | 498 Entries

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498 Entries for “despair”

  1. its hard to feel anything good because you have lost everything. its too much to think about you have nothing. nowhere to go. nothing to do. no hope. no peace. only grief.

    by Rebecca on 05.28.2011
  2. Emo and depressing. But then it’s as though you tried for something and you failed. But you didn’t just fail, you failed epically. Like badly. If we were on the same team, I would punch you in the mouth. ^-^ I give despair.

    by Kharrington on 05.28.2011
  3. Despair. Dare to believe that life is fair.
    It’s not.

    I’m learning to live with this.

    I always wondered what it would be like to lose a friend to the grips of death. I never really wanted to find out though. I find myself ignoring such despair most of the time. Sometimes I cry. But I feel I’m ignoring most of what I feel in order to survive at this very moment.


    My friends are almost 300 miles away from me right now. This was my choice; however, I can’t seem to comprehend why I am being ignored by all of them since they left this town on a visit.

    Oh, despair. I don’t want to talk about you for any longer.

  4. Sadness at the loss of mark nearly destroyed her. It shook her to the core to think that she would never see him again. Her love was gone and she was left alone with her despair.

    by Micki on 05.28.2011
  5. lonely nobody to hang out with, just finished a rehearsal on a saturday night and I wanted to go see m friends sketch show, I asked like 20 people to come with me but no one could go, I didnt get to go, instead i stayed home all night and felt sad about it

    by lola on 05.28.2011
  6. I have felt despair in my life, when I have been very depressed and in sole charge of my children. I have felt despair that I will ever feel joy again, that I will ever get to a time in my life when I don’t hate myself; loathe myself. Felt despair that I am ruining my children’s lives. I can manage my depression very well now, without drugs, and it feels good :) I haven’t felt despair for two years.

  7. disparaging is a sad longing a sad love lost that will never be back a darkness in your soul nothing can fill.

    by anna on 05.28.2011
  8. despair is not a word i thought about today. it was my sister’s graduation and i was incredibly happy all day! i love going to commencements. the ceremony is so full of hope and opportunity. i can’t wait until i graduate again. yet i always feel a bit sad when i have to say goodbye.

    by Susie on 05.28.2011
  9. i want nothig from despair

    by suraj on 05.28.2011
  10. Amid the cacophony, Lauren hung her head in despair. As usual, the prize slipped through her fingers like star systems through Grand Moff Tarkin’s. “Dammit, Lauren, get your head in the game,” she snapped out loud as she marched back to the free-throw line. This next shot meant the game, and everyone knew it. Lauren closed her eyes, pictured her favorite small, green-skinned guru, and threw the ball. Everyone hushed until the soft swoosh that meant, “Nothing, but net.” Lauren lifted her fists in the air and cried, “Do or not do, there is no try!”

    by Izolda on 05.28.2011
  11. sad desprate for help, needing ,deppression ,loss of words

    by jsutine on 05.28.2011
  12. I feel despair on days like these when I’ve been beat up emotionally and don’t see a way out. When I feel entirely alone, but not because of me, but because others have made me feel this way. When I feel like a shade of deep dark blue and I’ve sunken into the depths. When there’s clouds.

    by Emma on 05.28.2011
  13. My life is not so despairing. I think it is often, but it is not really. My biggest problem is not getting paid enough, or reading Hamlet by tuesday which is two days away. That’s pretty much it. And being in love with my married manager. Which is wierd since I have a boyfriend but that is no real despair

    by Coco on 05.28.2011
  14. It hits me out of the blue like a ton of books.
    Not bricks, books.
    Because bricks just are physical. The thing with books is there is some weight to them. Something in them. Knowledge that you can’t know until you look inside. And they when they hit you there is so much potential in there for the knowing, but all you get is the hurt.

    by Kat on 05.28.2011
  15. I despaired at the thought of taking another test. No.. The SAT? Just kill me.

    by Jade Stewart on 05.28.2011
  16. oh god what a word to give me right now. despair. i don’t know. it’s a hard word to think about. it’s the sort of feeling that is physical and a bit like falling. but without the landing to look forward to or dread. just the falling. just the feeling right in the center of your chest that crushes you.

    by Kat on 05.28.2011
  17. The donut fell from her hand onto the mud. She picked it up and was about to bite into again, and then it fell onto a broccoli patch, and it smeared all over it. Ick, health.

    And so she despaired over the loss of her donut.

  18. Despair isnt an easy thing to write about. If you havent felt it then you just dont know. You have to feel it to understand it. Despair hurts, but its a feeling. A strong one. I dont know how people can be truly happy without ever once feeeling dispair.

    by Amalie on 05.28.2011
  19. contemplate the emptiness of your life and compare it to the breadth of a painting: thought, paint, words, sounds, pictures, love, time, lost, all. A universe could sit within the layers of oils and you’d never know because instead of looking you’re waiting for the bus to come and thinking only about the ticking hands in your fifty dollar watch

    by Ali on 05.28.2011
  20. I depair over the fact that when you turned that corner you walked out of my life forever, but even more for the fact that I dont think you ever knew my name. I wanted to talk to you so badly but you were so eliusive. You could have sang me pretty songs…I could have loved you like nobody else knows how.

    by tori on 05.28.2011
  21. Hope was the last thing left in Pandora’s box, Hope helps us Despair plunges people into a blacknes in which they drown . this ink black substance is sticky and it’s victims can hardly breathe ‘ they are like the eagle who is pinned to a rock for hundreds of years and birds peck away at his liver , When they pray for

    by Anna Grogan on 05.28.2011
  22. despair means you are being sad and you regret doing something. Maybe because you are in trouble over something and now you cannot get over it. I think when someone is in despair it means that they are in trouble or did something bad. The worse part about is that they cannot do anything about it. It is as if they are stuck in a dilemma

    by chandra on 05.28.2011
  23. This is about the opposite of what I’m feeling.. and I was in a good mood so I don’t really wanna write about despair. But I think about death. OR parents sitting next to their 7 yr old little girl who is dying of cancer as they shout out prayers to God hoping to do anything to bargin with him to spare her life. Their shouts are cries of despair. But from despair comes hope too.. at some point.

    by Kristen on 05.28.2011
  24. A state in which you are left longing, lost. The feeling of complete hopelessness, sorrow. I am in great despair when there is no food in the fridge. DESPAIR!

    by lindsay on 05.28.2011
  25. despair
    when you cease to care
    it feels like no one is there
    everything is bare
    you’re pulling out hair
    shoot off a flare

    by Luke on 05.28.2011
  26. Despair.
    It’s like sadness, but not only sadness but heartbrokenss and lonliness.
    It’s what comes to haunt and pain the ones we love at midnight.
    It’s unlike any other word.

    by Ashlyn on 05.28.2011
  27. Once upon a time I read about how words only encompass the most simple/objective emotions. Essentially, they only scratch the surface of what truly exists. There could be, essentially, a complex of emotions that seem to internally conflict in their adjective composition. How about the relief of the death of a family member?

    by S Halle on 05.28.2011
  28. I fell into a great black pit, and I swear
    It might well have been likened to despair
    Of snakes and spiders that prickled my hair
    And caused me to retreat into my lair

  29. despair is black, not shiny black, but dark, unyielding black that sucks you in like the empty vaccuum of space. Despair is neither cold nor warm, but nothing, no feeling but emptiness nothing but simple despair.

  30. Despair was my emotion as i found out i failed my math class the other day.
    i’m hopeless in math
    and i failed
    .7% away from a passing grade
    i’m not going to lie
    it’s been a long time since i’ve cried that hard
    and what makes it worse is the fact that it is 100% my fault
    and i have to deal with that for the rest of my life

  31. O my what despair. Despair that I cannot pair, for one is missing. The one with the tattered lace; that is singular. Despair, for i like my shoe.

    by ian on 05.28.2011
  32. I fell into this great black pit, I swear
    It could well have been likened to despair

    by Anna on 05.28.2011
  33. She felt it. The hurt that started deep down from the bottom of her heart, that heavy emptiness of a heart shattered. It was as if a part of her had gone with him, left when he did. Nothing would ever be the same.

    by Erin on 05.28.2011
  34. I’ve heard people say that life is ten percent what happens to you, and ninety percent how you perceive what happens to you. Despair is a perception of life. Rejoice.

    by Ian Martella on 05.28.2011
  35. i havnt been able to hold your hand, kiss your lips, feel your touch , or hear your laugh. the greatest despair of all is to not be able to be with the love. its is greater than death. it is living without a purpose.

    by beautyfoley22 on 05.28.2011
  36. I feel despair. It’s like the word was meant for me. My whole world, crumbling down, and I can do nothing. I am glued to the ground, forced to gaze at the remains… my home, my friends, or what they were, and just my life… disappearing into a puzzle.

    by Maria Rodz on 05.28.2011
  37. It was with despair that I left the playground. I didn’t even know what despair was, but I knew I had something bad. Why in God’s name did this have to happen. It could have been some other time and I wouldn’t have been there.

  38. my best friend. always hurting. cutting herself. falling in love to hard and to fast, with guys who never even dreamed of her hurt. suicidal thoughts. i need to help her. how can i help her? i love her. and i cant let her go.

    by Max on 05.28.2011
  39. This dark long hallway of forever, stretches before me like an empty page waiting to be filled and not knowing what to write I am filled with a longing, a sort of despair that reaches into the distance with a fierce hunger. The sort of feeling I always get when the page awaits the touch of a brush, the ink of a pen and I lack the knowledge and the finesse to get the image out of my mind and transcribed onto the crisp white landscape of the page.

    by kat on 05.28.2011
  40. Despair… Despair.. Despair.. I just keep sitting here. What does it even really mean?

    loss of hope; hopelessness